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Old player returns to discover nothing

MorrdakMorrdak Member Posts: 81
Well, I decided to go back to FFXI after a few years of playing other MMO's and I had lost my PlayOnline ID and password. Not a big deal, I still had the registration codes, so I call them up (you can also e-mail and have live chat) and after 10mins on hold, and talking to a very helpful service rep. I was told my Account Registration keys were invalid and couldn't be used again cause my account had be deleted due to inactivity for over a year.

Overall, getting a hold of customer service was easy no problems, was very professional, answered all my questions, and she sounded american.

But bottomline this is a warning to returning players, if you haven't kept your account active and have been out for more then a year, expect to have to rebuy the software and get a new account cause your old stuff is gone, regardless of how many years you spent playing it prior to unsubscribing.

This is a horrible way to handle your customers, In all my years of playing MMO's I haven't had this experience with a company, looks like they want you to go to other games if you leave theirs. Thought I'd share this with others. Reply, Sticky, Flame, whatever...


  • golembanegolembane Member UncommonPosts: 102
    It used to be 3 months and they would wipe your character, they changed it after the first 'return to vana'diel' campaign SE ran a while back.
  • catafractcatafract Member Posts: 91

    That made me never return .


  • LilfurbalLilfurbal Member Posts: 115
    Wow.  Guess I'm like to resubbed now.  I last cancelled my account in July of last year so a year was about up.  I still had my characters :o

    If my level 75 mage gets deleted I wouldn't not ever play again so I wouldn't blame you.

    I don't get why they don't just keep them forever though.  I'm sure if they did that would increase the chances that friends I had in game from a long time ago would return.  No-one wants to return to start over again, then they'd quit by the time they got to where they got before which is the reason why they quit.  I'm sure they'd have more active subscriptions if they would not delete people's stuff.

    VERY sure...
  • golembanegolembane Member UncommonPosts: 102
    Them deleting characters is about the only reason I think the game constantly holds the 500K+ subscribers the census says they have every year.

    Alot of work getting multiple toons to 60+ and I doubt many people would be pleased to see them wiped just because they needed a break for a while.
  • lex-icon82lex-icon82 Member Posts: 232

    Playonline's policy on inactive account is just ridiculous... dastardly even


    Have played:
    UO, WOW, COH/V, EQ2
    Currently playing:
    Age of Conan (EU)

  • spankybusspankybus Member UncommonPosts: 1,367
    Worse yet, the economy is so out of wack, that nothing is on sale on the AH except high-end newbs are hosed.

    Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
    -3d Artist & Compositor
    -Professional Amature

  • golembanegolembane Member UncommonPosts: 102
    FFXi in general could have been a much better game if it didn't hand over so much control to the players. As soon as players start dictating you what you should and should not be using at any time, and those players just so happen to be the sources of those items you *should* be using, you know thats just a recipe for disaster.

    Everytime I get the want to come back to the game I go to the allakhazam forums and get the swift kick in the rear as a reminder why I left and went to EQ2. The community in general sucks, and i really didn't see much of the the fabeled 'mature' community that people speak of so much. This was after I was booted out of a party on my 68 DRG because I didn't have my assault jerkin(a lvl 70 piece of gear anyhow), after I got booted out of a party because I didn't want to be powerleveled and thus turned on the /assist off (or whatever that code they added here a while back was). Other various things of that nature finally just made me realize that just because FFXi has a following, doesn't make it great or even good. The community sealed that issue a long time ago.
  • smartkidzsmartkidz Member Posts: 252
    Wow...Just Wow,  looks like i have to warn some people now. And about that policy they have on inactive's a load of you know what.

    =The best quote ever=
    Curt teh Juggler: our graduation ceremony was today, and right when some gamer nerd got his diploma, someone in the audience played the zelda "get item" music and he did the zelda spin-hold-out-item stance
    Curt teh Juggler: it was quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.

  • mochipixelsmochipixels Member UncommonPosts: 144
    interesting....very interesting......i canceled my account twice in the past three years....

    The first time I canceled, I didn't come back until almost two years later and my chars were still there!  Then I canceled again last May and just came back two weeks ago and they were once again fully intact.

    As far as the economy goes, Square has done a huge amount in getting rid of the awful inflation that was destroying the game for a while.....and most early items are easily found at merchants and via questing.  You really shouldn't buy early items from ah as they are found elsewhere for usually much cheaper.  I realize it's a matter of convenience...but yea. I was amazed that even in a year the inflation has free-fallen back down.

    That really sux for you guys who lost your accounts.....I'm sorry to hear that....but it's also weird that mine remained intact.  I canceled everything and still came back to them....very weird.

    Good luck with other ventures!
  • wrongfeifongwrongfeifong Member CommonPosts: 405

    Restart a new character then, if you returned in may, you would gotten an anniversary ring that give free 30k xp which allow you to level 1-30 within 3-4 days tops.

    They even added a empress band which allow every 16 hour you could gain a 150% xp boost (1000 xp for free) limit on 2k xp. ring.

    It helps leveling faster alot.


    As the economic goes, no newbie items in MAJOR city, but every items are locate now at jeuno. This is always the case, more item in jeuno. Everything become so cheap now, Vermillion cloak only 900k (oppose the 4 million) and Scorpian harasses are 300k (7 million before). May item has become alot cheaper and some more expensive.

    As a returning player since 4 years ago, releveling a new account is easy for me, i got 4 level 30 already within a month and half since return. (i was leveling the main job's sub).


    Anyway restarting is not bad, since you get to see and relearn alot things. Might even learn things you never knew. Just pick a more popular server like Asura or Raganrok and you will be fine.


  • devilbanedevilbane Member Posts: 103

    THANK YOU for pointing this out.

    I just started FFXI this past week, and this information changes the way I see the game drastically...

    SOE has spoiled me... at one point I had 6 active EQ accounts... then let 4 of them lapse off and on... my best friend took 2 of them so I no longer had to pay for them, he played them more than I did most nights anyway... one sat idle for 3 years... but when reactivated it was 100% intact. I kind of assumed most companies handled higher level characters this way at least.

    I am not overly enamored with FFXI as it is, but thought it a decent game I could play off and on in between other ventures.

    I am most assuredly 100% finished with it now, as it is not worth the investment if my absence later will get my work undone.

    Good post! Thank you for the information! You may well have saved me much ill feelings later!
  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564
    Well, first I'm sorry that characters were lost - that always sucks. I lost a toon as well - though that was really my own fault; deleted it thinking I was done and didn't come back in time to get it restored. A friend of mine deleted his toon, but managed to get it restored - even after deletion - because he came back within 3 months after deleting it.

    However, there's a whole lot of depiction as SE being this evil, dastardly entity who - from the tone apparent in some posts - hates all its subscribers.

    For one thing, I'm thinking the OP's situation is a rarity, a unique situation or perhaps they got a CSR who didn't know what they were talking about. As another person commented in this thread - they got their toons back over a year after they cancelled the IDs. So apparently it is possible.

    Second, they have the Return To Vana'diel promotion from time to time, where old players are able to restore their accounts - no matter how long it's been since you cancelled. People have taken advantage of this. So this, too, points to the OPs situation being an anomaly.. and not the norm.

    That said...

    It's no secret that SE has *always* stated that if an account is cancelled for more than 3 months (and later longer) that there's a chance it would be deleted. They have said this since day 1. This should not be news nor surprise to anyone who's ever subbed to FFXI and paid attention. So, when I see people get all up in arms over how much of a travesty it is, as though they were blind-sided, it just amazes me.

    Is it a questionable policy? Sure. But it's a well-known one, too; and it's not exclusive to FFXI - other MMOs have a similar policy.. If you cancel your account, your character may not be there when you come back. Expectations have been set from the time someone cancels their content ID, and it's stated in the ToA. Unless people didn't take time to read it (their problem, not SE's), there should be no surprise or cries of outrage if/when it happens.


    Besides all that, it looks like some are taking this thread as an opportunity to go off topic and bash on the game in general... In one particular case, it's obvious the poster hasn't played recently, or is just trying to spread misinformation. About the economy being screwed up... Wrong. It's *way* better now than it's been in a long time. SE's been cracking down - big time - on RMT in FFXI, cancelling thousands of accounts a month and ridding the economy of as much as 10s of billions of gil each round.

    The results speak for themselves...

    Here's a few links to highly sought items that used to cost in the millions when the economy was at its worst.

    I know the emperor hairpin alone was going for around 20 mil when things were at their worst. It's barely scratching 1 million right now.

    Economy screwed? Not in several months it hasn't been.

    A friend of mine just started the game from scratch, brand-new player.. He's doing just fine.. getting all the spells he needs, all the gear he needs... He's not having any trouble from the economy at all.

    If you're going to go off-topic and try bashing the game - at least verify and make sure what you're saying is actually still true.

    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • FarScapeFarScape Member UncommonPosts: 185

    I canceled my FFXI account over 2 years ago when i started playing wow. I just recently came  back and my 65 blm/30 whm was still their!!! o.O

  • LilfurbalLilfurbal Member Posts: 115
    I'm curious, when you people quit do you just cancel your content ID's and log out, or are you also completely cancelling your playonline account also?

    It really doesn't SEEM like they will delete anything if the playonline account is left active, just login and the content ids are just sitting there waiting to be reactivated at a flick of a switch. 

    I know some people get confused with the whole cancellation thing (I know I was when I first quit) and didn't realize that the playonline account doesn't need to be cancelled though there is an option to do that.  You're able to login and send messages and pol emails and stuff for free as long as you keep the client installed.  I don't think they just randomly get up and delete that unless it was deactivated in the first place.
  • SuplyndmndSuplyndmnd Member Posts: 553
    Wait, you guys are mad at SE because you took a "Short break" of a year+ and they deleted your character?  Do you know how much storage space on harddrives it would take up if they NEVER deleted accounts?  I mean, seriously people.  If you're gone for a year or more then they have every right and SHOULD delete your account. Also, it's not their fault you dont read the writing you agree to that says they will do this.  Sorry you lost your characters, but it was of your own doing and if you cared that much, you would have paid once a year just to restore the account so it wasn't deleted.

    EVE - Sharvala
    FFXI - Shazamalicious
    Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
    "Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564
    Originally posted by Suplyndmnd

    Wait, you guys are mad at SE because you took a "Short break" of a year+ and they deleted your character?  Do you know how much storage space on harddrives it would take up if they NEVER deleted accounts?  I mean, seriously people.  If you're gone for a year or more then they have every right and SHOULD delete your account. Also, it's not their fault you dont read the writing you agree to that says they will do this.  Sorry you lost your characters, but it was of your own doing and if you cared that much, you would have paid once a year just to restore the account so it wasn't deleted.
    Welcome to the world we live in - where personal accountability is going the way of the dodo and narcissism is becoming king.

    How many times do you hear about people bitching about getting a ticket for speeding - when they know themselves they were, in fact, going over the speed limit? A very narcissistic ex-friend of mine used to say "Don't they have a job to do? Why do they have to give me a hard time?", after he'd gotten a ticket for speeding, or running a stop sign, etc. He decided one day he simply didn't feel like going to work because a new game had come out. Didn't call in sick. Didn't take a personal day. Nothing. Just didn't show up. They fired him. He felt it was unfair and a great personal outrage that they "did that to him".

    You can tell some people verbally, give it to them in writing, light it up in bright neon and drill it into their brain that they may lose their character due to extended inactivity... They'll say "Ok"... and then still act all outraged and surprised when it happens.

    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • mochipixelsmochipixels Member UncommonPosts: 144's America===The Land Of Pointing Fingers

    I agree with you's def a sad sad state of affairs.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,069
    I concur, OP's experience appears to be the exception, and not the rule.  Perhaps he was deleted for other reasons? (i.e. banned?)

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • NewmeanieNewmeanie Member Posts: 149
    Giving Control to the players was the entire concept of the game itself imho... The people who are loyal to this game like it... maybe theyd have more subscriptions if they didnt do this, but this is the audience they wanted to Sell too.  Also, Giving control to the players made this game alot more immersive than other MMORPGs without even a roleplaying aspect.  People werent constantly talking about Updates and things aside from actually gameplay all the time.  Also, it made the game more realistic, you dont walk to a computer store, and see a million computers and have some guy in a suit come to help you and say "HI, all these computers are good, may i suggest the cheapest one"  No, if you seem like you can buy the more expensive ones they will do so, any guy that TRIES to give someone willing to pay more for a computer, a better deal than they need, is a retard.  Its the same with this game. although you dont sell to people you can see. you sell to this mechanism of an AH....   So you, as you should, assume the person searching for your item will be willing to pay at least what the last person paid for it.  Thats what happens.  You think "Oh but maybe someone who has alot of money will want this item" and you will put it there. Thats life.
  • bonobotheorybonobotheory Member UncommonPosts: 1,007
    Well, that sucks. I was browsing this forum looking for a new MMO, but that's a dealbreaker.  I've taken breaks of several months from nearly every MMO I've played, and I'm used to returning to an intact account. Considering it costs only pennies to store character data, I don't see why they would have that deletion policy. Do inactive accounts still have some kind of presence in the game world?
  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564
    Originally posted by bonobotheory

    Well, that sucks. I was browsing this forum looking for a new MMO, but that's a dealbreaker.  I've taken breaks of several months from nearly every MMO I've played, and I'm used to returning to an intact account. Considering it costs only pennies to store character data, I don't see why they would have that deletion policy. Do inactive accounts still have some kind of presence in the game world?
    Bono... did you read all the posts.. particularly the ones pointing out how it's obviously an anomaly - or there's some circumstance the OP didn't mention - that the character was lost permanently?

    It's *not* the norm. It's not as though SE has people whose sole purpose is to delete accounts after x-amount of time.

    I've been playing, or otherwise following, FFXI since it came out in the US around 4 years ago... I can count on one hand the times I've heard of people actually losing an account due to inactivity - and in some of those cases, the player had cancelled their entire account.. or deleted the character, etc...

    It's not the norm.

    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • bonobotheorybonobotheory Member UncommonPosts: 1,007
    Originally posted by WSIMike

    Originally posted by bonobotheory

    Well, that sucks. I was browsing this forum looking for a new MMO, but that's a dealbreaker.  I've taken breaks of several months from nearly every MMO I've played, and I'm used to returning to an intact account. Considering it costs only pennies to store character data, I don't see why they would have that deletion policy. Do inactive accounts still have some kind of presence in the game world?
    Bono... did you read all the posts.. particularly the ones pointing out how it's obviously an anomaly - or there's some circumstance the OP didn't mention - that the character was lost permanently?

    It's *not* the norm. It's not as though SE has people whose sole purpose is to delete accounts after x-amount of time.

    I've been playing, or otherwise following, FFXI since it came out in the US around 4 years ago... I can count on one hand the times I've heard of people actually losing an account due to inactivity - and in some of those cases, the player had cancelled their entire account.. or deleted the character, etc...

    It's not the norm.

    WSIM, I did read all the posts. I saw some saying it happened to them, some saying it didn't happen, and a cute little speech about personal accountability.  That says to me, "There's a 50/50 chance it's going to happen, and if it does, it's your own damn fault." It didn't take me long to find the official policy on their website which says - pretty clearly - that inactive accounts will be void after three months.

    It sounds to me like account deletion is the norm and is according to policy, but they're just not very thorough in enforcing that policy. I'd rather not take my chances.

    I really want to try the game, and was hoping somebody would tell me this was all just a dirty lie, but it's right there in black and white on their policies page. If I play the game, I have to accept that cancelling my account means cancelling it for good.
  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564
    Originally posted by bonobotheory

    Originally posted by WSIMike

    Originally posted by bonobotheory

    Well, that sucks. I was browsing this forum looking for a new MMO, but that's a dealbreaker.  I've taken breaks of several months from nearly every MMO I've played, and I'm used to returning to an intact account. Considering it costs only pennies to store character data, I don't see why they would have that deletion policy. Do inactive accounts still have some kind of presence in the game world?
    Bono... did you read all the posts.. particularly the ones pointing out how it's obviously an anomaly - or there's some circumstance the OP didn't mention - that the character was lost permanently?

    It's *not* the norm. It's not as though SE has people whose sole purpose is to delete accounts after x-amount of time.

    I've been playing, or otherwise following, FFXI since it came out in the US around 4 years ago... I can count on one hand the times I've heard of people actually losing an account due to inactivity - and in some of those cases, the player had cancelled their entire account.. or deleted the character, etc...

    It's not the norm.

    WSIM, I did read all the posts. I saw some saying it happened to them, some saying it didn't happen, and a cute little speech about personal accountability.  That says to me, "There's a 50/50 chance it's going to happen, and if it does, it's your own damn fault." It didn't take me long to find the official policy on their website which says - pretty clearly - that inactive accounts will be void after three months.

    It sounds to me like account deletion is the norm and is according to policy, but they're just not very thorough in enforcing that policy. I'd rather not take my chances.

    I really want to try the game, and was hoping somebody would tell me this was all just a dirty lie, but it's right there in black and white on their policies page. If I play the game, I have to accept that cancelling my account means cancelling it for good.

    The "cute little speech about accountability" would have been by me - and it stands true. At least in your case the information is being used to make a pre-emptive decision not to play. I applied that "speech" to those who know about the policy,  play the game anyway, and then find that their character has been deleted and then carry on as though some great injustice had happened to them.

    Now.. that said. You can and will likely find that same clause - or something like it - in the ToS of any MMO. It's a sort of "CYA" clause for the company so that if your toon is lost for some reason while the account is inactive, they're covered.  So if that chance is something that would prevent you from playing, you might be better off not playing a MMO.

    That said - in all the time I've played the game - 4 years now - and the *many* people I have known who have left the game and came back more than 3 months later, I could count on one hand those who lost a character. Two people I know came back over 2 years later and found their toons still waiting for them. And in some of those cases, it was because they deleted the character altogether.

    Further, Square offers a "Return to Vana'diel" campaign from time to time where you can bring back a character that has been inactive for any given amount of time with a simple phone call. How could they offer that kind of thing if the toons are deleted?

    It's a low enough risk that I don't even think it's worth worrying about.

    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • MorrdakMorrdak Member Posts: 81
    Originally posted by devilbane


    THANK YOU for pointing this out.

    I just started FFXI this past week, and this information changes the way I see the game drastically...

    SOE has spoiled me... at one point I had 6 active EQ accounts... then let 4 of them lapse off and on... my best friend took 2 of them so I no longer had to pay for them, he played them more than I did most nights anyway... one sat idle for 3 years... but when reactivated it was 100% intact. I kind of assumed most companies handled higher level characters this way at least.

    I am not overly enamored with FFXI as it is, but thought it a decent game I could play off and on in between other ventures.

    I am most assuredly 100% finished with it now, as it is not worth the investment if my absence later will get my work undone.

    Good post! Thank you for the information! You may well have saved me much ill feelings later!
    Glad to help , Sounds like alot of us are left in he dark about this issue until its too late. This needs to be sticky'd so those quitting the game or thinking of coming back will now they may not have anything to go back too. Mine's not a special case either this is every inactive account, I was very direct when I asked the CSR if this happens all the time to inactive accounts over a year. She said "sadly yes, if someone's account is left inactive for a year its deleted"... it was almost like she knew the policy was messed up. So its not just the characters that get deleted, it was the entire account. Yet after reading some of the posts some have had it happen after 3 months, perhaps I just need to be more specific in my question and she would have said 3 months. Because I still had my Registration Codes she was able to see it was deleted. She did tell me about the Return to Vai'Dali or whatever its call however someone who just wants to come back and play that very same day doesn't exactly help them.

    Sure some of you are getting on my case saying that's what I get for taking a break however as I stated before I've never had this issue come up in any other MMO (with the exception of Diablo 2) It would have been nice if I got a warning e-mail saying something like "your account is about to be deleted" Just some warning would be nice.

    I'm not on here to argue with you guys that disagreed with what I said, I'm just trying to help someone that may have run into, or will run into this problem.
  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564
    Originally posted by Morrdak

    Originally posted by devilbane


    THANK YOU for pointing this out.

    I just started FFXI this past week, and this information changes the way I see the game drastically...

    SOE has spoiled me... at one point I had 6 active EQ accounts... then let 4 of them lapse off and on... my best friend took 2 of them so I no longer had to pay for them, he played them more than I did most nights anyway... one sat idle for 3 years... but when reactivated it was 100% intact. I kind of assumed most companies handled higher level characters this way at least.

    I am not overly enamored with FFXI as it is, but thought it a decent game I could play off and on in between other ventures.

    I am most assuredly 100% finished with it now, as it is not worth the investment if my absence later will get my work undone.

    Good post! Thank you for the information! You may well have saved me much ill feelings later!
    Glad to help , Sounds like alot of us are left in he dark about this issue until its too late. This needs to be sticky'd so those quitting the game or thinking of coming back will now they may not have anything to go back too. Mine's not a special case either this is every inactive account, I was very specific when I asked the CSR if this happens all the time. She said "sadly yes if someone's account is left inactive for a year its delete"... it was almost like she knew the policy was messed up. So its not just the characters that get deleted, it was the entire account. Because I still had my Registration Codes she was able to see it was deleted. She did tell me about the Return to Vai'Dali or whatever its call however someone who just wants to come back and play that very same day doesn't exactly help them.

    Sure some of you are getting on my case saying that's what I get for taking a break however as I stated before I've never had this issue come up in any other MMO (with the exception of Diablo 2) It would have been nice if I got a warning e-mail saying something like "your account is about to be deleted" Just some warning would be nice.

    I'm not on here to argue with you guys that disagreed with what I said, I'm just trying to help someone that may have run into, or will run into this problem.


    Okay, so just to make sure I have this clear...

    You cancelled the entire PlayOnline account altogether?  Not just the content IDs?

    If that's the case, then that's what happened and, frankly, I don't know why you did so. It's not the PlayOnline ID or service that you're paying for. That's free. It's the individual Content ID(s) - which house your character(s) - that you pay for. This is clearly indicated when you purchase your first Content ID - it says you will be billed $12.99 per month (their subscription fee) for that Content ID. Any additional Content ID is another $1 per month. It says this every time you reactivate the Content ID. For me, even from my first character, it was obvious I had to cancel the content ID(s).. not the entire PoL account... when I wanted to take a break.


    I understand you're feeling "burned" by SE and are now going to "punish" them by trying to warn as many people as you can to try and get them to not play or whatever.. but you must realize what you're talking about is *not* as rampant as you make it out to be. Common sense here.. Do you think SE would have kept that policy intact for just over 5 years now if their phones were ringing off the hook with  *that* many calls about people losing their accounts? I'd think not. I imagine they'd have reconsidered it by now. They're certainly not in business to *lose* money.

    Again, I'm not "blaming" you for having lost your account... However, you're painting a picture that is not typical. Most people do not lose their characters - even after 2 years of inactivity in at least 2 cases I personally cited above - because they only cancelled their Content IDs - not the entire account. SE has an occasional "Return to Vana'diel" campaign where you can re-up your character - even after over a year of inactivity - assuming your entire account wasn't cancelled (as you did). I know people who have taken advantage of this - over 1 year after they cancelled their IDs. They couldn't do this if players accounts were erased permanently after a year of their Content IDs being inactive.

    So again.. while it does suck that it happened to you and I sympathize with you for that... I do also think you are painting an unfair and, frankly, unwarranted and spiteful picture of SE cancelling accounts by the droves. It simply doesn't happen that way... at all.

    I'd say your post serves better as an education to people considering, or starting the game to understand that their Content IDs are what they are charged for, and that's all they have to cancel if they want to take a break from the game for any amount of time. You can still use the PoL service for email or whatever, free of charge, even if your Content IDs are cancelled and they're not getting a penny from  you.

    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


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