And as expected my character was demolished. My Master Carbineer/Ranger was not longer that, so I chose bounty hunter.
The new camera setup is horrible. It just sucks.
Half of the stuff in my inventory I could no longer use. I had many custom-crafted carbines and quest carbines that I all could not use because I wasn't level 80. Yet, I was using them just fine back in the day. Huh?
My house was gone. Although I guess that could be expected since the house was sitting for 2+ years doing nothing.
So I logged out, and un-installed.
A toon that I had spent years building up was completely demolished. This was the first time I've tried NGE SWG, and it left me completely heart-broken.
Same thing happened to me when I tried it out. My fencer/pistoleer got turned into a smuggler, and I couldn't use 3/4 of my inventory. My houses were gone, and I couldn't wear my armor.
I had to do some stupid tutorial through Han Solo to get a speeder. My credits were gone.
Years of work on a character GONE.
To make matter worse, I wanted to give the NGE a shot and it just flat stunk. It was like playing Nintendo after having played XBox 360 for 2 years... Camera was horrid, the combat gave me a headache, and the game just lacked anything fun. It was quite depressing to see just HOW BAD the NGE made SWG. Very sad.
I'm also playing the 14 vets trial and enjoying the game a lot, so I guess its a matter of taste.
I simply started a new toon as I knew my former Pistoller/smuggler would be even more broke now then when I left (and it was very broken back then (2004), so I started a smugler in the new game and I'm enjoying it a lot.
Some like yelow and others like blue
I agree with you on the return trip to SWG. Who long was your break? Mine was 22 months -SOE Imposed.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
"A place for disgruntled former and current SWG players to talk about the game that was and the game that now is, as well as for newcomers who are curious about the issues surrounding the changes that this game has undergone."
So if one really is to consider who has "a right to post on this forum" (not my words), simply being a veteran is less important - being a disgruntled player or a newcomer, however, is a prerequisite.
You should do whatever you want, just like me.
And to the user that pointed that we should be against soe to post here, or at least be pissed with something about SWG: In current game I am a newcommer, and also I used to be a disgruntled player
Long post on the way that refects only my opinion, I do not represent the president of the world or anything like that, its not intended to flame anyone or start any kind of flame wars, I like Wars yes, but with Stars in the beggining
I left the game because I didnt like it back in 2004 when the hologring (christmas present in 2003 helped that a lot) destroyed the game. I had friends that were top armorsmiths that I found in the cantina AFK and were novice entertainers using macros (they even asked for tips while not beeing there...), others that where great TKAs and were the tanks in our groups were now novice scouts, and so on, so on.
Hologrind destroyed the game in my eyes, because everyone (80% of the people I had in Friend list) where after beeing jedi, and I was happy beeing a pistoleer and doing missions with my friends, if by a chance I would unlock the jedi char great but I would not play in that direction. (I even remember to feel somekind of magic before they explain that you just had to master 5 random or so professions of the 30+ to be one... that just ruined the sence that everyone might be a jedi (random picked when you created your account I belived) and replaced by everyone that can grind or make good macros can be one...)
In 2 months it was hard to find relliable armor or weaponsmiths as we never knew what the damn 2nd, 3rd, etc holo would tell them next...
Beside that the absulutly no content the game had was getting on my nerves, having to create your own content was working when people where around to play, not in some cave killing nightsisters.
In NGE we have Jedi as a starter profession, is this good? No but it was the lots of people back in 2003/2004 (The Veterans of SWG today) wanted so bad to be jedis that soe just make it easy for everyone to be one. Wrong call as I know the elder jedis worked a lot for the title (even if in my opinion grinding just shows some have more time than others and is an unfair way to give anything to anyone)and now any newcommer can be one, but in Soe mind was: "If 80% of our playerbase is after Jedis, we should make them available at the beginning and instead of 250.000 players we will have 1.000.000."
We all know the result!
I started playing now and choose a Smugler, that just shows how much jedi I want to be, and guess what, in Chimaera theres lots of Jedis but theres lots of non jedis to (much more than I was expecting to encounter), so everyone is happy. The trader is trader because he want to be, not because the hologram told him to.
I also know there was a village somewhere in SWG (I dindt play at that time) and it replaced the Hologrind for Villagegrind, but to me SWG was already wounded for death with that kind of play.
The perfect SWG would have a little of every part of the game's life, it would be great to have that variation of professions, although we never had all the profession fixed and balanced (smugler was a joke, creature handler was too strong, then too weak, rifleman was way overpowered, combat medic was god among mens, fencer in the beggining was there because they just needed one more profession as it was total crap, then it became a good one but pistoller just dind't work, you get the picture)
Now we have 9 professions, and are better balanced than before as its a lot easier to balance 9 instead of the 30+ there was, the game has a nice line of quests that will have the newcommers playing with a purpose once the (hey I'm in Star Wars effect wears off) and that is good in my book.
To ended this gigantic post I wold just say this:
There are 3 or more type of Vets:
The ones that will never play and even post on a forum that has Star Wars Galaxies in it
The ones that are still pissed but cant let go and continue to live out of memories
The ones that simply accept that the game changed and went back to give it a look, and then they may like it and play it or not and just move away.
So far I like it.
Peace to all of you, afterall even if my opinion is the oposite from yours, we all have something in common: We all like Star Wars