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Ok why do people dish low paid workers?

herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

While this site had suffered very little from this i been on loads of forums where immediately someone says something is expensive the instant reply is "get out of burger king!"

It seems many are geared towards insulting low paid workers.I was indifferent to this abuse myself and never really challenged people that said until last friday.

I went into burger king as we have a meal after work there every friday  and saw a chap about my age(late 20s maybe 30) frying the burgers.He looked very sad and depressed.When it was close to our turn he took over at the till.

Then he brightened up and gave a smile(clearly just for the customers).

Fact is i dunno why he is working in BK.Maybe he is actual moron or never bothered to study.Or could it just be he is unlucky in life?Or he could not afford to go to university?

I am sure he would jump at the chance to get a better paid job.Heck he would even probably prefer to work in starbuck's.But there it is.

What i am trying to say is for those that are post university/college and have a job(note with the job market nowadays u could end up in starbuck's with a diploma lol) try and not put down those on minimum wages.Those that are still in school,remember it could be you even if you study day and night .In life ,luck has a lot to do with everything.



  • RegusRegus Member Posts: 489

    That's true but i am studying here and all i can say is that when you are "young" you really don't care about what is coming next, i just blew my chances to pass this year by doing nothing all year long. It is not that i have that kind of money to act like this but it is a lot cheaper here then in America (i think) and like most of the students i don't think about my future. Some people of my age are married and have children, i can't imagine me with a family. It is a curse that you don't know what you wanna be later so you also don't know what to study so there is no motivation to do a thing. I hope you can understand something of what i wrote.

    You always regret something when you have done it but then it is to late.

    I don't look down on people working at minimum wage because some/most of them know what they want and are happy. A lot of people are unhappy with their job it doesn't matter what you earn to be happy but if you earn more then you leanr to live with it and when you are earning not much you are just tired of doing the same job over and over again.

    One day all will die, surely you but never I.

    "One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    I understand and agree.

    I recently in the chatroom got talking with some people about what we do for a living.It turned out i probably had the best paid job in the room yet i was the one least happy with my job.

    So yes its conceivable that someone working in BK might actually be happier then many other there.

    I think a lot of the flames on min. wage folks comes from the mentality of the 80s.Make money .live to work and such.After 20 years it seems we are only beginning to realise that happiness is the main thing.

  • digitydarkmandigitydarkman Member Posts: 2,194
    i currnetly work at wal-mart over nights they pay isnt insanely great but it isnt bad either


  • rathmarathma Member UncommonPosts: 3,786

     Couldn't agree more.

     My uncle was a HUGE buisness executive and use to make a wad of cash... Of course he hated his job and was depressed as hell.

     What he really wanted to do was to paint and do artwork. Well he started up his own business. He told me the pay is 1/6th of what he made when he was a buisness executive, but he couldn't be happier.

     Getting back on topic.. I'd rather have a low paid job and be happy, then have a high paid job and be miserable.

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  • ReverendDanReverendDan Member Posts: 115

    I'm not sure why people have such a downer on them either, especially given that if you're in a better paid job it probably means that they are doing work you either don't want to do or can't do. I don't want to work in Burger King and I doubt I could build a brick wall that a cat's fart wouldn't blow over.

    As they said in Fight Club (this is a poorly remembered quote, so feel free to correct me...)

    "We cook your meals, we fix your cars, we guard you while you sleep... Do not f**k with us."

  • eilt_druineilt_druin Member Posts: 20

    I myself am exactly what you speak of. That low-wage employee that shuffles through his job and not all that happy with his current situation. I'm young, I've got the rest of my life ahead of me, but that isn't enough. With a family just above poverty level, it's harder then hell to get the types of grants you need to go to school. I'm only able to barely pull enough together to go part-time...paying credit by credit. And it all seems a waste...To me...there's nothing more wasteful then going to school if you don't have some sort of goal in mind. All I want in a mediocre job that pays all the bills and gives me some sort of financial security. That's all I want in life....because I've never had it. I pay month to month, bill to bill, not knowing if next month I'll be able to make ends meet. Hell, right now I'm barely able to work cause I hurt my back. The 75$ worth of income I've missed in the past two days are going to take it's toll.  I just got a rasie...that put me in a new tax category...and now I bring home LESS then what I was before the f*ing raise!   I hate those who can just coast through life and say the opportunity is there if you just take it....where's my opportunity?? at the rate I'm going...I'll finally be able to apply a 4 yr degree in another 10-15 years....

  just dont know until you find yourself in certain situations. enlightenment always brings untold things.  I just hope people understand that with rising tuition (the university in my area just hiked its rates another 500$ per semester) it ruins the opportunity for someone as myself...who has obvious intelligence and ruins the chance they ever had. I'll stop now before I make more of a fool of myself.

    Eilt Druin
    Through knowledge, power.

    Eilt Druin
    Through knowledge, power.

  • ramadinramadin Member Posts: 1,304

    I dont get it, get out of burger king prolly means that the food is cheap there just like whatever they were referring to.



    Laying in bed, looking up at the stars, a single thought passed through my head. Where the fuck is my roof?


  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    elit druin your efforts to keep going is a credit to the human spirit.

    I doubt i would have even made half the effort for you did./respect

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