Why are you all so weird? Now I don't know if all of you are weird but, please read on before you start to annoy me.
I decided to give RPing a try, I was wrong oh god was I wrong. I joined a Demon only VG in City of Heroes, and if someone could tell me why everyone who RPs always plays their character like a pre puberty girl? Why is it yuo all make chick characters, then go mack on other chick characters when most of you are guys? Don't you see how sick that is?
But back to my original question, why would yo play a blood hungry demon like a little girl. And WHY GOD WHY does a RP gathering turn into a Goth Kid Party without the fat girls, cheap alcohol, and nightmare before christmas playing? Shouldn't people RPing characters that are savages you know ACT like a savage and not a giddy child?
Sorry had to get that off my chest, but any feedback would be fun to read =D
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
The beauty of role playing is that it's exactly that, role playing. You, or anyone else for that matter, can't say it's good or bad, as it's a highly personalized and subjective pass time. If you don't like it, leave and find a role play situation that's more in line with your taste. You calling it weird or dumb, or whatever, does nothing but make you look like an ignorant child, so it's best to usually just walk away.
For new RP adopters I usually suggest finding MUD or MUSH that really interests you and start from there. Since these gamres are 90% imagination, it really forces you to learn the joy or role playing a character and growing him/her with a backstory and ideals you find fun. There's some great, very active games out there that are perfect for newbies and a quick search in google will give you a whole list.
If you insist on starting with an MMORPG to cut your role play teeth on my next suggestion is: ASWY. Always start with you. Developing a good back story, going with an attitude and chracter you really find fun to play is best way to fall in line with a RP venue you can really get into. Think back to when you read a book and how the writer described a character you liked, remember the back story, the physical attributes and general feeling around that character. Doing this is good reference point on how to grow and develope your own character into something you might find worth spending some time on.
Lastly, yes theres going to be some cliquish groups in RP communities, that comes with the territory but when you find the right group of role players and you really get into a good story line with a good character, you'll find there are very few ways to really get that much satisfaction out of any game.
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I used to do quite lot of role play. I travelled all the tournament circuits, played table top RPGs and attended Live Roleplay events.
As long as you find a funny bunch of people it's great fun.
However those miserable gothers are always out there. They are big into RP and infest large elements of it with their misery worship.
Perhaps the worst bunch of RPer's I ever had the pleasure of was the Vampire world of Darkness brigade. My god. What a pathetic bunch of over serious drongos. My favourite bunches have been a local group of lads and the European D&D staff. They are quite simply hysterical comic geniae.
When I go out socially with these people, I don't have a lot in common with them. One is for example a policeman, another a postman and a third an oscar winning Hollywood technician. Although I like them all, we don't have a lot of common ground to discuss, and our idealogies, backgrounds, lifestyles and sensebilites are often very conflicting. However, once we are roleplaying, none of that counts for dick. Who I am or where I'm from, is no longer an issue. Things about ourselves as individuals that could quite possibly start a fight over 5 pints or 10 are irrelevant.
The roles take over and the wit and comedy ensues. Unmarked by social order.
When Geroge Bush plays Gandalf in-character online, nobody hates him and no one asks him about Iraq or unemployment. Drug dealers game with the Drug Squad. Lawyers with anarchists. It's liberating the way it can break down normal social barriers.
Sounds to me that you picked a wrong group to start your RP career with.
Do what Shae said and start with your own character. Once your at ease with it, then start looking for a group.
Check the Supergroups and Roleplay forums on the official forums, too. You can have a good feeling of what sort of group is out there.
Also, groups that spam in a channel or another to get recruits tend not to be the best ones you can find. You'll get the best experience by meeting people first, and then joining their SG if it suits you.
Yes, it takes alot of patience that way because you won't find a SG or even friends at the very start, but patience is always rewarded.
the problem here is that there is nothing like a RP license.
so how good, bad, miserable, heroic or savage guys you find, it is completely random. Everybody has their style, some are compatible and others ain't.
So please, do not think all rp is like that, even if mmorpg rp tends to be a bit... well... under tone lately, consider it has huge amount of variety.
so you got yourself in the crappy tv series of rp. but be sure that the Battlestar galactics, heroes and so on are out there, just need to find them.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
There are tons of diffrent RP styles. And alot of weirdos. I try to RP as much as i can in all MMO i play. But sometimes its impossibly because of all idiotes.
So i understand that you have seen some weird shit.
You have to find those who RP in the "middle" of the spectrum, not to obsessed, but not to much "avatar player" either.
I know many RPs that love to scare away noob RP people. They clam to do this so they can continue to pretend to be heroes in theire little world