I have to get a mac for school this coming fall and I was wondering if there are any good MMOs (besides WoW and EQ) that run on a Mac... also, are any of the ones that look really awesome (i.e. Age of Conan, Warhammer, Tabula Rasa) going to be on the Mac?
Why do you HAVE to get a MAC for school? You shouldn't HAVE to get anything. Choose a PC if you want games.
red ones are MMO's that are american based and the ones listed in Green are more Korean and 2d Free to play games. Hope this helps out. FYI this was taken from a post on a MAC forum I take no credit for this list at all so please no bashing me for copying and pasting.
World Of Warcraft http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/
*Everquest http://eqmac.station.sony.com/
WWII online http://www.wwiionline.com
*A Tale in the Desert: http://www.atitd.com/
*Clan Lord http://www.deltatao.com/clanlord/
*Lineage: http://lineagethebloodpledge.com/
*Minions of Mirth http://www.prairiegames.com/
*Vendetta http://www.vendetta-online.com
*GraalOnline http://graalonline.com/
Adellion http://www.adellion.com/ In Alpha stage.
Restlessworld http://restlessworld.hidden-waters.com/ In Alpha stage.
*Toontown Online http://play.toontown.com/webHome.php
A Tale in the Desert: http://www.atitd.com/ (free 24 hour trial, US$13.95 per month)
Clan Lord http://www.deltatao.com/clanlord/
Lineage: http://lineagethebloodpledge.com/
Vendetta http://www.vendetta-online.com
Second Life http://www.secondlife.com/
Daimonin http://www.daimonin.net/
Shadowbane http://www.shadowbane.com/
Dofus http://www.dofus.com/en/ World Access limited depending on Subscription.
First Star Online 2 http://www.unfungames.com/fso2/
Wurm Online http://www.wurmonline.com/
Second Life http://www.secondlife.com/
Ogre Island http://www.ogreisland.com/
PlaneShift http://www.planeshift.it/ *Currently in Alpha stage, includeds some Macside bugs for more info check their forums*
Oberin www.oberin.com
Puzzle Pirates http://www.puzzlepirates.com/ *subscription upgrade available*
RuneScape www.runescape.com *subscription upgrade available*
Eternal Lands - http://www.eternal-lands.com/ *note for Mac version please right click save as here*
Kingdom of Loathing http://www.kingdomofloathing.com
Puzzle Pirates - http://www.puzzlepirates.com/
trust me dude dont bother trying to use macs for gaming, i tried, i failed, macs arnt gaming machines nuff said
Granted love or hate WoW is still one of the only games with no grind and no loot grind. Its kinda the perfect MMORPG for someone with more on thier plate than most people.
"Ever since the Intel switch and the advent of Boot Camp, Mac gaming fans have been wondering if game developers would abandon the idea of native OS X games. Well, if the latest WWDC is anything to go on, that won't be happening quite yet. Electronic Arts' Bing Gordon announced that his company would be bringing four of their biggest titles to OS X: Command and Conquer 3, Battlefield: 2142, Need for Speed: Carbon, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Get your wand hands ready!
ID software also demonstrated their latest graphics engine (still in development) running on OS X."
Find a good list at Inside Mac Games.
Past MMOs- Planetside, WoW.
Current MMO:
Current Games: L4D, Skyrim
Tried- ATITD, EQ2, SoR, Vanguard,SL,LOTRO,SotNW,SWTOR.
Anticipating- GW2, Planetside2
I'm really thrown off by MoM character movements like running that are out of sync with the environment. Graphics are on the rough side.
Past MMOs- Planetside, WoW.
Current MMO:
Current Games: L4D, Skyrim
Tried- ATITD, EQ2, SoR, Vanguard,SL,LOTRO,SotNW,SWTOR.
Anticipating- GW2, Planetside2
Yeah I realize that. I actually already have almost every adobe product on my computer now. However, my advisor was concerned about compatability issues. I had some issues back in high school with PC to Mac compatability. So I'm still not sold on getting a Mac. The hardest decision is whether or not to go for a desktop or laptop. I can get a kickass PC desktop for the price of a so-so PC or Mac notebook.
Thanks for your opinion though. Its good to hear from people using a PC for Graphic Design.
Here is a question: Say I needed to put a file on my pen drive and take it to one of the labs to print it out. If I had to print it out from a Mac, how often do you experience compatability issues (besides fonts)?
OMG BF2142 comming to Mac? If I end up getting a mac that would be awesome. I'd definitely purchase it again.
Yeah I realize that. I actually already have almost every adobe product on my computer now. However, my advisor was concerned about compatability issues. I had some issues back in high school with PC to Mac compatability. So I'm still not sold on getting a Mac. The hardest decision is whether or not to go for a desktop or laptop. I can get a kickass PC desktop for the price of a so-so PC or Mac notebook.
Thanks for your opinion though. Its good to hear from people using a PC for Graphic Design.
Here is a question: Say I needed to put a file on my pen drive and take it to one of the labs to print it out. If I had to print it out from a Mac, how often do you experience compatability issues (besides fonts)?
With Adobe products , CS3 particularly, there are no issues (fonts not withstanding) porting between OS's. As said before converting to paths or outlines will solve this. Or you could just pdf your files once your ready to print/port them.
I work in a digital print house so being able to work cross platform is pretty much mandatory. I'm not a Mac hater by any means but I am a PC guy. From my point of view, the printer not the designer, I see no reason to spend the extra money on a Mac.
Get a desktop. Buy the laptop when you can afford a 2nd box.