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1355713557 Member Posts: 42

Voyage Century is in my opinion one of the best free 3D games on it is set in the 1700s in the age of exploration. when you first start out you get a little bit of money and a tiny little boat. you can start out in either Alexandria or Athens. Athens is one of the biggest trade cities in the Mediterranean. you can develop you character in a number of ways you can be the leader of a guild of knights, be a great admiral for your chosen country be a pirate or even start your own trading company.

trading is unique in VC you can buy goods from the trader in your town and they sell for different prices at other towns. so i could buy bananas in Lisbon and sell them for a big profit in London. you can use your money to build better ships to transport more goods. if your guild or business gets real powerful you can take control of a town. i not exactly sure of all the benefits of being in control of a town but i think your guild gets all the tax money from other traders. fighting guilds are cool mainly because of the role playing. some fighting guilds are armies for their country others are Holy orders of knights. besides trading and fighting there are simpler roles you could play such as creating weapons, clothes, building ships, starting a lumber company or Farming. lumber is used to make ships, miners get material for making weapons and when you Farm you can make special potions to regain health. 
there are a few bad points that hold the game down. one is the point and click move system. but after a while you get used to it and dont really notice it as much. the land combat is lacking something too. you just click on your enemy and watch him fight. but as you get better with your sword or rifle you can get better attack moves like some fancy fast slashing sword moves or a sniper shot with a rifle that can shoot someone far off in the distance. one thing that can get a little annoying as the game is still young alot of people just stay in the Mediterranean cities. far off cities in Asia, Africa and northern Europe are almost deserted except for the NPCs. hopefully this will change and people will start to spread out more as the game expands and gets bigger
All in All this is a great Free MMORPG that will keep you occupied for a while. the game is still young and getting bigger. new cities are popping up in America and Asia. and new features are being planned for the future such as a marriage system and a player housing system. so if your looking for a good free RPG i would defiantly recommend this


  • 55665566 Member Posts: 7
    Originally posted by 13557

    Voyage Century is in my opinion one of the best free 3D games on it is set in the 1700s in the age of exploration. when you first start out you get a little bit of money and a tiny little boat. you can start out in either Alexandria or Athens. Athens is one of the biggest trade cities in the Mediterranean. you can develop you character in a number of ways you can be the leader of a guild of knights, be a great admiral for your chosen country be a pirate or even start your own trading company.

    trading is unique in VC you can buy goods from the trader in your town and they sell for different prices at other towns. so i could buy bananas in Lisbon and sell them for a big profit in London. you can use your money to build better ships to transport more goods. if your guild or business gets real powerful you can take control of a town. i not exactly sure of all the benefits of being in control of a town but i think your guild gets all the tax money from other traders. fighting guilds are cool mainly because of the role playing. some fighting guilds are armies for their country others are Holy orders of knights. besides trading and fighting there are simpler roles you could play such as creating weapons, clothes, building ships, starting a lumber company or Farming. lumber is used to make ships, miners get material for making weapons and when you Farm you can make special potions to regain health. 
    there are a few bad points that hold the game down. one is the point and click move system. but after a while you get used to it and dont really notice it as much. the land combat is lacking something too. you just click on your enemy and watch him fight. but as you get better with your sword or rifle you can get better attack moves like some fancy fast slashing sword moves or a sniper shot with a rifle that can shoot someone far off in the distance. one thing that can get a little annoying as the game is still young alot of people just stay in the Mediterranean cities. far off cities in Asia, Africa and northern Europe are almost deserted except for the NPCs. hopefully this will change and people will start to spread out more as the game expands and gets bigger
    All in All this is a great Free MMORPG that will keep you occupied for a while. the game is still young and getting bigger. new cities are popping up in America and Asia. and new features are being planned for the future such as a marriage system and a player housing system. so if your looking for a good free RPG i would defiantly recommend this
    i m interested in the last paragraph

    Dunno whether u r an ooficial/GM/spokeman of the game

    wish to see this on the official web site

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