Somebody knows more about it?...
WWIIOnline: Battleground Europe it's internally developing a new graphics engine... and it will have a new terrain.
But the enterprise doesn't leak much info... has somebody more news about it?.
This is the kind of news that mmorpg should research to incorporate it into his articles.
WWII battles will be impresive with a new "next-gen" graphics engine.
But i smell a big piece of cake... on going.
I bet that they will release some videos for 25th of December, since the fall of 2007 ends in 22th of December.
gluglu, I can't understand what the video you linked have to do with WWII online.
They are from Introversion, the software house that made great games like Uplink, Darwinia and Defcon. What is the releation between them and Cornered Rats?
-- - Online Games News
I've also read about the Nimble and Windlight engines in the WWIIOnline's developers blogs:
cool.. will be nice of they do upgrade the engine
Im ight start playing.. i did trial the game a while back but could not get past the C64 graphics, tho I hered they have improved it a few years back. .so i might take a look again..