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I was wondering how I should see this game. Is it like WoW, you just walk into the world and kill monsters and do PvP whenever you like it. Is it like DAoC, so lot of RvR. How should I see it? How will the game be? Does anybody already know how you can levelup?
How shall the RvR go? Will you have special maps for it like WoW's battlegrounds, or will you just do it in the world of WAR?
Is it possible to do PvE? So you kill NPC's and so. Is it possible to do questing?
How's the crafting system? Is it better then WoW's, is it possible to make lots of money with it? Do you have loads of possibilities with the craft you choose, or isn't it so expanded?
I'd like some answers to these questions, so I know whether this will be a game for me or not.
Currently playing Shot Online: Marlonn - lvl 52 Zygmunt.
"Argueing online is like running in the special Olympics... even if you win your still a retard."
From the jist of it
lots of quest, more than wow infact, but done in seperate ways so they go alot faster.
Kill Dwarves and bring me 15 black dwarven beards and 5 Red dwarven beards. Dwarven beards have a 30% chance of droping off Hill dwarves, and red dwarven beards have a 15% chance of droping off of Hill dwarven captains who are 1/5th as pleantiful as hill dwarves. <--------- thats a wow quest
War quest would be
"Get Demz beardiez" Your ork warchief has assigned you the task of slaying 20 dwarves in the Rockbanger outpost. Seeing as how you just killed 5 of the rockbanger dwarves on your way over here, you will recive credit now go kill 15 more of them blokes mate WAAAGGGHH! (every dwarf you kill will give you credit then return to warchief for your reward)
at the same time....
"Red be the new fashion lad" Armsmaster Bloodybeard has decided to have his troops show a sign of unity and have everyone in his Rockbanger outpost have matching beards. Take this orc blood and go over to the Rockbanger outpost and make sure you dye everyones beards and tell dem I said so! OH and whilee your over there, dispatch of those pesky little orks that have been trying to kill me guards" <---- this puts you in direct line with the orcs so you can break into a fight.
Unlike wow, where you hold hands and frollic through the grass with your hated enemy as you share kills of the same monsters in an area (thus work together with your enemy) the quest will put you in direct contention with your enemy so you HAVE TO kill them.
so to answer yoru question yes there are quest, there is a huge advanced story. The story will be recorded in a book that you can read at any time so you can understand the full plot.
There are dungeons and encounters.
There are pve bosses
There will not be stat advancement in the endgame through pve or pve raid content like wow/eq/vanguard. your not going to slay the giant dragon and upgrade your 100dps sword to a 150dps sword, your just going to get a 100dps sword that glows and bragging rights.
When you level, your character will grow meaning:
If you are a black orc, you will get bigger and bigger, your musles will grow, and you will look meaner than anyone else ( below your level )
So when you run around in a PvP area, and you see this mother fucker orc, that looks like a bad ass. You can rest asure that it isnt because he found some items that has great skin, but he is infact higher level and will kick your ass.
Warhammer will offer PvE aswell as any other game. however, as your work your way though the tiers ( areas ) you will get more and more pvp areas, and pve will be less and less. Im not saying that it wont be there, as far as i understand, there will be alot of pve aswell.
There will be bosses to fight, like fallen empire champions, corruptet into Chaos warriors, just waiting to kick our asses and sacrifices our bodies to their gods.
As far as level progression, there will be a start tree, with only a few choises, then you get higher, the tree expans, letting you specilize in your favorit weapon or spell line. Allowing you to combine your character as you please.
I dont know anything about the crafting system sorry
In my opinon, this game will own. I see 3 games being on top
Q 1-2 2008
World of warcraft
Warhammer online
Age of conan
Q 3-4 2008
Warhammer online
World of warcraft
Age of conan
and so on
I don't get why people think a sucsessful company who's already made one MMO will go out and change all their sucsessful mechanics, replacing them WoW facimilies. Especially the crapiest parts of WoW.
The game is pitched as pretty much being ablt to do what you want. They've said you can PvE or PvP the entire game without ever having to do the other one(but it's easier to just do both). There's a lot of RvR. You're always opossing the other side. If you're building a bridge, they're trying to tear it down. The goal of the game is to capture zones. When your side captures a zone the scenery will change to reflect it. So if you're chaos, maybe tenticals will grow out of hte buildings. The thing that contributes most to Zone Capture is Scenarios, instanced PvP. WoW left a lot people with a bad taste in their mouth for instanced PvP, but WAR looks like it will have a lot of improvement on the area. For one, the objectives have a point. You aren't just "Capturing the Flag" for the sake of capturing the flag, your securing a point for your side to seige, or killing someone and taking the artifact they had on hand or slaying a Dwarf who just crashed his gyrocopter. Secondly, WoW had 3 instances, WAR has 33. Then there's the use of NPC for ballance, so you aren't waiting hours for your turn. But, I really don't get what you're trying to ask here. If I missed answering your question, could you please rephrase it, I'll be happy to reanswer that question
RvR or specifically PvP Rvr? Will have a little of both. Skirmishing(Seeing an enemy player and randomly attacking them), Objectives(Something in the field that acts as mecca for PvP that the two sides fight over), and Scenarios will all being included. In each zone there's a PvP area and a non-PvP area. It's not like WoW where you have to go to a hole other zone, and PvP is a lot more common and purposeful than WoW, but it's not open PvP.
Yes there's PvE(If it was in DAoC, why wouldn't it be in WAR?). Yes there's questing, they just put a videoblog up about it.
They haven't said much about crafting. They put one short video up on it saying something like "We aren't ready to reveal it yet, but it will be the best thing ever". I don't think any of your other questions will be answered Pre-release.
It's NOTHING like WoW. I looks rather similar, the UI looks similar, the Graphics look pretty similar in style, but it won't play like WoW, at all. Now one Question after another:
You walk through the World, and kill Monsters. You can PvP whenever you like to, but there are three different types of Zones:
PvE Zones: Probably only one Faction (Order, being Empire, Dwarfs and High Elves is the first Faction, Destruction, being Greenskins, Chaos and Dark Elves ist the second Faction) will have access to each single PvE Zones (So that you won't see an enemy player you can't attack). You are safe from Players there. You can't attack Players from your own Faction. (Maybe duels will be added, we don't know yet.)
PvP Zones: There are Monsters, allied NPCs, enemy NPCs, as well as enemy Players, of course. When you see an enemy Player there, you can attack him.
(PvP-) Instances: Instanced Zones, obviously. Imagine WoW BGs, only better, more, cooler ;-) (Some PvE Instances will exist, too, but probably not as many as WoW has).
EVERYTHING you do in WAR will have something to do with RvR. PvE Quests play into determining Zone Control, Public Quests give you some advantage over your enemy...war will be everywhere in WAR.
You can level-up by gaining XP, obviously. XP will be gained through killing Monsters, doing Quests. Pretty standard stuff. BUT you will ALSO gain XP by killing enemy PLAYERS. Yeb, that's right, theoretically you can lvl from 1-40 (40 is max lvl at release) without killing a single NPC. You gain XP, Gold, and Items from killing enemy Players. (But you won't lose Gold, XP or Items when you die in PvP, the loot you gain upon killing is generated for your enemy to loot).
As said earlier, you'll have both Open World PvP, and instanced PvP Scenarios.
Both will determine the control of the Zones. You have Objectives in Open World PvP, from simple "Kill 10 enemy player" Quests, to capturable Objectives that give some Bonus to competitive Quests. (For example there is a Field with many Hurt Dwarfs lying there. The Orcs now get a Quest to kill them and rip their Beards off, so their Waaaghboss gets more Trophies, while the Dwarfs get a Quest to bring them Beer and get them back up again)
Scenarios will offer a vast variety of different Objectives, from "Hold the Artifact" over to "Assault the Position" to CTF modes, there'll be something for everyone. (Devs talked about 150+ different Scenarios on release)
The 40 levels are divided into 4 Tiers with 10 ranks each, though we don't know how this will effectively play out. You'll gain Skill Points to put into your Skills (pretty much WoW's Talent system as it appears currently, but again, with a twist: You have different Talent-Tree-Sets: Core, Secondary and Specialization or something, with three Skill Point-Types you gain accordingly. This is changing constantly from Video to Video, heavy testing occurs ^_^).
Despite the heavy PvP focus, there'll of course still be PvE Zones, PvE Quests, PvE Dungeons, PvE Bosses, PvE Monsters to kill, with according Quests.
(Devs spoke from "80% PvE, 20% PvP in the early Game, then shifting over to 20% PvE, 80% PvP Content in the End-Game" to give you numbers. So expect 4 times as many/big PvP than PvE Zones in the Endgame).
And finally: We don't know anything about crafting yet. Other than "It will be GREAT!" from Paul Barnett ^_^
And "Orcs won't hop around in a field and pick Flowers! NEVER!". So expect the Crafting System to have to do with RvR and fighting. But other than that, we really don't know anything yet. Mythic keeps this very secret.
Here a Link to the RvR System, explains everything better than I ever could ;-)
And here a Link to the PvE Quest Types. Paul Barnett is the crazy guy with the white Sunglasses, and he's simply amazing
And, just for flavour, more Paul Barnett Greatness, along with a General Summary of WAR ;-)
Soo, guess you got some wrong Infos here, or I just misunderstood your Post.
Who says we aren't? ... Nah, sadly, that's the truth. (Though payment in Form of Guaranteed Beta Slots for me and my Buddies would be great *wink* Hahah)
This made he have the following questions:
1. Can you try to conquer the whole alliance area when you're a bad guy (don't know the name). I mean, like in WoW, can you conquer the others city's, like Ironforge, or even take over the side's world. Or do you simply go to a battleground?
Currently playing Shot Online: Marlonn - lvl 52 Zygmunt.
"Argueing online is like running in the special Olympics... even if you win your still a retard."
You cant controll it, buying items and stuff. But destroy it completely.
First, there's the Zone Control. All Zones are either owned by Destruction, or Order (Horde and Alliance in WoW Terms...). How exactly this Zone control will play out, what benefits there'll be and so on isn't known yet.
Each Zone's Ownership is determined by Victory Points (VPs). You gain VPs by killing the enemy players, by capturing and holding certain strategic points in the open world, and by winning in Scenarios in that Zone (a minor amount of VPs will come from PvE Questing as well). So VPs are something, that you as player gain for your Realm, you personally don't have any VPs.
And then there's the sacking of the enemy's capitol city:
You first have to get entrance into the City, usually the Gate is closed, there are Guards and so on. You gain entrance to the city by winning a certain Scenario multiple times. [Example]: In the Scenario, your Team must collect some Blackpowder and other Parts, then you have to rescue/brainwash some engineer who is able to build a Bomb out of your stuff, then you have to place the Bomb at the City Gates and BANG them open. The other team tries to defend and prevent that, after a set time limit reinforcements for the defenders arrive, meaning you as attackers lose if you aren't quick enough. [/Example]
Note that if successful, you banged Open the City Gates, but only in that Scenario. Winning this Scenario gains you VPs again, but now the amount of VPs determines wether or not the Gates open in the Open, non-instanced World as well.
When your Team won the scenario often enough, while not losing too often (otherwise you get pushed back again, as the enemy regains control of the zone in front of the capitol), then the Gates will open in the open world, and everyone can pour in.
What exactly happens then isn't known yet, either. It is said that you can Destroy, Salvage, Rampage around at your hearts desire, but wether this will take place in instances or the open world, we don't know.
There'll be different Boss encounters there however, when you manage to beat them, you may get the best loot in the game.
Only a small part of the City, which includes a basic Merchant, the Bank, the spawn point, and the Quick-Travel Point (Griffons in WoW terms) will always stay non-sackable. From this Point, the Defenders now have to try to push the attackers back on their on. That's right, no uber NPC Guards, no lvl 500 Boss. PLAYERS have to defend their City. If they don't, it'll stay sacked forever.
BUT the longer the City is sacked, the stronger the Defenders become in the Capitol. Meaning they get a overall Buff, so that after a long enough time, one single player could possibly one-shot every enemy in the capitol ^_^
(This is to prevent a constant zerg of attackers keeping the capitol forever,, the buff obviously instantly wears off as soon as the city is defended, or players leave the capitol)
But isn't it like WoW that you can do it in the real world? It seems like the Battlegrounds are not in the real world. Tell me if they are!
But can you fight like horde and alliance in WoW, so opposite sides trying to kill each other and taking over the others city, or do you have to play capture the flag or so for it.
When you play the games like capture the flag, will they be on the real world, or somewhere else?
Currently playing Shot Online: Marlonn - lvl 52 Zygmunt.
"Argueing online is like running in the special Olympics... even if you win your still a retard."
Here bud just watch this video from WAR's website. This will explain everything to you.
Seems like you're trying to understand things in terms of your WoW experience. It's simple. You have alliance and horde, each with a capital city (Stormwind and... eh... Orgrimmar, is it? Well let's use that), and each has certain territories of their property. Forget the battlegrounds. Like you said, they're a thing completely apart from the gameworld. Going on. Several of those territories, in fact, most, are marked as PvP enabled, and both factions can duke it out freely as long as they're the right Tier, or Level. These territories have towns and castles that must be conquered in order to foster the war and destroy the enemy faction territory by territory, until you reach Stormwind, or Orgrimmar, and sack it in the name of WAAAAAAGH!!! But, say, the city gates are really well guarded. The game puts you and your teammates in an instanced scenario (AKA not in the game world) that involves opening the gates for the rest of the army. Once you and your crack team have done that, it's plundering time for everyone back in the game world. I hope that cleared that up.
In any case get reading and watching what everyone else posted. Barnett has better explanations for these things more than anyone else in the ENTIRE WORLD.
So, to actualy answer your question, NO, PVP is not world PVP, it's zone PVP, you PVP in PVP zone and you PVE in PVE zone, so you get not griefed untill you get to capital city which is explained.
Oh, and thanks to Barnett, if you notice, you actualy don't get the answer, all you get is reiteration of how great WAR will be.