People in forums, especially gaming and especially mmog forums, tend to be quite opinionated on what they like or dislike in an mmog or mmorpg. What you or I might like or want in an mmorpg may be completely opposite and polar from someone else's requirements.
MMORPGs, MMOGs, and FPSGs are at a cross roads between games that are out and have been out and the anticipation of the new games to be released on the horizon. This happens almost every year, or at least when there is a leap forward in the graphics and tech behind the games.
There is hype, of course, that also drives the debate. Fueled not only by us and forums like these, but also by the marketing departments behind the gaming companies. Gaming is big entertainment business, and with our dollars to spend, we become quite liberal in voicing what we like and don't like in a game.
The best thing to do is to research any mmorpg, or game for that matter, that you are interested in as much as possible. Between the fanatics and the nay sayers, there in lies the truth of what the mmorpg really is like. That and some mmorpgs really just do sux.
"The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action." Hartley's 1st Law
I have to agree there seems to be a group of people chronically waiting for a new mmorpg.
Then they declare this game is rubbish(sometimes they never even play it).Now my question is this group of folks that are so hard to please what makes you think WoW or EQ2 will do it for them?
Hi everyone, new user and I am personally antisipating the world of warcraft game that is comeing out. The only other game I have played online like this is legend of mir and diablo2. But that was a very long time ago. I guess I am waiting for wow because I am a huge Blizzard fan and have played and own most of there games. As for everyone's argument here, I was wondering if there were any other games I shyould know about. I was thinking about playing linage2 for the next two months but because of what you guys say well mueee...., I am not really into finalfanasy games as I have never held my attention for more than 5 minutes and darkage of camalote seemds to require 24/7 time useage. Any other sugestions just to pass the time untill wow.
p.s, also really happy to see alot of anime fans in here, stuff like bulmunk and rock lee pics and avatars really lifts my day. (I am a huge fan of anime with near 300gb of anime) so you see why I am happy to see other anime fans.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
It's pathetic.. too many rude american players, OVER PRICED JUNK and I got so sick of people complaining about the japanese! they aren't the problems.. its YOU....
Countering racism with nationalism/racism is never a good idea. I find it ironic how everybody seems it fit to bash America and it's people.
Then why not hate all Russians because of Stalin? Germans because of Hitler? Let's isolate all of a population to a mere fraction, because we feel better if it's short and simple; a dichotomy like good and evil.
It seems like a majority of people that are born in Japan (note: not Japanese people necessarily) are racist in the sense that they have reservations and lower expectations of members of other races (this was just my experience, I am not saying that all Japanese people are like this).
I have, however, had Japanese friends that are very open-minded and multi-cultural, which would be a contradiction to any for all assertion that may be made on the American side.
In light of the obvious: Please stop thinking with a small part of your brain and accept more than one possibility if you cannot rule all other possibilities out.
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say 'ni' at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred." MP
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Originally posted by knives22 so basically, you are saying that YOU HAVE TO act the way they tell you to or you get pked? is that what you are saying? if so...that is really fucked up..
That's not what i am saying at all, just be nice. I'm sure someone would pk you already for your behavour
Personal opinion here, but I have to agree that currently there aren't really any MMO's on the market that really "grab" my attention. I played EQ for quite a while but recently quit. Every other MMO that I've looked at or Beta tested has had too many flaws to be worth my time or money.
Seems to me that most of the companies are trying to jump on the wagon with MMO's, but fail to realize that unless they release a finished game they are just going to sink. Too many of the recent releases have been anything but ready for release and end up failing after their first month.
I am looking forward to WoW due to the fact that Blizzard hasn't gone wrong yet in their games and they also make sure that they won't release a game before it is ready to go live.
As for EQ2. No thanks! A majority of the people out there playing MMO's today would have to upgrade their machines to even run their 12 CD or 2 DVD talking NPC hog of a game. I just see too many problems with EQ2 and also feel that Sony has received enough of my money.
I'm just going to stick to my FPS style games for now and patiently wait for WoW to hit the shelves!
Coming to a forum for MMOGs, whether it's the official forums, or something like is a bad way to get a feel for what games are good/bad.
Most people posting on a game forum fall into one of two camps, either they're burnt out and jaded and will say game X sucks, and anyone and everything associated with it can burn in hell, or they're OCD fanbois that will defend their game of choice in the face of any and all evidence to the contrary. Every so often you find someone that's managed to stay sane and rational after playing an MMO for an extended amount of time. They're rare, though. Most people that are enjoying a game are only casual players, and are to busy playing it to come here(or wherever) and complain.
It's not so much that all MMOs suck, though some certainly do, it's that the genre has so much potential for innovation,diversity, etc, but companies keep pumping out the same thing time after time, making the same mistakes, etc. The publishers want their money now, so they force the devs to push the game out the door with all manner of bugs. The devs are at fault for giving the publishers unrealistic release dates in the first place. The worst offence of all is that we, as consumers, hold all the cards, so to speak. Yet, rather than tell both publisher, and developer that we won't stand for the 'release now, and patch the game in later, if at all' mentality, we run out and preorder, and gush platitudes all over their forums. Then run out and buy the game, play for a month or two, and realize it's the same broke down pos as all the rest. Then come here and bitch about how bad the game is, and how the devs came over and pushed our little sister off her bike, kicked the dog, and then pissed in our cheerios. Oh, and tell everyone that says they like the game that they should burn in hell.
im not going back to FFXI thats for sure, it has the worst graphics iv ever seen in a final fantasy noy because its cartoony style just because its bad, and i understand what u guys are saying about the people on these forums
people seem to be talking about PKing now, isnt leniage2 RvR
Before I help you out, may I just remind you that you are on an MMORPG site, therefore, you really wouldn't find people that say all MMORPG's suck here :P. Just a little heads-up there, I think most of us here at would agree that MMORPG's are awesome.
Now back to the topic, well, Personally, I would say just find any old game to appease you, and continue to wait for MMORPGs to come, because in my opinion, I don't think it would be worth it for you to play some MMORPG for 2 months, then call it quits when WoW or EQ2 or whatever MMORPG you plan on playing coming out comes out.
New PR rep for the North American Version of RYL
I would first like to address Coldmeat statment. I like to point out that I am here to ask about which games (online multi-player rpg) are good and bad because the players have as you say fall in two camps. They will argue both there extreams and you will hear both sides, not only that but it is general statistics, if lots of people defend and less complain, the game oviosly has a merit for some play ability. I simply wish to state that reviewers are simply people as well who have played many of these types of games and there for give there opinion of the game. I feel it more prudent to ask many verterns of rpg rather than rely on one source.
In other statments, I agree with mchamjen, there have not been any games out yet that reeally grabed my attention for origionality or a different playing style like city of hero's or even guild wars is a good examply for new inovative games that do not rely on the leveling system as much. But these games do not really do it for me as I have not heard anyone tell me I should go out a play it it is so good and so on.
In the next address is to the statment of racism, as for americians and the Japanese. Different cultures different beleafs. I would like to merge the arguement with pkers. For the japanese culture being racist, they do not expect other races on general to do as much hard work and so on for good reson. What other nation can anyone tell me has such a high suicide rate as Japan over the personal resposibility section. The Japanese take responsibilty for there actions and as a society follow a general rules called the bushido, there personal behavour is based on traditional values and as such, others can call them racist, sexist and many other things. However the same could be said about any other race from another races perspecitive. I say races because you speak as thow people that live in America are from mars and Africians are from pluto and Chinese are from saturn. the liveing race is all that counts on my part. I relate this argument to pkers and other players. I have idea's of being the champoin of good and light, which is why I love fantasy rpg like neverwinter night. To tell youte truth, I don't mind pkers, if it was not for them, I would not get the chance to play the hero. If phantium has watched the anime hack/sign then he will know what I am talking about. People play these games to get away from real life and just play, there are not rules some one should play by in such games. In one of my favourite qoutes I created based on dogma, 'it is easy to have a beleaf, but difficult to change so it's better to have an idea'.
I apologize for my english and gramma, please feal free to correct me.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
Originally posted by FuLL_CLiP im looking to get into a mmorpg but it seems that everybody thinks they all suck........ iv played SWG and FFXI, i thought SWG was really fun until they started to nerf things i used as for FFXI i didnt even get past the free trial membership and the game that people agree is good is UO and im not paying for a game that out of date i was looking at a few games, leniage2 looks good but people say its very boring unless ur in a good clan, DAoC looks good too but i dont want to go around looking for all the mods and expansions, ashertons call2 doesnt give me a lot of info when i go to the site im waiting for WoW but until them im looking for a fantasy mmorpg thats easy to play like SWG, and i would be really thankful if somebody could help me...........
The reason I think you see so many complaints about MMORPGs is the fact that everyone has their own opinion of what an MMORPG should be. Most people have put a LOT of time into one or two games that fit their style, and they don't like the fact that the new games coming out are trying to change a lot of the old features. Every game that is out now has a good customer base, otherwise it wouldn't survive. You see negative responses because the people that are happy with the games don't have a reason to post, unless they are provoked by someone flaming their favorite game.
Weed through the negative posts on a game. A lot of times you'll see a lot of people posting the same reason they don't like a game. Try to weigh the actual reasons people say a game isn't good versus the reasons people say it is good instead of just looking at the number of posts. Don't give in to peer pressure. It's the quality of the posts over the quantity, I've always believed.
I don't know if you're looking for something new or not, but if you're looking for a Sci-Fi game, I'd suggest Anarchy Online. They have a 7-day free trial if you're interested.
Originally posted by knives22 so basically, you are saying that YOU HAVE TO act the way they tell you to or you get pked? is that what you are saying? if so...that is really fucked up..
What about games with no PvP or thieving at all? Isn't that forcing people to behave a certain way? A carebear game is much more restricting to how people play than a full PvP game that requires the player to use a little caution and common sense.
Daoc is pretty good, you dont have to search for patches and expansions. They sell the full version up to TOA in one neat little box. If you want something to keep you busy till WoW, try the RYL open beta...stay away from Ryzom, I think that game is the pinnacle of crappy games. You should be able to find many good MMORPG's on this site that are in Open Beta and free to download.
You're thinking too hard about this. Sure, you could spend hours doing research to find which game people like the most. I recommend you don't waste your time and pick one that you think you'd enjoy the most. You like space sci-fi? play eve. space too lonely? Anarchy online. Comic books? CoH.
MOG's have been around too long and the names involved are too big for them to simply create bad games. And for the most part they don't. Even FFXI, I played long enough to say I got my moneys worth. But just in case, here's a quick rundown of what i've gathered as the bad parts of most MMORPG's out right now.... cuz I like lists.
CoH does one thing really well, fighting, but then there's nothing else to do. Eve is lonely and takes some time to get going. AC2 is regularly trying to fix things that should've worked a year ago. FFXI, plan on doing levels 1-20 at least twice. What else? DAOC can get very tedious lvling, and the missions system is too ambiguous and difficult to find. And I haven't played enough of SWG, AO, or AC to give a good opinion. The rest are TOO OLD for me to even consider playing anymore.
Ok... maybe there's a little more to it than what looks fun, but I can sum what is important in a 3 part list.
1. Is it a type of game you'd like. If you like sci-fi, play sci-fi.
2. How much do you like fighting? If you like crafting and the such, then don't play CoH, try EVE or AC2 (i've been told)
3. How much time are you willing to commit? Personally, I shouldn't play most MOG's cuz I'll skip important things(work, a bachelor's degree, the rest of my life) to play games instead, and that's not good. This is the only point that isn't typically obvious when looking at the game. EVE and CoH are probably the best at not being a PT job all on its own. EQ being the epidomy of a time-consuming game (or at least used to).
And, of course, graphics are pretty important too... as if you don't have some Nintendo emulator sitting around on your HD...
People in forums, especially gaming and especially mmog forums, tend to be quite opinionated on what they like or dislike in an mmog or mmorpg. What you or I might like or want in an mmorpg may be completely opposite and polar from someone else's requirements.
MMORPGs, MMOGs, and FPSGs are at a cross roads between games that are out and have been out and the anticipation of the new games to be released on the horizon. This happens almost every year, or at least when there is a leap forward in the graphics and tech behind the games.
There is hype, of course, that also drives the debate. Fueled not only by us and forums like these, but also by the marketing departments behind the gaming companies. Gaming is big entertainment business, and with our dollars to spend, we become quite liberal in voicing what we like and don't like in a game.
The best thing to do is to research any mmorpg, or game for that matter, that you are interested in as much as possible. Between the fanatics and the nay sayers, there in lies the truth of what the mmorpg really is like. That and some mmorpgs really just do sux.
"The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action." Hartley's 1st Law
I have to agree there seems to be a group of people chronically waiting for a new mmorpg.
Then they declare this game is rubbish(sometimes they never even play it).Now my question is this group of folks that are so hard to please what makes you think WoW or EQ2 will do it for them?
Hi everyone, new user and I am personally antisipating the world of warcraft game that is comeing out. The only other game I have played online like this is legend of mir and diablo2. But that was a very long time ago. I guess I am waiting for wow because I am a huge Blizzard fan and have played and own most of there games. As for everyone's argument here, I was wondering if there were any other games I shyould know about. I was thinking about playing linage2 for the next two months but because of what you guys say well mueee...., I am not really into finalfanasy games as I have never held my attention for more than 5 minutes and darkage of camalote seemds to require 24/7 time useage. Any other sugestions just to pass the time untill wow.
p.s, also really happy to see alot of anime fans in here, stuff like bulmunk and rock lee pics and avatars really lifts my day. (I am a huge fan of anime with near 300gb of anime) so you see why I am happy to see other anime fans.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
Countering racism with nationalism/racism is never a good idea. I find it ironic how everybody seems it fit to bash America and it's people.
Then why not hate all Russians because of Stalin? Germans because of Hitler? Let's isolate all of a population to a mere fraction, because we feel better if it's short and simple; a dichotomy like good and evil.
It seems like a majority of people that are born in Japan (note: not Japanese people necessarily) are racist in the sense that they have reservations and lower expectations of members of other races (this was just my experience, I am not saying that all Japanese people are like this).
I have, however, had Japanese friends that are very open-minded and multi-cultural, which would be a contradiction to any for all assertion that may be made on the American side.
In light of the obvious: Please stop thinking with a small part of your brain and accept more than one possibility if you cannot rule all other possibilities out.
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say 'ni' at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred."
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
- Malkavian
"When you find youself sinking into Madness, dive" - Malkavian Proverb
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
Forum Stalker
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
Twitter @Phantium
Personal opinion here, but I have to agree that currently there aren't really any MMO's on the market that really "grab" my attention. I played EQ for quite a while but recently quit. Every other MMO that I've looked at or Beta tested has had too many flaws to be worth my time or money.
Seems to me that most of the companies are trying to jump on the wagon with MMO's, but fail to realize that unless they release a finished game they are just going to sink. Too many of the recent releases have been anything but ready for release and end up failing after their first month.
I am looking forward to WoW due to the fact that Blizzard hasn't gone wrong yet in their games and they also make sure that they won't release a game before it is ready to go live.
As for EQ2. No thanks! A majority of the people out there playing MMO's today would have to upgrade their machines to even run their 12 CD or 2 DVD talking NPC hog of a game. I just see too many problems with EQ2 and also feel that Sony has received enough of my money.
I'm just going to stick to my FPS style games for now and patiently wait for WoW to hit the shelves!
Coming to a forum for MMOGs, whether it's the official forums, or something like is a bad way to get a feel for what games are good/bad.
Most people posting on a game forum fall into one of two camps, either they're burnt out and jaded and will say game X sucks, and anyone and everything associated with it can burn in hell, or they're OCD fanbois that will defend their game of choice in the face of any and all evidence to the contrary. Every so often you find someone that's managed to stay sane and rational after playing an MMO for an extended amount of time. They're rare, though. Most people that are enjoying a game are only casual players, and are to busy playing it to come here(or wherever) and complain.
It's not so much that all MMOs suck, though some certainly do, it's that the genre has so much potential for innovation,diversity, etc, but companies keep pumping out the same thing time after time, making the same mistakes, etc. The publishers want their money now, so they force the devs to push the game out the door with all manner of bugs. The devs are at fault for giving the publishers unrealistic release dates in the first place. The worst offence of all is that we, as consumers, hold all the cards, so to speak. Yet, rather than tell both publisher, and developer that we won't stand for the 'release now, and patch the game in later, if at all' mentality, we run out and preorder, and gush platitudes all over their forums. Then run out and buy the game, play for a month or two, and realize it's the same broke down pos as all the rest. Then come here and bitch about how bad the game is, and how the devs came over and pushed our little sister off her bike, kicked the dog, and then pissed in our cheerios. Oh, and tell everyone that says they like the game that they should burn in hell.
Odi profanum vulgus et arceo
^ Thank you for making out the point I was trying to make. ^
A small bat
screamed out in fright
"Turn on the dark!
I'm afraid of the light"
A small bat
screamed out in fright
"Turn on the dark!
I'm afraid of the light"
im not going back to FFXI thats for sure, it has the worst graphics iv ever seen in a final fantasy noy because its cartoony style just because its bad, and i understand what u guys are saying about the people on these forums
people seem to be talking about PKing now, isnt leniage2 RvR
Before I help you out, may I just remind you that you are on an MMORPG site, therefore, you really wouldn't find people that say all MMORPG's suck here :P. Just a little heads-up there, I think most of us here at would agree that MMORPG's are awesome.
Now back to the topic, well, Personally, I would say just find any old game to appease you, and continue to wait for MMORPGs to come, because in my opinion, I don't think it would be worth it for you to play some MMORPG for 2 months, then call it quits when WoW or EQ2 or whatever MMORPG you plan on playing coming out comes out.
New PR rep for the North American Version of RYL
Coldmeat you are god!!!
well if you can actyually think, and relize what you are saying you would understand. I think people need to read what they type .
I would first like to address Coldmeat statment. I like to point out that I am here to ask about which games (online multi-player rpg) are good and bad because the players have as you say fall in two camps. They will argue both there extreams and you will hear both sides, not only that but it is general statistics, if lots of people defend and less complain, the game oviosly has a merit for some play ability. I simply wish to state that reviewers are simply people as well who have played many of these types of games and there for give there opinion of the game. I feel it more prudent to ask many verterns of rpg rather than rely on one source.
In other statments, I agree with mchamjen, there have not been any games out yet that reeally grabed my attention for origionality or a different playing style like city of hero's or even guild wars is a good examply for new inovative games that do not rely on the leveling system as much. But these games do not really do it for me as I have not heard anyone tell me I should go out a play it it is so good and so on.
In the next address is to the statment of racism, as for americians and the Japanese. Different cultures different beleafs. I would like to merge the arguement with pkers. For the japanese culture being racist, they do not expect other races on general to do as much hard work and so on for good reson. What other nation can anyone tell me has such a high suicide rate as Japan over the personal resposibility section. The Japanese take responsibilty for there actions and as a society follow a general rules called the bushido, there personal behavour is based on traditional values and as such, others can call them racist, sexist and many other things. However the same could be said about any other race from another races perspecitive. I say races because you speak as thow people that live in America are from mars and Africians are from pluto and Chinese are from saturn. the liveing race is all that counts on my part. I relate this argument to pkers and other players. I have idea's of being the champoin of good and light, which is why I love fantasy rpg like neverwinter night. To tell youte truth, I don't mind pkers, if it was not for them, I would not get the chance to play the hero. If phantium has watched the anime hack/sign then he will know what I am talking about. People play these games to get away from real life and just play, there are not rules some one should play by in such games. In one of my favourite qoutes I created based on dogma, 'it is easy to have a beleaf, but difficult to change so it's better to have an idea'.
I apologize for my english and gramma, please feal free to correct me.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
AIM: Tarthus Darkmist
What about games with no PvP or thieving at all? Isn't that forcing people to behave a certain way? A carebear game is much more restricting to how people play than a full PvP game that requires the player to use a little caution and common sense.
Have Sword, Will Travel.
Have Sword, Will Travel.
You're thinking too hard about this. Sure, you could spend hours doing research to find which game people like the most. I recommend you don't waste your time and pick one that you think you'd enjoy the most. You like space sci-fi? play eve. space too lonely? Anarchy online. Comic books? CoH.
MOG's have been around too long and the names involved are too big for them to simply create bad games. And for the most part they don't. Even FFXI, I played long enough to say I got my moneys worth. But just in case, here's a quick rundown of what i've gathered as the bad parts of most MMORPG's out right now.... cuz I like lists.
CoH does one thing really well, fighting, but then there's nothing else to do. Eve is lonely and takes some time to get going. AC2 is regularly trying to fix things that should've worked a year ago. FFXI, plan on doing levels 1-20 at least twice. What else? DAOC can get very tedious lvling, and the missions system is too ambiguous and difficult to find. And I haven't played enough of SWG, AO, or AC to give a good opinion. The rest are TOO OLD for me to even consider playing anymore.
Ok... maybe there's a little more to it than what looks fun, but I can sum what is important in a 3 part list.
1. Is it a type of game you'd like. If you like sci-fi, play sci-fi.
2. How much do you like fighting? If you like crafting and the such, then don't play CoH, try EVE or AC2 (i've been told)
3. How much time are you willing to commit? Personally, I shouldn't play most MOG's cuz I'll skip important things(work, a bachelor's degree, the rest of my life) to play games instead, and that's not good. This is the only point that isn't typically obvious when looking at the game. EVE and CoH are probably the best at not being a PT job all on its own. EQ being the epidomy of a time-consuming game (or at least used to).
And, of course, graphics are pretty important too... as if you don't have some Nintendo emulator sitting around on your HD...