well the game sounds REALLY sweet though i really am not sure how much of this stuff is realistic....
plus i cannot belive that there will be no gettting out of your ships and walking around!!!! i mean in a game with billions of worlds which sounds like exploring heaven, there just HAS to be an option which lets you get out and walk arounds!!!!
plus it says that there will not be any alien race to fight?!?! in a billion world system such as this different enemies just has to be implemented!!! how interesting will it be to find new planets with nothing on them???
Take a few seconds to think seriously about what the implementation of a FPS mode implies for us, developers: characters, hundreds of skins for the characters ( and a lot of skins, since players don't like to look alike ), character animations, tens if not hundreds of buildings interiors.. we are not Blizzard you know. Our budget isn't in the millions of dollars..
For the same reason, there are no alien races. It would require, to be interesting, to model tens of ships/stations/cities that have a completely different look than human ones. Plus, the evil alien race that declares war on humanity is awfully cliché, while we're trying to do something more mature with an interesting plot that involves more "political" events.
Infinity: The Quest for Earth, space-sim MMO with a seamless procedural galaxy.
I think that if there will be billion systems it woud take quite a while until you explore all of them. And maby that years laterer there will be aded a alien race. Well that woud be nice.
Then again why not randomly generate aliens on some planets to! think Star Ship Troopers where they just live in caves and shizzle.
Well anyway the Devs will do whats best for the game so..
A couple of points. I would prefer the development team to make a great space game and forget walking around. (Otherwise you might as well have options to get out and start fighting skeletons). Privateer was clever in the sense you would see your ship land and then you would have an interface in the space station. So even though you did not walk around it did give a feel that you was not in your ship anymore.
2nd I would recommend 1 alien race and focus a storyline around them. I am assuming large amounts of PVP will go on so that will be a large chunk of combat. Looking at Jumpgate as an example. You only fight the flux and you have a sense of us vs them. Plus the player factions were at war to. I would love to see this game (any game to be honest) have situations where you would see a fertile rich planet and its guarded by a fleet. The only way to take the planet is to wipe the fleet with other people. Once its gone, its gone or possibly just a few raids thereafter. So you actually feel like you have some influence over the game.
This game will be immensely popular if it does 3 things. 1. space combat is fun and challenging. 2. loads of exploration. 3. player participation helps create cities, colonies etc.
I have played the pre alpha game engine and I absolutely love it! I had trouble at first but thats probably me taking on a battleship in a frigate.