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well i am getting world of warcraft in 2 weeks and i cant wait for it and couse i feelt like doing
i went on some pages and you know researching but whatever ...
so after al at the beginning of the game you have to chose a rache to play with and
oh horror.. i cant decide wich rache to chose so im pretty busted
im still kinda pending between orc or nightelf but what also matters realy much is the profession so
so now im asking you guys to help me out couse i think what really counts on an mmo is the first time
if you have a bad start you think the entire game is crap and as far as i heard that wow is 1 of the best games ever
i also play guildwars nightfall and i really like it and my freind sad if i like that one already il never ever stop playing wow
but whatever that is just so uniportiant crap
If you are looking for the BEST races to play... in terms of ability... I would start with a rundown on the ones I think have the best racials and why...
Horde Side:
Undead: ROCK the heck on! BEST race in game for Rogues in my opinion.
Will of the Forsaken - This ability lets you break the dreaded Fear and own the p00p out of even Locks.
Cannibalize - Lets you consume humanoid dead to restore HP, saving Food/Potions
Tauren: That War Stomp can stop a healer mid-cast and a runner before they can get away. Solid for several classes.
Troll: Berserking means more damage per second. Any DPS class, this owns.
Alliance Side:
Night Elves: The best Hunter Class in my opinion. (Yes Orcs get pet damage boost, but... read on)
Shadow Meld - It is a form of Stealth usable by any class. Yes it can make a NE Rogue better if you play that way... but even better... a NE hunter can get a Cat pet capable of stealth... and completely vanish. Use one of the Elixir of Camoflage and even other hunters and druids cannot track you. If you want a class that can do ranged damage, then fade away and lay in wait, there is no better in the game than a NE Hunter.
Humans: Yes, they are boring. And so are their racials. But they are still useful.
Slight bonus to the learning curve and top end on Swords and Maces. Solid for all melees.
Perception - Helps to detect stealthed/invis enemies. More of a PvP advantage than anything.
There is no "best race/class" - if there was, everyone would be playing it.
It really depends on how you like to play. You don't choose warrior if you like to heal, etc. And don't choose chars only based on looks - that might be fun in the beginning, but a suitable playstyle is far more important in the long run.
For professions: I recommend you choose what suits your class. Ie, a hunter could be skinner/leatherworker, since he can wear leather, and a warlock could be herbalist/alchemyst for potions, etc. I don't recommend jewelcrafting or enchanting for a new player, though it's very possible that you would do just great.
Yeah i agree. The thing i would add onto the NE hunters is, you could put aspect of the beast on then you will really vanish because it makes u untrackable.
<a href=><img border=0 src= width=400 height=100></a>
Horde tend to be more competitive and a little more hardcore. They are generally stronger in pick-up-group pvp below max level. The quests for undead tend to emphasise the sinister nature of the race, whilst for other races, concepts such as honour and respect for nature form the basis for quests.
Alliance tends to be more family oriented. They regrettably have more kids, so you will have to put up with some immaturity (but not as bad as guild wars used to be), but still have a fair number of mature adults. The attitude is more laid-back, and they probably have a higher proportion of female players. Many quests deal with a more traditional struggle between good and evil.
Once you've figured out your faction, decide on your class. Only when you know which faction and class to play should you concern yourself with race.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
For warlock I'd recommend undead. Not only do you get access to the powerful "Will of the forsaken" ability, but the cannibalism ability works very well for warlocks, who can sacrifice the health gained for more mana.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Uhh you forgot Humans have the best racial that has been talked about on forums for years, people always go on about the WotF. but most forsaken would trade it for the human racial.... the best in the game.
diplomacy !
rep grind, just got a hell of a lot easier.
funny, i thought you'd have known that.... and the swords/maces bonus is pretty void with the new combat variation that came with TBC
Ive been playing for 2and1/2 yrs roughly and some people have already added some good points...
If you particularly like the look of one race then yea consider that race - but i would also recomend looking on the net to determine for yourself which class would be the best for the type of race you choose. As said - what is your game style? Want a pet? Do you like to fight? Do you like to tank? Do you like to do DPS? Do you like to heal? Shapeshift or melee and heal? First you must choose which one you like the most... [Gamestlyle that is] as you will no doubt be playing with this char for a long time.....
I personally chose the human pally when i got the game - it fitted my character best..... and no i dont regret that.... Pally's are hardcore when you get used to them, but they dont do that much damage - making grinding tedious.
So i would recomend:
Choose the style of play [as mentioned above - dps / healer / etc]
Choose the faction side
Choose the race
Remember you will be palying that char for a long time so - at the end of the day the race type isnt as important as you would hope, its just a bonus if your char style is with the race that has it
Just my opinion anyway - from an experienced player.
I tried to get out - but they pulled me back in.
You should visit for more info on the races and classes.
My favorite race is undead, however the choice is yours :P
Live for everything
Die for nothing
Once the Horde was where the adults all played, and my Horde Rogue was certainly a much more grown up place to be even in Fab of this year... but since the BE Pally is the most OVERplayed and altogether too-common race/class in game anymore, you have just as many kids and retards on horde side as alliance these days.
The way it was explained to me... the little kids preferred the "goody" side because of the graphics and looks... and the Blood Elves brought that same identity to horde for the same reasons. I do not 100% agree with that... I call the Undercity "Tim Burton Land" and do not think anything could look more kiddie playground than the undead... but that is just me.
The Diplomacy is a nonfactor when you start your first toon. It matters much in the endgame but not much at all in the beginning. I did not want to get into the discussion of faction grind with a new player... honestly, as much as most people hate it overall, it might scare them away from WoW altogether to discuss it too early on. So I opted to simplify, touch on some of the abilities that effect combat directly, and move on.
My main is a Human Pally. I STILL hate rep grind with a passion. It helps... but nowhere near as much as Will of the Forsaken helps my rogue. Plus, I ENJOY PvP on my rogue. I hate rep grind on every toon I play. The ideas I threw out there were all about ways for the new player to ENJOY WoW without bogging them down in the crap that is the level 70 rep grind. So I focused more on effects that will help at level 10, and level 20, rather than get into the most boring and god-awful part of the game.