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SladelordSladelord Member Posts: 27

the best way 2 make money is wood cutting and air running!

u get like 40k anour airrunning

and like 50k in 2hours from willows


  • DarkPlanet11DarkPlanet11 Member Posts: 53
    Ok heres a way to lvl up your smithing and get some cash at the same time.What you do first is some how get 2k coal and 1k iron.Smith it in to steel bars then sell it for around 600k.Next buy 2k coal and 1k iron only using 500k.Do dis proess over again.

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  • DemonZabuzaDemonZabuza Member Posts: 71

    Best way to make money  is pking if your powerful.

    Just spend like 100k on pots and food.

    Then you'll pk like 3mil off just that.

  • AkaJetsonAkaJetson Member Posts: 1,167
    I'd have to say cutting yews, I think its the easiest. Because it used to be my way of making money before i quit


  • DemonZabuzaDemonZabuza Member Posts: 71

    Ok to test my theory.

    I went pking the past few days.

    I bought 250k worth of pots and 1million worth of sharks.

    Up until I ran outa gear I pked 32 dragon daggers of different types. "dd, ddp, ddp+, dds"

    1 daxe

    2 dlong and d smimmys

    1 whip

    4 sets of rune

    2 sets of blue mystic

    1 set of black mystic

    2k bloods

    other runes

    lots of arrows


  • mightypiemightypie Member Posts: 1

    that sounds pretty awesome, this sounds totally noobish of me but you wouldn't happen to be willing to give me some of that would you


  • AkaJetsonAkaJetson Member Posts: 1,167
    Originally posted by DemonZabuza

    Ok to test my theory.
    I went pking the past few days.
    I bought 250k worth of pots and 1million worth of sharks.
    Up until I ran outa gear I pked 32 dragon daggers of different types. "dd, ddp, ddp+, dds"
    1 daxe
    2 dlong and d smimmys
    1 whip
    4 sets of rune
    2 sets of blue mystic
    1 set of black mystic
    2k bloods
    other runes
    lots of arrows
    You seem like a very good pker. Put videos of you pking on youtube or something for us to see


  • DemonZabuzaDemonZabuza Member Posts: 71

    I'll try but most gamecams make my laptop lagg

    But still I'll make some movies after I raise my herbal a few lvls ^.^

    1k prayer pots ftw!~

  • DemonZabuzaDemonZabuza Member Posts: 71
    P.S. Pking the 2k bloods was luck ^.^

    some lvl 60 charging sara staff
  • hiimJackhiimJack Member Posts: 3
    ok have about 80 wcing and woodcut willows super fast get 2k willows in about 2 hours
  • SkerzySkerzy Member Posts: 18

    None of the above. Best way to make money would be runecrafting... Make airs fires and stuff till 44 then nats till 54 laws till 65 deaths till 91(double) nats till 99... WOOT   Once at the 44 mark you can make 1k of nats in about an hour or just over i fyou do it proficiently which is 300k nowadays. At the 54 mark same basically except a bit faster because you get another pouch to make more runes per trip. At 65 stays the same... At 75 while you still making deaths it will get faster because of yet another pouch and hopefully like me you are used to doing it fast so can do 1k in like 40 minutes. Then 91.... WOW! :P  Doulbe nats from each rune ess. So you can make about 106 per run. Making it only 10 runs to do 1k :D So 1k in like 20 mins and 10k of them in about 2 hours. Thats 3mil easy... Still hard to get to 99 but who needs 99 its more about money. Any more questions from the master of rs? (just kidding i suck) add me and ask me anything    Skerzy2


    ps wc sucks :P

  • DemonZabuzaDemonZabuza Member Posts: 71

    That sound like a good plan but...

    how would you get all the rune essance? ^.^

  • PvtCaboosePvtCaboose Member Posts: 80
    My favorite way:Merhcanting Yews, went from 1mil-30mil, in about 2 weeks, then got banned lol.
  • SkerzySkerzy Member Posts: 18
    Originally posted by DemonZabuza

    That sound like a good plan but...
    how would you get all the rune essance? ^.^

    pvtchaboos.... lol! unlucky :P

    demon well mine ur own ess till ur at 44 sellin the runes you make and keeping some for self ofcourse then you can start buying it. At the moment they range from about 90-100gp each so you still basically triple the money you spend.Buy 1k for 100k get 300k buy 10k for 1mil get 3mil Buy 100k of ess for 10mil and get 30mil out of it.

  • Lady_TiffanyLady_Tiffany Member Posts: 1

     I have been playing Runescape for a while, and have found I don't exactly like spending all my time training non-combat, so for combat people like me ( lvl 123 ) go to the pits and earn 300k tokkul. Thats takes a LONG time but you get an onyx for free and you can make a fury and sell for like 4.5Mil or something. Or stand in a busy world in Edgeville and cast vengeance for 3-5k. It costs 1.6k per cast so like a 2k profit in 20 seconds. But you need 93 magic.


    And WTF is with the crappy screenshots for Runescape?

  • SladelordSladelord Member Posts: 27
    i still think air running ownz u get 25ess trade 2 a person in air alter world 16 and u gte 2k+ 25ess noted u mite get other stuff or so and like 1k a min. so rite run 2 bank and repeat
  • FlaxenFairyFlaxenFairy Member Posts: 44

    Hey Mate,

    My Advice mate is learn your prices, And Learn them well. Whilst skilling can be a profitbale method of getting cash the fastest but not always most reliable methods  are

    1: Staking (made 221M)

    2: Pking

    3: Merchanting Anything Really, If you have the method you could sell ice cubes to eskimos

    Hope This Offers some sort of help.

    Remeber runescape is only a game, it was not designed yo keep you lcoked in the dark all day while your friends are outside having fun, go out and playt it will still be there later on. Live life while you can dont sit in front of your little box and fossilize.

    Please Note: None of my comments are meant to offend i mearly express my opinions through my experiences in offer to help those fo you who are potentionally ruining your lives.

    FlaxenFairy 2007




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