At first I loved eq2. Being able to solo while lfg (to me eq1 was nothing but standing around shouting lfg) beautiful world and a fun crafting system. It was at first an awsome game.
But then the trouble started.
Both my characters where nerfed into oblivion (paladin and a warlock) went from decently good characters to ones that no group wants unless theres no other choice.
Poor customer service. Took 5 days for a gm to respond to my ticket about spirit shards being stuck under the world. by then they had already ben absorbed but with a cheerfull letter from a gm stateing he had corrected my problem (no he fixxed itself after time). Dont get me started on their lack of regaurd to broken quests.
The cookie cutter answers and lack of response was way to annoying.
Since it was about a month after dof expansion that I left.The only thing that my 2 characters could do was run around killing the same few things over and over and over and over. Has it inproved at all siince i left?
Well, I'm not really sure if this is the game for you, but yes, it is much better now. You can solo as much as you want, or join groups, it actually seems easier to me to join groups lately. I've never been turned down, and have actually had to turn down a few groups lately. It's really been busy lately with a lot of people. My server is bustling with activity all the time, and seems to be getting worse. You can't even swing a gnome without hitting a dozen fairies any more. <grumble>
I just don't understand the nerfing paladin and warlock comment. I don't ever remember a massive nerf to my paladin and I've had him since launch. You won't have to worry about nerfs any more, though, as everything is pretty balanced. They are doing a revamp of AA's but that won't affect you at this point. My paladin gets invited as soon as he logs in. He's a tank, and tanks are much appreciated in this game.
You won't have to worry about shards any more, as they don't exist. Shards are gone.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
Right, but he said Paladin AND Warlock. The warlock was actually boosted after LU13, not nerfed. While the paladin was nerfed, he was not unplayable or "undesired" as he claimed. A few tweaks here and there and I adjusted fine. Actually, after a few patches and changes to mobs, the paladin is even stronger than before. I can solo much easier with him than with my swashy who got a huge boost from LU13.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
100% agree with you the games had more content added than you can shake a stick at
I actually have a Paladin and a Berserker. The Berserker is a better all around tank and usually is higher dps, but he cannot ward or heal himself. Paladins can tank Avatars, and have a higher aoe dps than zerkers. The paladin has to be well geared and a very good player, but can tank anything in the game.
KoS AA's for paladins are VERY one-sided, which is one of the reasons they are revamping AA's. There's only two trees worth taking, and the rest are completely useless.
Oh, and the archetype system is the best system there is. It keeps classes more balanced in this game than any other game I've played. I even hated when they got rid of the 1-10 and 11-20 class changes, but oh well.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
Warlock lost a lot of single target dps (they had the biggest single target dps before lu 13) and got increased aoe dps that he could very rarely use (cause tanks had big troubles to stay on top, actually a paladin with amends on warlock was the only one that could really tank for a nuke happy warlock). here also aa trees helped, warlocks can increase their single target dps with them and also aggro controll got a bit better. (but they are changing aggro controll with next lu again especially for scouts so not sure how much effects that has on other classes in raids)