i would agree that TBC ruined WOW, in regards to someone who said that guilds are the real staying factor in these games...TBC destroyed many good guilds with the logistical nightmare of Karazhan (10man), and also with needing 25 people for any raids after that. it was just stupid to make the intro raid in TBC be a 10 man when all the raids afterwards are 25 mans. also i believe they made the raiding difficulty too hard for the "intro" raids, my guild had only started raiding last year and we loved it, we had a blast in MC and were almost past Vael (1% wipe ftl) prior to TBC, so we didn't have experience with the later BWL fights, AQ40 fights and Naxx fights, which from what i've heard that's about where they started the difficulty level for the TBC raids. they should've started the difficulty level around mid-MC to early BWL for the expansion, giving players a chance to progress a little before hitting a brick wall.
but that's not quite on topic, what should they do to hold the interest of its veterans?
it seems to me that WOW doesn't offer much to do besides farm/grind, quest, pvp/bg, and instance/raid...what i mean by that is there is no downtime activities in WOW. there aren't any purely social activities, that's one of the things i loved about SWG, is it let you do things besides just fighting, you could go to the cantina and hang out with friends, you could go gamble (granted it wasn't the best mini game, but still it was fun), or you could go do some crafting. in SWG i'd just craft stuff because it was fun, i could see how good i could make something or make it with different ingrediants, etc--it was a lot of fun, and great for the times when i didn't want to go grind.
also player housing, having a place that you can call your home and decorate it, is actually fun, unfourtunately they probably wouldn't be able to do player cities which is even more fun--and being able to attack/defend player cities, lol, but they could do instanced appartments and houses and instanced guild halls.
get rid of attunements and needing keys for heroics
i'm more interested in trying to farm thekal for a tiger mount than I am doing lvl 70 instances.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You? if I were to kill a titan tomorrow and no CCP employees showed up to say grats I would petition it. Waiting for: the next MMO that lets me make this macro if hp < 30 then CastSpell("heal") SpellTargetUnit("player") else CastSpell("smite") end
Quite simply, WoW is done. They wouldn't have released the news about SCII if they still had faith in WoW. Veterans are leaving left and right and they can't stop it. WoW will meet its demise when a big game comes out like AoC or WAR come out.
to put it simply, they need to come out with something that is exclusive to end-gamers, and something that they just don't throw out and you can do it, something that comes together piece by piece over several patches, like an epic Quest-Chain except with a kick!
to put it simply, they need to come out with something that is exclusive to end-gamers, and something that they just don't throw out and you can do it, something that comes together piece by piece over several patches, like an epic Quest-Chain except with a kick!
Being a 2.5 year WoW Vet, I agree. They really need to do something.
But that won't happen because Blizzard is a bunch of pre-Maddona "we'll give you expansions when we're good and fucking ready" type people. Their flagship (WoW) lacks content in a BIG way. And by content I mean: Zones. Not fucking instances - ZONES!
We need level cap increases once a year or hero levels or some sort of AA. We need SOMETHING to make our characters BETTER other than more LOOT!
I still have an account, but i barely log these days. Played it for over a year (close to two?), that's actually one hell of a long run in one MMO for me, so maybe I'm just burned out. For me the main problem is that nothing I can do at 70 seems like much fun.
Flying around and exploring on my flying mount was fun for a while. But the faction grinds that you have to go through to get keyed for Kara on up just don't sound like much fun to me. Likewise with grinding Alders and other reps. I have a 62 that I could take up, and I have some 45s that could make the run to 58 in a few weeks and then hit TBC. But knowing the game will fall flat on it's face for them as soon as I hit 70 gives me very little motivation to do so. I've enjoyed my time with WoW, but honestly nothing I see coming down the pipe excites me all that much. Still, worth 15 bucks a month for a little while just to bop in and say hello to the guildies I guess.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
There are no need to grind to be attuned for Karazhan.
You have to do quest chain, involving in few dungeon runs, and the last is the readiness check, bit difficult if you are not prepared.
Sadly, there are problems with finding the party, there are lacks of tanks and healers all the time on our server (EU).
Besides the raids and dungeon runs, there are nothing interesting to do, that is true.
They added some "solo" content last time, but it is reputation grind, and the rewards are not enough price for the time and effort put into the grind. Even flying dragon mount.
yeah that'd hold my interest.... means someone else will come in and finally make the game better.... his fault about The Black Temple that even he admits 75%-80% of the population of WoW will never see.
Took away the very thing that made alliance and horde seperate, now it's all down to which side you prefer the look off. They play the same, quests are basically the same apart from a couple of exceptions. They're not really at war anymore, with AQ.. NAXX... the Dark Portal and Now Illidian, i'm surprised you can't group up with them.
Guild Housing, Player Housing, PvP Battlegrounds, new classes, anything original etc
not while this raider/grinder is in charge........
i think raising the level from 60-70 is part of what is ruining wow, firstly 60-70 sucks hard. You fight demon pigs, then some strange swamp creatures, then wolves, dragon doggies, moths, and big lizards. Boring. Not only that but it lessens the desire to make an alt. I think they shouldv'e left the cap at 60 and just made more dungeons, put some harder 5 mans in the mix to bridge the gap from scholo gear to naxx gear and just KEEP the game item based.
after all 1-60 is just to teach you how to play, what purpose does 60-70 have really? It does nothing but make it easier for the developers to solve problems like adding more skills (incinerate) and talent points.
I really don't get how wow has hung on for so long with its limited content, but the time it took to level to 60 was near perfect, a little long, but not excessivly long. I think that if they must have increased the level cap to solve problems like wanting more talent points and adding skill they shouldv'e just recalculated experience points require for each level so that it took the same amount of time to lvl to 70 as it did to lvl 60
and I agree with the faction stuff too, every time I go to Shattrath I just can't help but think how stupid it is you can't talk to or group with the other faction, I mean here they have this city, that everyone is in, but you can only talk to half of them (or 30% of them in my case, for the horde!)
oh and macro changes
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You? if I were to kill a titan tomorrow and no CCP employees showed up to say grats I would petition it. Waiting for: the next MMO that lets me make this macro if hp < 30 then CastSpell("heal") SpellTargetUnit("player") else CastSpell("smite") end
Because they changed the group dynamics irreputably...by having 10 and 25 man raid instances.
Because its all about grinding rep...including PvP.
And even though yes, they finally introduced quest lines you can solo...it'll take me 3 years to get a netherdrake mount because I dont have 5000gs.
I knew tons of people who never experienced Naxx or AQ40 (me included) before TBC...now Blizz introduces Black Temple?!?
I couldn't take it anymore...doing the rep...trying to get my heroic keys...it felt so futile. All of my friends had left...and it just wasn't the same.
Blizzard should make it possible for players who have the necessary wealth and skill to build custom towns and housing, and maybe change pvp to old school where if you died then everything you're carrying in your backpack (except equipped gear) drops with your corpse and can be looted by other players. This will add a risk factor and intensity whenever your character goes out into unprotected lands. Players in guilds will have the add incentive to band together more and protect one another in the open. It will also make players be more careful with their hard-won goods. Maybe Blizzard can change the rogue's thieving skill so that it works on a player character as well, but again only take what's in the victim's backpack and not equipped items.
The quests should be more random and not static where each character has to complete that same quest. Maybe change the questing system to one where in the major cities and smaller towns there are public bulletin boards listing available quests that are randomly-generated by friendly NPCs who need a task done, or maybe even let players create custom quests for other players to carry out. The NPCs should be more dynamic and live realistic lives ie. Depending on the time of day, an NPC citizen might be tilling his/her farm, eating, meeting other npcs and traveling around, then at night they come home and go to sleep. Add some unique events to the lives of the NPCs, for example a child of an NPC goes missing in a certain location in the woods and the NPC generates a quest for anyone skilled and brave enough to take the quest to find and bring the child safely back to his parent. Maybe even add a twist to that quest by having the player finding out that the child being captured by murlocs or something and then the player now has to fight through a murloc camp in order to rescue the child. The player that completes that quest will earn favour and reputation with that NPC, not just with the NPC's faction. The NPC would remember that player and in future will look to him/her if the NPC needed any help. I'm sure Blizzard has the necessary talent and capabilities to make this possible.
Even the NPC guards would change shifts, and at night time more dangerous and frightening monsters would appear in the woods. Perhaps monsters of the night would attempt to raid a town at night and the guards would send out a distress call for players in the area to assist with the defence. Even low level players will not be immune to such an attack, and this would force players to be more thoughtful and cautious at night, and plan their route to their destinations accordingly. This creates opportunities for high level players to be the heroes that the Warcraft ethos espouses in its series, the guardians and defenders of their faction's towns from not just the enemy players but also NPC night monsters that have the AI necessary to also hide during the day and only come out at night to hunt, terrorize and occupy different areas of the wild at their own will. If they can be programmed with enough AI to carry out acts such as encroaching more territory gradually over time, creating the need for players to fight them off from time to time. In return, their nation's faction would 'see' the actions of a player over time and lavish him/her with unique rewards and/or commendations based on his/her actions.
There's a lot more I could write, but really these are some of the things that I think would really make WoW into a truly living world where players actions have an impact on the game world. I know that not everyone would agree with those ideas, but hey feel free to comment and discuss this topic further
I wish they never would have released BT personally. I mean, a huge population in the game didn't even have ample time to get to endgame and run all the cool endgame instances, and now they create another one so its just harder to find a party for one, and its the same ole thing for everything you do, all in all blizzard has to do something or WoW will die soon.
blizzards in the businessof making moeny not going out of it.ever hear of ultima online.of course not ,its still around,but it had the lame pvp your talking about.where people waited outside of towns to loot newbies.who wants to play a game where you wpend hours farming and some coward kills you after a huge fight or in the middle of a fight a loots it all.thats about the best way to killthe game ive heard.unless your the coward and to damn lazy to farm stuff.
you cant learn languages,you cant group with the other side,which cuts down on half your potential party members.hell eq you could do that and still had a hellva time getting a group.guilds are worthless cause no one wants to take the time to help anyone else.i played it when it first came out got to 60 and was bored silly.trying it again and only at 50 and bored silly.
Yeah old school pvp can be annoying but it's the risk and thrill factor that makes pvp so much more fun. The pvp in WoW as it is at the moment is boring in my opinion, there's no incentive to pvp except maybe for simple fun and honor points, both of which have no real lasting appeal. If a player got his hands on a valuable item, he needs to hearth and stash it away in his bank or go on a detour to evade enemy players until he can get back to friendly territory.
If the environment in WoW grew and had life cycles of birth, growth, death and rebirth, that would be nice as well. Add in seasons, and make the environment respond to those seasons. The leaves on trees and other plants would wither in autumn, small ponds and rivers would dry up during summer, and large lakes would be frozen over during winter. WoW had the right environment and land mass, it's a pity it was so static and uninteractive. The most a player could do to interact with the natural environment was harvest resources and interact with quest-related items.
I do agree that Blizzard really needs to do something about WoW because in my opinion it is a game that is so linear and once a player reachs max level then there's really not much else to do except finish off old quests, repetitive instance dungeons, upgrade gear, raid enemy territory (for fun and honor points) and max out your skills in combat and crafting - All of which are fun, but has no long-term appeal because players simply can't affect or change the game world much at all. After all, doesn't the introductory story scene for each race say that we're the ones who will determine the destiny of our people? If all we're limited to doing to pursue that goal is to pvp, gather resources, trade, do instance dungeons, do scripted quests and then at the end get bored of it, how is that in any way determining the destiny of the race you belong to?
Well, like many people have said, Blizzard is unlikely to do anything to change WoW as it is, which is sad because it could have been something truly monumental. A game that takes up 4 gigs of hard disk space but has the content and features of a lesser calibre is truly disappointing.
Blizzard should make it possible for players who have the necessary wealth and skill to build custom towns and housing, and maybe change pvp to old school where if you died then everything you're carrying in your backpack (except equipped gear) drops with your corpse and can be looted by other players. This will add a risk factor and intensity whenever your character goes out into unprotected lands. Players in guilds will have the add incentive to band together more and protect one another in the open. It will also make players be more careful with their hard-won goods. Maybe Blizzard can change the rogue's thieving skill so that it works on a player character as well, but again only take what's in the victim's backpack and not equipped items. The quests should be more random and not static where each character has to complete that same quest. Maybe change the questing system to one where in the major cities and smaller towns there are public bulletin boards listing available quests that are randomly-generated by friendly NPCs who need a task done, or maybe even let players create custom quests for other players to carry out. The NPCs should be more dynamic and live realistic lives ie. Depending on the time of day, an NPC citizen might be tilling his/her farm, eating, meeting other npcs and traveling around, then at night they come home and go to sleep. Add some unique events to the lives of the NPCs, for example a child of an NPC goes missing in a certain location in the woods and the NPC generates a quest for anyone skilled and brave enough to take the quest to find and bring the child safely back to his parent. Maybe even add a twist to that quest by having the player finding out that the child being captured by murlocs or something and then the player now has to fight through a murloc camp in order to rescue the child. The player that completes that quest will earn favour and reputation with that NPC, not just with the NPC's faction. The NPC would remember that player and in future will look to him/her if the NPC needed any help. I'm sure Blizzard has the necessary talent and capabilities to make this possible. Even the NPC guards would change shifts, and at night time more dangerous and frightening monsters would appear in the woods. Perhaps monsters of the night would attempt to raid a town at night and the guards would send out a distress call for players in the area to assist with the defence. Even low level players will not be immune to such an attack, and this would force players to be more thoughtful and cautious at night, and plan their route to their destinations accordingly. This creates opportunities for high level players to be the heroes that the Warcraft ethos espouses in its series, the guardians and defenders of their faction's towns from not just the enemy players but also NPC night monsters that have the AI necessary to also hide during the day and only come out at night to hunt, terrorize and occupy different areas of the wild at their own will. If they can be programmed with enough AI to carry out acts such as encroaching more territory gradually over time, creating the need for players to fight them off from time to time. In return, their nation's faction would 'see' the actions of a player over time and lavish him/her with unique rewards and/or commendations based on his/her actions. There's a lot more I could write, but really these are some of the things that I think would really make WoW into a truly living world where players actions have an impact on the game world. I know that not everyone would agree with those ideas, but hey feel free to comment and discuss this topic further
I like alot of this Colmar- seriously- if Bliz tok some of this onboard- I would play wow again!!- Nice post!
are vets people like you who have played WoW since the beginning, or are vets people like me who went to kmart (thats what we had before gamestop) to buy a copy of orcs vs humans in 1992?
Well I guess, seeing as putting hundreds of hours into Warcraft 1-3 would not make you any better at WoW, that veterans would apply to whoever has been playing WoW for a long time and has done plenty of endgame. Just because you polayed all the Warcraft games out there doesn't make you good at one thats completely different. So to answer your question, veterans = people who have played WoW for a long time and have done Alot of endgame.
Maybe change the questing system to one where in the major cities and smaller towns there are public bulletin boards listing available quests that are randomly-generated by friendly NPCs who need a task done, or maybe even let players create custom quests for other players to carry out
You should submit this idea on their suggestions forums. Maybe not along those lines but lets say there is a npc that gives random quests in WoW.(there was one in AC2) Basically every update WoW could add a load of new quests to that Npc and it would satisfy the player who isn't a raider. Some of these quests could be pretty expansive to make them more significant or more work needed to do.
I think it's fairly natural for people to grow out of these sorts of games.
In general you're probably right. However, I remember killing the same three bosses of Diablo 2 for well over a year, and would probably still be killing them if it wasn't for the massive dupe from hell. I think it says a lot when three bosses in D2 are more compelling then all of World of Warcraft, not to mention that D2 wasn't even close to a full fledged MMO. I'm of the opinion that it is entirely possible to keep people playing for more then two years. It just takes devs designing games that are fun again, as compared to huge timesinks like rep grinds and raids, which simply are not fun. I could write a darn book about all the design flaws that I see in wow, but I don't want to take the time to write it, and I doubt you guys want to read it.
Battlegrounds killed the game for me. They already ruined immersion with an over use of instancing for dungeons, now i have to go into an instance to have fun and pvp?
The game was advertised as pvp when it was in beta still. But as with many other things they strayed too far from their original promises.
As far as peopel growing out of these games I think you are right to some extent. But WoW is the only mmo I have quit and not had the desire to come back to. I suppose community plays a major factor in this as well too, but that is something thats rather unavoidable and certainly not something game companies can control. You take the good with the bad in that case.
Blizzard already ruined the game, only reason people play is for friends and raiding. Until SC2 comes out, or the new MMos, WoW is like the hobby for the new mmos.
Blizzard failed to innovate us to keep playing what used to be a good game, now a bad.
who wants to play a game where you wpend hours farming and some coward kills you after a huge fight or in the middle of a fight a loots it all.
I do. although not on the OSI shards for a long time. Drop your gold and items off more often if you dont want to lose hours of farming. Heck, id go grey on my blue sometimes if I saw a tamer or farming the same monsters for hours. Its shame darkfall doesnt look like its being developed anymore because it looked to be bringing back the attack anyone, loot anything type of gameplay thats kept me playing UO on and off since 98. Theres a market out there for mmo players like me. someone just needs to make the game. Until then its 2d 8-direction-movement for me
but that's not quite on topic, what should they do to hold the interest of its veterans?
it seems to me that WOW doesn't offer much to do besides farm/grind, quest, pvp/bg, and instance/raid...what i mean by that is there is no downtime activities in WOW. there aren't any purely social activities, that's one of the things i loved about SWG, is it let you do things besides just fighting, you could go to the cantina and hang out with friends, you could go gamble (granted it wasn't the best mini game, but still it was fun), or you could go do some crafting. in SWG i'd just craft stuff because it was fun, i could see how good i could make something or make it with different ingrediants, etc--it was a lot of fun, and great for the times when i didn't want to go grind.
also player housing, having a place that you can call your home and decorate it, is actually fun, unfourtunately they probably wouldn't be able to do player cities which is even more fun--and being able to attack/defend player cities, lol, but they could do instanced appartments and houses and instanced guild halls.
i'm more interested in trying to farm thekal for a tiger mount than I am doing lvl 70 instances.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
if I were to kill a titan tomorrow and no CCP employees showed up to say grats I would petition it.
Waiting for: the next MMO that lets me make this macro
if hp < 30 then CastSpell("heal") SpellTargetUnit("player") else CastSpell("smite") end
Keepin' Down The Underground
Being a 2.5 year WoW Vet, I agree. They really need to do something.
But that won't happen because Blizzard is a bunch of pre-Maddona "we'll give you expansions when we're good and fucking ready" type people. Their flagship (WoW) lacks content in a BIG way. And by content I mean: Zones. Not fucking instances - ZONES!
We need level cap increases once a year or hero levels or some sort of AA. We need SOMETHING to make our characters BETTER other than more LOOT!
Yeah, they need to do something.
Life of an MMORPG "addict"
For 7 years, proving that if you quote "fuck" you won't get banned.
Flying around and exploring on my flying mount was fun for a while. But the faction grinds that you have to go through to get keyed for Kara on up just don't sound like much fun to me. Likewise with grinding Alders and other reps. I have a 62 that I could take up, and I have some 45s that could make the run to 58 in a few weeks and then hit TBC. But knowing the game will fall flat on it's face for them as soon as I hit 70 gives me very little motivation to do so. I've enjoyed my time with WoW, but honestly nothing I see coming down the pipe excites me all that much. Still, worth 15 bucks a month for a little while just to bop in and say hello to the guildies I guess.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
You have to do quest chain, involving in few dungeon runs, and the last is the readiness check, bit difficult if you are not prepared.
Sadly, there are problems with finding the party, there are lacks of tanks and healers all the time on our server (EU).
Besides the raids and dungeon runs, there are nothing interesting to do, that is true.
They added some "solo" content last time, but it is reputation grind, and the rewards are not enough price for the time and effort put into the grind. Even flying dragon mount.
If they killed Tigole (Jeffrey Kaplan) for us..
yeah that'd hold my interest.... means someone else will come in and finally make the game better.... his fault about The Black Temple that even he admits 75%-80% of the population of WoW will never see.
Took away the very thing that made alliance and horde seperate, now it's all down to which side you prefer the look off. They play the same, quests are basically the same apart from a couple of exceptions. They're not really at war anymore, with AQ.. NAXX... the Dark Portal and Now Illidian, i'm surprised you can't group up with them.
Guild Housing, Player Housing, PvP Battlegrounds, new classes, anything original etc
not while this raider/grinder is in charge........
after all 1-60 is just to teach you how to play, what purpose does 60-70 have really? It does nothing but make it easier for the developers to solve problems like adding more skills (incinerate) and talent points.
I really don't get how wow has hung on for so long with its limited content, but the time it took to level to 60 was near perfect, a little long, but not excessivly long. I think that if they must have increased the level cap to solve problems like wanting more talent points and adding skill they shouldv'e just recalculated experience points require for each level so that it took the same amount of time to lvl to 70 as it did to lvl 60
and I agree with the faction stuff too, every time I go to Shattrath I just can't help but think how stupid it is you can't talk to or group with the other faction, I mean here they have this city, that everyone is in, but you can only talk to half of them (or 30% of them in my case, for the horde!)
oh and macro changes
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
if I were to kill a titan tomorrow and no CCP employees showed up to say grats I would petition it.
Waiting for: the next MMO that lets me make this macro
if hp < 30 then CastSpell("heal") SpellTargetUnit("player") else CastSpell("smite") end
Hero Classes.
As it stands, the current classes are overplayed for most vets.
Because they changed the group dynamics irreputably...by having 10 and 25 man raid instances.
Because its all about grinding rep...including PvP.
And even though yes, they finally introduced quest lines you can solo...it'll take me 3 years to get a netherdrake mount because I dont have 5000gs.
I knew tons of people who never experienced Naxx or AQ40 (me included) before TBC...now Blizz introduces Black Temple?!?
I couldn't take it anymore...doing the rep...trying to get my heroic keys...it felt so futile. All of my friends had left...and it just wasn't the same.
Blizzard should make it possible for players who have the necessary wealth and skill to build custom towns and housing, and maybe change pvp to old school where if you died then everything you're carrying in your backpack (except equipped gear) drops with your corpse and can be looted by other players. This will add a risk factor and intensity whenever your character goes out into unprotected lands. Players in guilds will have the add incentive to band together more and protect one another in the open. It will also make players be more careful with their hard-won goods. Maybe Blizzard can change the rogue's thieving skill so that it works on a player character as well, but again only take what's in the victim's backpack and not equipped items.
The quests should be more random and not static where each character has to complete that same quest. Maybe change the questing system to one where in the major cities and smaller towns there are public bulletin boards listing available quests that are randomly-generated by friendly NPCs who need a task done, or maybe even let players create custom quests for other players to carry out. The NPCs should be more dynamic and live realistic lives ie. Depending on the time of day, an NPC citizen might be tilling his/her farm, eating, meeting other npcs and traveling around, then at night they come home and go to sleep. Add some unique events to the lives of the NPCs, for example a child of an NPC goes missing in a certain location in the woods and the NPC generates a quest for anyone skilled and brave enough to take the quest to find and bring the child safely back to his parent. Maybe even add a twist to that quest by having the player finding out that the child being captured by murlocs or something and then the player now has to fight through a murloc camp in order to rescue the child. The player that completes that quest will earn favour and reputation with that NPC, not just with the NPC's faction. The NPC would remember that player and in future will look to him/her if the NPC needed any help. I'm sure Blizzard has the necessary talent and capabilities to make this possible.
Even the NPC guards would change shifts, and at night time more dangerous and frightening monsters would appear in the woods. Perhaps monsters of the night would attempt to raid a town at night and the guards would send out a distress call for players in the area to assist with the defence. Even low level players will not be immune to such an attack, and this would force players to be more thoughtful and cautious at night, and plan their route to their destinations accordingly. This creates opportunities for high level players to be the heroes that the Warcraft ethos espouses in its series, the guardians and defenders of their faction's towns from not just the enemy players but also NPC night monsters that have the AI necessary to also hide during the day and only come out at night to hunt, terrorize and occupy different areas of the wild at their own will. If they can be programmed with enough AI to carry out acts such as encroaching more territory gradually over time, creating the need for players to fight them off from time to time. In return, their nation's faction would 'see' the actions of a player over time and lavish him/her with unique rewards and/or commendations based on his/her actions.
There's a lot more I could write, but really these are some of the things that I think would really make WoW into a truly living world where players actions have an impact on the game world. I know that not everyone would agree with those ideas, but hey feel free to comment and discuss this topic further
Keepin' Down The Underground
Yeah old school pvp can be annoying but it's the risk and thrill factor that makes pvp so much more fun. The pvp in WoW as it is at the moment is boring in my opinion, there's no incentive to pvp except maybe for simple fun and honor points, both of which have no real lasting appeal. If a player got his hands on a valuable item, he needs to hearth and stash it away in his bank or go on a detour to evade enemy players until he can get back to friendly territory.
If the environment in WoW grew and had life cycles of birth, growth, death and rebirth, that would be nice as well. Add in seasons, and make the environment respond to those seasons. The leaves on trees and other plants would wither in autumn, small ponds and rivers would dry up during summer, and large lakes would be frozen over during winter. WoW had the right environment and land mass, it's a pity it was so static and uninteractive. The most a player could do to interact with the natural environment was harvest resources and interact with quest-related items.
I do agree that Blizzard really needs to do something about WoW because in my opinion it is a game that is so linear and once a player reachs max level then there's really not much else to do except finish off old quests, repetitive instance dungeons, upgrade gear, raid enemy territory (for fun and honor points) and max out your skills in combat and crafting - All of which are fun, but has no long-term appeal because players simply can't affect or change the game world much at all. After all, doesn't the introductory story scene for each race say that we're the ones who will determine the destiny of our people? If all we're limited to doing to pursue that goal is to pvp, gather resources, trade, do instance dungeons, do scripted quests and then at the end get bored of it, how is that in any way determining the destiny of the race you belong to?
Well, like many people have said, Blizzard is unlikely to do anything to change WoW as it is, which is sad because it could have been something truly monumental. A game that takes up 4 gigs of hard disk space but has the content and features of a lesser calibre is truly disappointing.
Keepin' Down The Underground
You should submit this idea on their suggestions forums. Maybe not along those lines but lets say there is a npc that gives random quests in WoW.(there was one in AC2) Basically every update WoW could add a load of new quests to that Npc and it would satisfy the player who isn't a raider. Some of these quests could be pretty expansive to make them more significant or more work needed to do.
Battlegrounds killed the game for me. They already ruined immersion with an over use of instancing for dungeons, now i have to go into an instance to have fun and pvp?
The game was advertised as pvp when it was in beta still. But as with many other things they strayed too far from their original promises.
As far as peopel growing out of these games I think you are right to some extent. But WoW is the only mmo I have quit and not had the desire to come back to. I suppose community plays a major factor in this as well too, but that is something thats rather unavoidable and certainly not something game companies can control. You take the good with the bad in that case.
Blizzard already ruined the game, only reason people play is for friends and raiding. Until SC2 comes out, or the new MMos, WoW is like the hobby for the new mmos.
Blizzard failed to innovate us to keep playing what used to be a good game, now a bad.
I do. although not on the OSI shards for a long time. Drop your gold and items off more often if you dont want to lose hours of farming. Heck, id go grey on my blue sometimes if I saw a tamer or farming the same monsters for hours. Its shame darkfall doesnt look like its being developed anymore because it looked to be bringing back the attack anyone, loot anything type of gameplay thats kept me playing UO on and off since 98. Theres a market out there for mmo players like me. someone just needs to make the game. Until then its 2d 8-direction-movement for me