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I'm not talking about asian F2P games, but your Triple A title MMORPG with a monthly fee, like LotRO, or the upcoming AoC and WAR.
Do you still need a box and a DVD or would you be happy just downloading the game? I've always liked having the DVD, because I worry, what if something goes wrong with my hard drive? What if I get a new computer and I have to DL the whole thing again (a long time for most games now even with broadband).
But on the other hand, I've still got a Box for EQ2. What the heck good is it? The free month is used up, and who would even buy it? It's not like I"m going to play it again, and the same goes with DAoC.
Maybe I could get 3 dollars for it on Ebay. Is that worth the trouble to box it and ship it?
I'm thinking next time around, maybe I'll just download the MMORPG and skip the box. It just makes for clutter, and I don't REALLY need it.
Besides, if MMORPGs all start distributing by download for their main revenue, they can skip publishers, and Best Buy and Wal-Mart, and make lots more money, which means they can make more games. Or they need less of a budget to make a game in the first place because there's less overhead (no boxes to print).
I like having a box and a dvd that way I don't have to sit for 6 plus hours downloading the game everytime I get a new computer or do a reformat.
btw you can't resell MMO games since the product key is already used its one of the reasons why you can't return them to stores.
They wouldnt' make more money infact they'd probably make less by limiting options, alot of customers do not like to buy things online still or they don't have credit cards.
Alot of games these days offer digital download so why is this even an issue?
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Anatomy of a Fanboi
This is you.
(1) A box
(2) The CDs or DVD(s)
(3) A well-written, complete instruction manual
If the game doesn't have all three, I have been ripped off.
Yes, I know designers want to feel like they don' t have to provide manuals or instructions any more. They are wrong, not to mention lazy.
The lack of documentation in software in general ticks me off... so they'd better provide it if they want my business.
I understand the idea of not wanting to download the game again. That does suck. But as far as a manual, you can always provide that in a PDF or something, but really, if I have to read the manual in an MMORPG, it's not very good IMO.
I usually read the manual to see how to install the game, and that's it. After that I should be able to figure everything out by clicking stuff on the GUI or in game tutorials, or I think the game sucks.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
Give me direct download anyway. Be less boxes sitting on my shelf that I feel I should be keeping because I paid money for them. I do however think people should have the option of shop bought or download.
Yes, I do realize that the disc will be useless eventually, since it the client on there will be outdated within a year or so. Oh well :>
One of my friend's just received an xbox 360 elite through this method. So I thought I'd try it. Your help would be appreciated
I don't care about the box, and to be honest, I don't read the instruction book. I prefer to just download, create an account,
create a character and start playing.
After all, the manual, if done properly, does not merely explain the basics of how to play the game. It also provides a reference for you, that you can use to look up things. If you want to memorize everything in the game go ahead, but I like looking things up, and it is often easier to do that with a good manual that has an index in the back, rather than trying to surf the damn web for help on forums, player-made Wikis, etc. If I just want to look up what the prime requisites are for a class, I should be able to turn to a manual to find out.
The problem is that the game industry just doesn't want to bother with manuals. If they provide one, it's usually not worth the paper it's printed on. I think a lot of them do this on purpose, so that players are forced to buy the Prima guide, which I am sure the game company gets a cut of. Why provide the manual for free when they can milk you for another $20 to get a real manual.
I am sorry but I can't condone this attitude. I should not have to pay extra for a manual. That should come with the game. Writing good documentation is supposed to be part and parcel of the software development/release cycle. That companies no longer feel they need to do this is pathetic in my opinion. Developers need to stop being lazy and actually document their games.
Eventually the crappy cable monopolies have to catch up to the rest of the world and give us at least 50mb/sec. Dsl companies are starting to do fiber also so eventually it wont take long to download a game.
Own, Mine, Defend, Attack, 24/7
Since before paying for the box I'll try out the game and this usually requires going to a friend's home or downloading the trial, the box means little to me.
No postage to pay.
Less dead tree used in the process.
Less plastic used in the process.
As long as the download service is fast and reliable and there are sufficient online game guides I am for it 100%
I used to visit this site a lot however in recent years it has become the home of negative forum posts, illogical opinions and tantrums so I visit less often.
Played or Beta'd: UO / DAOC / Horizons / EQ2 / DDO / EVE / Archlord / PirateKingsOnline / Tabula Rasa / LOTRO / AOC / Champions / Darkfall / Mortal Online / DCUO / Rift / STO / SWTOR / TSW
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Yes it's not always fun to have to download something first but let's face it, you have to download hours worth of patching most of the time anyways, it's just a little forethought that's needed. It's better for the environment, lots easier to organize for someone like me (I have dozens of old game boxes absolutely everywhere) and there's really no reason to NOT have a DD in the first place.
IMHO the game market still hasn't caught up to the potential of DD just yet, I hope they do.
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In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
This poll should really have an option for "both" to be honest I voted for Box (said so above) but I'd of voted for both if I could. Max profits if you don't skip out on anything I mean what if you want to get the game but don't have a credit card and they don't take pay pal? What then? If we cut out the middleman what happens to employees for game stores? Alot of MMO's offer both which is in my view a far better option.
i'll probably always get the box though i kinda like having the pretties that come in the box lol
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
I want my game in a box and if it's a very good game then I want the collectors edition.
And preferbly a detailed manual printed in color.
If I don't like the game that much and/or the art on the box looks like shite then I'm ok with a digital download.
You can copy the downloaded game to DVDs or flash drives. I prefer download just because it's quicker and I'm to lazy to go to the store and buy it heh. Most games I get these days are downloaded or sent through the mail as a last resort.