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Is CoV as group oriented as CoH? Reason I ask is, the only way I could survive this game is by teaming up since it's a bit of a grind!
And on another note; How is the population comparing between CoH & CoV?
SWG, Eve, Planetside 2, EQN, Star Citizen
About 4 times less players in CoV then in CoH, this is still plenty, but you can join the most populous servers if you want.
Yes it is as group oriented, however...the characters are all strong soloers and slightly less strong in a group, the result, you solo better but you add less in a group.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Plus they have the one man team AT -- the Mastermind. Nice for when you can't find a team or don't feel like dealing with a team.
CoV is more a sequel then an expansion. They share many comon points, but it is a sequel. See, the ATs are different, the game solo better, the graphics are better and laggier for low end computers. The gameplay is quite different. CoV is a lot more challenging then CoH. Both games are wonderful, and they even mix for PvP. They share most of what they could.
See, saying it is the same game is like saying D&D 3.0 and D&D 3.5 is the same game. It is just not the case. It is a sequel, a new game. Insulting peoples, and the staff at doesn't change anything.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
CoV is more a sequel then an expansion. They share many comon points, but it is a sequel. See, the ATs are different, the game solo better, the graphics are better and laggier for low end computers. The gameplay is quite different. CoV is a lot more challenging then CoH. Both games are wonderful, and they even mix for PvP. They share most of what they could.
See, saying it is the same game is like saying D&D 3.0 and D&D 3.5 is the same game. It is just not the case. It is a sequel, a new game. Insulting peoples, and the staff at doesn't change anything.
Not to mention the fact that both are stand alone. Owning just CoV gives you no access to CoH and vice versa.
CoV is more a sequel then an expansion. They share many comon points, but it is a sequel. See, the ATs are different, the game solo better, the graphics are better and laggier for low end computers. The gameplay is quite different. CoV is a lot more challenging then CoH. Both games are wonderful, and they even mix for PvP. They share most of what they could.
See, saying it is the same game is like saying D&D 3.0 and D&D 3.5 is the same game. It is just not the case. It is a sequel, a new game. Insulting peoples, and the staff at doesn't change anything.
Not to mention the fact that both are stand alone. Owning just CoV gives you no access to CoH and vice versa.
Which is why you can get both games in one box now for £11.99 plus 30 days free:
and of course in 52 days, this will be available: (also at too)
And you can also get a package deal for Diablo I, 2 and Warcraft 1 & 2 and Starcraft all in 1 package. 5 games in 1 package. Cryptic lack at marketing...oh wait, they have only 2 games to proposes.
Or time card for many games (any SoE or NCsoft game use all the same time card).
And a SoE all-account pass.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I'd like to ask a question about CoV since I'm mostly a noob to the game, I'm level 12 MM right now and I'm wondering would it be faster for me to grind in a group or solo? I really hate sitting around and waiting for a bunch of strangers to come along for a mission so I've been just soloing the whole way right now but it does make me wonder if there's something I could be doing to increase my XP gain.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
errr.... 0k21, somehow i get the feeling you haven't read his post correctly, he said Cryptic not PlayNC....
Heres the problem. When you do a LFT sweep, about half the people at any time will be playing MM's. seriously. And because of the low populations on many servers, finding partners is going to be iffy. Many of the people who play CoV are playing precisely because its easier to solo. When I've asked people if they'd like to group, four out of five times, they wont be interested.
My suggestion would be to move on to another game. Cryptic seriously shot themselves in the foot but making hte game very group driven, because of high level xp requirements if nothing else. And now the the population in CoV is low, it isnt sustainable. Other games are much more solo friendly, much less grindy, and at least as well made.