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Prior to playing EvE Online, I accepted all game reviewers as gospel. Now everytime I see a reviewer rate EvE Online high and/or positive comments -- I can argue that their creditiablity should be check. If you notice that everytime that this game have high rating by a reviewer, please take a look at their advertisment. As of 6/9/07, How can all MMO games have the same 8.1 rating across the board? Espcially this game??
After the major update in the fall of '06, the updated EvE Online game acceelarated the negavtive behaviors for the players to cheat, lie, steal and harass people, resulting many PvE players leaving this game.
The reason I left this game is becuase CCP does not enforce it's own EULA. I was harass (including sexual harassment) for many months by an idiot player. When I reported to CCP, all they said was that "it was a part of the game." I am not sure what kind of action that the company took on this idiot, but I can assure you, CCP did not thing. CCP did not accept my "chat log" as a proof to ban this idiot player. Over a year span, this idiot player manages to drive over a hundred friends from EVE. I lost alot of great friends and gamers. When this idiot player start harassing me, and since CCP refuse to take action on him--I closed all 3 accounts.
Shame on you MMORPG and other professional reviewers for not doing your homework... it is a sad shame!!
Your probably going to delete this.. can't you handle the truth??
Now your negative experience of Eve, whilst annoying for yourself isn't indicative of the majority. Regardless of faults the game company may have, Eve is actually a very good game. Assuming that is you like space type games! And you will find many game companies care very little for their players. So what if they lose a few, there are always more out there. So a lot of your friends have quit. If CCP had banned the player your talking about then maybe friends of his would have left. CCP like any company are in the business of making money. They dont care if it's your money or somebodies elses money they are taking. It's harsh but thats life. Which is why many people hide in online games! And for your reference I'm not an Eve fanboy. I quit the game a couple of years back. Still, I'd give it a rating of 8.1
Who doesnt love it when the people they kill online have a cry?
The whole point of EVE is freedom and to resemble real-life in the future. You cant complain when someone uses the rules of the game to enhance their experience.
Cry more.
I would have to agree that EVE online does encourage people to cheat, lie, steal and harass people. Although many players learn to not let it bother them. I love giving a greifer a taste of their own medicine. As far as the EVE rating goes its pretty fair i think. EVE does belong in the top 5 for now. Although i doubt it will be their after AoC and War are released.
CCP does enforce their own EULA. Just ask Sir Molle and his BOB buddies. They seem to be able to get people banned at will. Didnt you get the memo with the dev's MSN.
Sorry I couldnt resist. Lol
For example, if ratings over a year old were removed from the figuring the rating average then I think you would see a better indication of the current player-base feeling towards a game.
I'm very sorry that happened to you. What was the character name of this gamer?
Frontier justice 4tw
It's one thing to attack a person in low sec, it's one thing to pirate. But sexual harassment is beyond any sort of decency and should be quashed.
If the OP's comments are true, then CCP severely erred there.
Eve is a very harsh game. it's not WOW, and as for customer support CCP are very poor in this area.
Other parts of the game alow you to deal out your own punishment, and from what you have said here I would say you should have gone and killed the person in game over and over again, and not asked for CCP to sort it out.
As for game reviews I personaly dont take any notiice of them... i go read the public forums to get a true rating of a game before i buy.
What a fake post. All you are trying to do is draw flames. Post something believable next time. All this post did was get people laughing at you.
Edited because this was a bit of a bad reply....Sorry
Why the personal attacks on the OP. I think you could look at anyones history and see where they stand on the EVE issue including yours Jadedradon. The OP deff made some strong statments why not just try to adress the issues. Their were some good points brought up about the rating system , the EVE culture in game, and CCp's enforcement of their EULA.
When ever some tries to attack the person instead of the facts it makes me think.
Pretty poor post a classic chip on the shoulder rant.
The facts are that EVE will maintain its position as a rated game for a long time, well designed for longevity with a strong community.
Am I missing the point but people can be easily ignored and find it hard to believe that youire evidence was strong enough. I had a similar problem within EVE and it was addressed and the harrasment I was geting was dropped. Now it didn't really bother me as I have the ability to ignore and filter griefers. The only reason I escalated the situation was that afellow Guild member was also being harassed and it was affecting her.
The Harrasment stopped, I reccomend that the OP has a rest relaxes else I can see an Ulcer coming on
And why were we being harrased because the guy tried to take us out and we destroyed his precious ship .... but thats the game.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
How is pointing out that the op's intent was to draw flames a personal attack?
The writing is almost unintelligible, the spelling atrocious and the story unbelievable. If that is not asking for flames, what is?
Just to deflate the silly story, Eve support has always taken a dim view of harrassment, especially if it is racial or sexual in nature.
There are a lot of situations where people claim harrassment when game mechanics are abused. Eve support generally does not act on these, they instead just try to fix the game instead. So saying he was sexually harrassed and it was not acted on is total fabrication.
So since that is his central point, it is pretty obvious that his complete intent was to draw flames.
sending those chatlogs within the harassment petiton is there helpful, too.
And while interacting with GMs, just keep calm, objectiv and friendly.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Why the personal attacks on the OP. I think you could look at anyones history and see where they stand on the EVE issue including yours Jadedradon. The OP deff made some strong statments why not just try to adress the issues. Their were some good points brought up about the rating system , the EVE culture in game, and CCp's enforcement of their EULA.
When ever some tries to attack the person instead of the facts it makes me think.
Actually you have a good point coldfire ill re-read his OP And make a second reply......later perhaps.Was your ability to use the player block function imparied somehow OP, or did it fail to occur to you to look for that option during your "months" of harassment?
That aside CCP customer service basically stinks, but you know what? It's not a treadmill, and I was in controll of my own destiny something you rarely find in online games these days.
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The main problem i have with this post is 2 fold. First of all the story has little evidence backing it up and in the recent climate evidence is a sort of must have now.
Also the other reason is the reason you provide for leaving as evidenced be the following Link You gave a very different reason for leaving eve that has nothing to do with 1 guy sexually harrasssing you. Its also worth noting your first 3 posts you made with this allias of Hi-Five is very revieling of your true reasons for leaving EvE.
I hope this reply to your OP is much better than my last one which im about to edit out [and quite rightly].
EDIT:- Oh forgot to sujjest that if you tried eve out again you learn to use the block feature. Ive never needed it but its good to know its there.
While I would agree that the OP was a little dramatic with their post it does have some good points. Eve does seem to want players to be able to cheat, lie, and steal. Im not saying this is a bad thing or not but it is part of EVE. I will never forget the first time I got scamed in a trade ! Or how about my first day in EVE I was asked if i needed any help and invited into a gang then some ships flew in and blew mine up all the guys in the gang called me a noob and laughed at me lol. Cant forget about all those cans labled free stuff in kisogo that just wsnt nice lol. First day in EVE my head was spinning around I got killed and scammed so many times.
I have gotten the "it was a part of the game." responce more times than i would of liked to. Or my favorite is when they agree that the problem was on their side servers going down or somthing but "sorry thier is nothing they can do right now about it, thank you I am closing the petition now". that has to be my favorite. Loosing few hrs of ore and a few tech 2 drones isnt a big deal in the larger picture, but hey it was my time wasted.
The OPs statement of what CCp said was needed as proff does make sence. CCp would say they dont except chat logs and realy wouldnt do anything to a harrasing player unless they actually see the actions for themselves. It all realy depends on the mood of the dev if a petition is successfull or not.
Harrasment is tricky in EVE. you basically can do what ever you want to a pilot/corp. But if you make their game unplayable you can get banned. Its all realy at the Devs personal discretion. I have seen fellow pilots get away with murder and others banned for playing within the rules.
All in all I can understand how the OP feels, EVE probably isnt the game for him/her.
Harassment petitions get to be responded in 20min - 1hour max. These petitions get instant in top of the list and u will get so fast an answer u will not believe. This is because chatlogs can be faked, but local or a convo cannot be. So you all u had to do was petition and make him smack u more and more until the gm got in local, then smile while he was banned. But u say about chatlogs. That means u got your petition way after the smack. So what that gm think..maybe u wanna harass an innocent player by banning him with false accusations! U got proof u did not wanted to do that?
my point is use the player tools how they are meant to use.
And killing noobs in kisogo is retarded, i know i was one of those who killed noobs in kisogo. And feel ashamed i destroy someone fun so fast in this game.
But this has nothing to do with Eve ratings on
I'm sorry. I think this game is far superior to Lord of the Rings Online and that one has a rating of 8.3
Are you trying to get EVE Online a higher score? I honestly think that 8.1 is an extremely accurate scoring for EVE, but I would not be surprised if it were scored higher by an intelligent person who's not privy to the tinfoil hat accusations.