Like the topic says, in your opinion which MMO has the best pet class(es)? Now, by best I mean overall fun, depth, and variety.
Personally I enjoyed playing a mastermind in city of villians. Being able to control multiple pets (which have a variety of skills at their disposal) and having a supplementry skill tree to draw additional powers from, made playing a mastermind very enjoyable and popular.
I enjoyed the pet classes in Everquest the best.
The Necormancer was my favorite summoning undead minions both skeletons and wraiths.
The Conjeror could summon earth, wind, fire, and water elementals. All had their differnt streangths and weaknesses.
The Beastlord came later, but it was a very popular class. Basically it was a melee class that relied a lot on it's pet which would be differnt depending on what race you started as.
After that The Hunter and Warlock in WoW are both pretty good.
SWG - PrePub9 Jedi mastered all professions - June 26th 2003 > Nov 15th 2005
EVE Online - 24 million SP - May 6th 2003 > Early 2005
PlanetSide - BR20 CR5 - May 23rd 2003 > Sept 2003
What was cool about it was how CH's tamed animals from the wild, and they became permanent tamed pets which you could feed and raise, instead of just a monster hit with a "charmed for 2 minutes" spell.
The WAR pet class (the Squig herder) is pretty awesome, and there could be more.
I always liked the pet classes in CoX, the Villains' Mastermind was way fun.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
City of Villains is wonderfull.
The Masterminds have 6-17 pets (depending on the masterminds). The first 6 are the strong pets which you can command...the other are following you and helping you, refusing any command. The diversity of the pets and their complementary abilities make them nice. Having the option to have them BodyGuard you (and making you a tank) or to go out in a frontal rush is nice. With 5 types of MMs, it make up 5 sets of primary pets, and a total of like 25 differents pets...of course you can't control more then 6 differents type of pets yourself (thugs (2 pets), arsonist, enforcer (2pets), brute, gang war(10 pets) and Dark Servant (1 pet) or some other variations).
I always find that impressive to have my:
Dark Servant
...and 10 Poseurs when needed.
There are also other ATs with some pets, but nothing as developped as the MM as I saw. Using and abusing your pets the way a MM does is really great. It is evil, but great.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
You get to have 3 pets at the same time: A dps pet, a mezz pet, and a healing pet.
I would definately advise everyone to give it a try.
SWG just released Beast Master. It is a mix of Bio-Engineer, and Creature Handler from Pre-CU. Beast Master is alot of fun. Some say not as fun as Creature Handler, but they still like it. I love it . You don't only attack with the pet, it can also do tricks, and you need to feed it, and care for it. It even has likes and dislikes, and if you don't take care of your bet it will dislike you, and need to work for it to like you again. It's like a game within a game haha. Don't worry though, lol it's fun, it won't be like a pet in RL type of thing lol! Relaistic but fun. Try the trial for 2 weeks at the SWG website
SWG Refugee
Bloodfin Server - Starke
SWG takes back this title I think
Chapter 6 introduced Beast Master, which is simillar to Creature Handler & BE from Pre-NGE, but more indepth. Firstly, you now incubate your pet through a rather elaborate crafting process. You need to collect a bunch of different items to be able to do this, with the quality of the items used affecting the stats on your resulting pet. Not only does the quality of the resources you use affect the pet, but the quality of the products you use to refine the resources and incubate the pet also play an important part. These parts are made by the various crafter professions.
During the incubation process, there's also the chance to get a Mutation on the creature you're making. There are 3 different phases of mutations with the first being a stat boost, second being a crossbreed and the third being a complete species transfer. Mutations is the path to getting rare and unique pets.
Once you actually have a pet, they develop their own personality with a range of likes & dislikes. They can react to nearly every activity that you do from killing NPCs to listening to an entertainer. Keeping them happy is somewhat important as they'll gain XP faster and do more damage. You can eventually mould their personality to be more compatible with what you like to do. It's also up to you to train your pet with abilities and skills by letting him learn from watching wild creatures.
"All that glitters is not made of gold."
Meta-physicists can have multiple pets in AO? It's been so long I don't even remember that.
+1 UO has the best pet classes
UO does have a very good pet system.
Its important to note tho, that this game has taming. REAL taming. You can tame a pet, keep it with you for a while, actually "level" it up and, and resurrect it.
DAoC definately has a good pet system as well. Theurgist is just amazing, completely unlike any other pet class i have ever seen. Animist is amazing, its so unique as well that it really stands out. Then you have the necro and bonedancer which are also both pretty cool. Honestly, this game deserves to be remembered as a great MMO of our generation. 30+ original, fun, and unique classes
as for non mmo, tactics orge games beastmaster is a great pet class, i wish a company would make a mmo with that kind of gameplay
That Rappelz game is about nothing but leveling with a pet. For every class.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
To prove a point that training helps in Ultima, go tame a chicken and sick it on something and watch it die. Now you take my old 3x gm with all max stats 125 chicken that I trained by fighting bulls, cows, gorillas, mongbats, and many more.
Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!
Anarchy Online!!
Best pet game ive ever played.
not only 3 pet classes but they also differed a lot. and playing a bureaucrat was fun (could control a mind of most weakest enemies)