DAoC is a pvp oriented game. PvP tends to be put first here and the pvp might not be equal to what eq or wow had. It tends to be simpler, and more straight forward. I have yet to go through the Labyrinth in the last expansion so I can't say what it's like in there but it's damn big and might offer you plenty of pvp and pve at the same time.
As a group of 5 you might do reasonably well out in the PvP zones if that's your prefference. You'd have enough people to jump people and small groups and kill them quite effectively. Once you become very comfortable and gain a few ranks you might be even capable of taking down double your numbers assuming you have the proper characters and so on.
I say try it. It might or might not be the game for you. I don't know you or your gaming prefferences, weather you like pve or pvp so I can't make the call for you. With the latest expansion smaller groups are capable of accomplishing bigger and better things, I haven't seen or done everything in the game but think you might find something to entertain you for at least a couple of months.
My 2 Coppers
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
each expansion of the game includes some good role playing and pvm advantages but also lengthens the end game for pvp'ers due to new equipment and skills. Takes some while before yah can do the big boy RvR though but its real nice to low levels with some population battle grounds.
If you like big pvp battles, this game is definitely a must have. I've been playing since opening day, and still log in at least once a day to at least check on my guild's Faste (rvr area castle for midgard). Midgard is the most fun imo, more people to kill since alb and the tree-huggers have more people
I must say though, the leveling aspect and soloing can become somewhat boring. Luckily you can level in the pvp battlegrounds.
Is this game worth playing? What kind of activities are there for a group of 5 friends to play?
Rofl rofl rofl you have 5 people WONDERFUL. with 5 people you can do anything in daoc almost .. i get by with myself and one other friend.
What is there to do well off the bat level in the deamons breach (a pvp dungeon .. because one its great exp and two you get to pvp)
Also i would play on classic servers for many reasons.
But over all leveling is easy (5 people make is god speed) - and at lvl 1-9- you can go into demons breach and exp/pvp and thats fun, at 14 there is often action in hills of clarent (with five people going there at 13 is cool too) [this is the 10-14 bg] at lvl 24 thidranki always always has activity in it and is some of the better pvp IN the GAME. I been camping here for like 2 months now and i am happy.
Player crafting is super boring but affords GREAT GREAT armor weapons and or spellcrafting.
But overall, with 5 people playign together (voice chat always helps) you should be able to rvr /pvp well as long as you have at least on healer (even if its a hybrid) a mezzer or aoer, and speed helps a lot also. None of these classes are needed just helps.
But if your thinking about it pm me and ill hook you up with more info , specs levelign areas , class info etc. feel free to ask im a total min/maxer so i know a lot about the games i play and i play daoc the most
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
DAoC is a pvp oriented game. PvP tends to be put first here and the pvp might not be equal to what eq or wow had. It tends to be simpler, and more straight forward. I have yet to go through the Labyrinth in the last expansion so I can't say what it's like in there but it's damn big and might offer you plenty of pvp and pve at the same time.
As a group of 5 you might do reasonably well out in the PvP zones if that's your prefference. You'd have enough people to jump people and small groups and kill them quite effectively. Once you become very comfortable and gain a few ranks you might be even capable of taking down double your numbers assuming you have the proper characters and so on.
I say try it. It might or might not be the game for you. I don't know you or your gaming prefferences, weather you like pve or pvp so I can't make the call for you. With the latest expansion smaller groups are capable of accomplishing bigger and better things, I haven't seen or done everything in the game but think you might find something to entertain you for at least a couple of months.
My 2 Coppers
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
If you like big pvp battles, this game is definitely a must have. I've been playing since opening day, and still log in at least once a day to at least check on my guild's Faste (rvr area castle for midgard). Midgard is the most fun imo, more people to kill since alb and the tree-huggers have more people
I must say though, the leveling aspect and soloing can become somewhat boring. Luckily you can level in the pvp battlegrounds.
What is there to do well off the bat level in the deamons breach (a pvp dungeon .. because one its great exp and two you get to pvp)
Also i would play on classic servers for many reasons.
But over all leveling is easy (5 people make is god speed) - and at lvl 1-9- you can go into demons breach and exp/pvp and thats fun, at 14 there is often action in hills of clarent (with five people going there at 13 is cool too) [this is the 10-14 bg] at lvl 24 thidranki always always has activity in it and is some of the better pvp IN the GAME. I been camping here for like 2 months now and i am happy.
Player crafting is super boring but affords GREAT GREAT armor weapons and or spellcrafting.
But overall, with 5 people playign together (voice chat always helps) you should be able to rvr /pvp well as long as you have at least on healer (even if its a hybrid) a mezzer or aoer, and speed helps a lot also. None of these classes are needed just helps.
But if your thinking about it pm me and ill hook you up with more info , specs levelign areas , class info etc. feel free to ask im a total min/maxer so i know a lot about the games i play and i play daoc the most
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine