The troops are complaining because contractors are making 5x the money they make doing the same jobs they are right next to them!!! Is this the Bush administrations way of boosting morale?
Or better yet, what's the purpose of this war again?
That's a perfect example of captalism vs. socialism (or micro-socialism). When the free market sends a guy to the war-torn Middle East, the pay is appropriate. When government sends a guy over there, the pay is government standards.
This is not a matter of fair or unfair, but a shining example of why we need to keep our capitalist system. Were all industries government owned, the contractor would make what the G.I. makes.
No, he wouldn't go.
For the same pay as a GI, there is work for him at home. Near his woman and friends.
And the job he is doing isn't going to be as safe as a GI's. He wont be in his heavy armour or have any airsupport or 500 men to rush to his rescue if someone starts shooting.
I have a few friends in this line of work. I'm not sure if it's fro everyone, the ones that do it, are specialist trained and veteran infantry. The ones that want to do it when they quit because the money is so good, but actually are going to end up joining the police are chefs.
I thought we had met our recruitment goals?
It's sad that it takes stuff like this in a time like this to get at least a few people to see how under paid our troops are. Someone like Lebron James gets millions for taking Cavs to playoffs (and no I'm not knocking Lebron at all, just first example to come to mind) while the men & women who make it possible for this country to enjoy such a thing get paid CRAP!
Just as note -- Yes, I'm ex-military and yes I hated this fact while in. Even before actually, as I've had family members that served long before I.
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -Confucius
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Wish Darkfall would release.
"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -Confucius
My new store for all your computer needs: Tech Chest,LLC at
Your money only gets taxed when you first earn it, or it grows with interest, and then only the interest gets taxed.
So, if you have two people, Person A being an established multi-millionaire, and Person B being a hardworking salesperson making $100K per year, and you "tax the rich", you really only hit Person B's income.
When the Democrats say they would like to "tax the rich", what they really mean is they want to "tax the hardest working wage earners".
And when you do that, suddenly those hard-working people have less incentive to work so hard. You can only put so many non-workers on the wagon before the folks pulling the wagon figure out it's not worth it and give up.
Your money only gets taxed when you first earn it, or it grows with interest, and then only the interest gets taxed.
So, if you have two people, Person A being an established multi-millionaire, and Person B being a hardworking salesperson making $100K per year, and you "tax the rich", you really only hit Person B's income.
When the Democrats say they would like to "tax the rich", what they really mean is they want to "tax the hardest working wage earners".
And when you do that, suddenly those hard-working people have less incentive to work so hard. You can only put so many non-workers on the wagon before the folks pulling the wagon figure out it's not worth it and give up.
That is true. But you can raise luxury tax. For items that only the super rich would actually have. Huge Yachts, Huge Houses, Expensive cars, etc etc.or you can do what Iceland does. Which is tax everything above a certain dollar amount super heavy. over about 60K dollars per year the tax rate is something like 75%. So most Icelandics all make the same amount of money. They either work 1 job or 2-3, but all end up equal in the end.
The thing about being in the Military that pisses me off, is the fact that I still have to pay taxes. Why should I pay taxes? Doesn't my pay come from tax revenue? So doesn't that mean I am paying myself part of my salary? I always thought that was silly.
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Your money only gets taxed when you first earn it, or it grows with interest, and then only the interest gets taxed.
So, if you have two people, Person A being an established multi-millionaire, and Person B being a hardworking salesperson making $100K per year, and you "tax the rich", you really only hit Person B's income.
When the Democrats say they would like to "tax the rich", what they really mean is they want to "tax the hardest working wage earners".
And when you do that, suddenly those hard-working people have less incentive to work so hard. You can only put so many non-workers on the wagon before the folks pulling the wagon figure out it's not worth it and give up.
15 years in the work force. I understand how taxes work. I also understand that there are a lot of people that make a lot of taxable income for doing very little. I wonder how much Labron paid in taxes off the 90 mil that Nike paid him to do endorsements. The US creates more millionaires then any other country in the world If I'm remembering correctly. Now, considering the piss poor state of this nations economy, the poor rate of pay that our teachers, police officer, and soldiers recieve compared to the rate of people that get rich in this country; there's something wrong here when it's the middle class that's footing this countries bills. I believe there was a study not long ago that found, dollar for dollar when compared to the cost of living, the middle class was taking the hardest hit on taxes. Or to put it simply, when you have a bunch of rich people in charge deciding were the money should come from, do you really think they're going to look in thier own pockets first? Show me a Senator that makes 60k a year.
When was the last time you got to vote on whether or not your senator got a raise? Last time I checked they didn't open the ballots up.
I would also like to point out that a friend of mine recently returned from Iraq after 6 months. He came home with a check for $30k. Tax free. He's a national guardsman.
Wish Darkfall would release.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Along the taxes line, the rich pay damn little in taxes. They hire CPA firms like KPMG to come up with fancy tax shelters like BLIPS, with long legal opinions that say the shelters are okay, stuff their money down the rathole, and skate. If the IRS catches on, the rich then run around saying, "but we didn't know that paper writeoffs with no economic substance were illegal". Luckily, in the KPMG case, they got caught, however KPMG skated by throwing a few of their employees to the wolves and saying, "we didn't know that they were selling paper writeoffs with no economic substance". Of course, every KPMG partner racked in their share of the payolla from those sales without ever asking where it was coming from. Selective blindness can be a good thing.....
So don't go around thinking that the rich pay taxes, they don't. And don't hold too much sympathy for the arguement that the estate tax (death tax according to the political donor class bought and paid for Congressmen) is a double taxation. They don't give a rats ass that your wages are double taxed also. First, you pay income tax on your wages, second you pay social security tax on your wages. And don't tell me it's not the same, as soon as the social security tax is paid over, it's borrowed out to fund federal spending. There is no magic trust fund from which to pay social security and medicare benefits to the aging boomer generation, that starts collecting en masse in a couple of years. You working class kids are going to get your asses taxed clean off to pay for retireee social security and medical care.
The Republicans paint the Democrats as tax and spend, hell, when Clinton left office our treasury was in the best shape it had been in for a long time. Can anyone say "budget surplus". The Republicans are borrow and spend, they believe in paying tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes. Just keep your faith in Rove and the boys, and cry me a river when tomorrow gets here.
Have a nice day, and keep thinking that the rich really care for you. They care about as much as they care about those underpaid troops dying for their dividend checks.