Well I usually just try a game out myself when I want to know how its going, but the account servers are down (and have been all weekend ugh) so that isn't an option
So I'll fire some questions off to keep me going while I wait for them to fix the issue
1) How are the populations on the server these days? Will I still see 50 on 50 / 100 on 100 battles? The epic battle sizes were a great feature back in the day
2) Anyone know of a big allied squad recruiting?
3) What are some of the enhancements to the game since I last played about 3-4 years ago?
4) Insert your random thoughts here
Thanks for helping me deal with the "waiting for servers to be fixed" boredom
Oh man.. looks like Ill be your Allied High Commander of the day:
1. The populations have Diminished from the old days to many other games, but there is ALOT of old players and if your luck MABEY 70 people in a battle unless its VERY big and there is something special happening.
2. You can go to the allied high command forums which I AM TO LAZY to get a link for but arent hard to find if you follow links off the WWIIOL homepage.
3.Gosh 3-4 years is A LONG TIME, were getting morters soon, I havent been playing for 3-4 years so Im guessing more then HALF the stuff in the game is new so Ill just list: Tiger Tank, Churchill mk7, Sherman 76, Fw 190(soon 109-G), Spitfire 9c(soon to get Hurricane 2b), P-38(soon to get Hawk 87 I THINK), and Just the same old Destroyers, Also we got Pak 40s, 17 pounders, and 3 inchers. AND THATS JUST THE BEST OF EACH COUNTRY FOR THOSE CATAGORYS!
4. My finger smells wierd after I take it out of my -(CENSORED)-
Welcome back to the allied Side, Dont hate the map condition. YOU BETTER APERICIATE THIS!
Thanks so much,
I was back in the game yesterday with my old squad, The 7th Army, and quite honestly had a BLAST! I died a whole bunch of times (sorry for the supply hits :P) but I found even when I was frustrated I was so pissed that some Axis had in actual fact killed me that I got right back out there to get revenge and help achieve our objective. I remember why I love the game so much now J