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Dark fall has updated their races page with a look at the Orks of Morak.
Marching under the banner of the Fire Dragon, the armies of the orks are constantly on the march, forever seeking new cities to raze, new nations to conquer, and new people to sacrifice or enslave.
To the orkish warrior's mind, excessive planning is a coward's resort, while fancy tactical chicanery is a sure sign of effeminacy. Instead, orks rely on a combination of unrelenting aggressiveness, death-defying bravery, and the natural-born bully's instinctive eye for weakness.
While their behavior might seem erratic and irrational to outsiders, the orks themselves see every battle, every sacrifice, and every torched village as steps on the road to the Big Burning, an ork-administered apocalypse in which Agon is scorched clean and made ready for the reign of the Fire Dragon.
Read more about the Orks of Morak here.
And its not vaporware. Vaporware doesnt release very good videos and updates their website every day.
I am sick of the vaporware claims. Be silent.
Also, ITS ABOUT TIME recognizes Darkfall and covers it with news updates., you have only missed covering Darkfall for ... what ... the last entire year of updates at warcry? You dont cover warcry articles about Darkfall? Why?
But it is Vaporware and nothing but!
They have only scheduled and canceled Beta at least 3 times already.
If they ever do release this game, there are going to be a ton of disappointed people because it won't release with a tenth of content they say they are working on.
So be prepared to be continually heckled if you are DF fanboy, because everyone else is laughing at you.
*it is now 2040*
it is now time for your warcry update with the new lead dev irvine fenirtner ... hey Irvine congradulations on your promotion, it must have come as default since all the other developers have died due to old age huh? so anyways hows darkfall coming along?
Irvine: well yes they lived long and productive lives and passed down thier legacy to me. And i am here to deliver some exciting news, Beta will come very soon we still have some internal testing to do but after that we will start sending out them invites. however in the mean time, here are a 5 brand new exclusive screenshots for you and your audience to enjoy!.
after reading the article Ammon posting from his nursing home ....
"i told you b*tches Darkfall will be coming out ... I can't wait to pwn all you disbelievers!"
I understand the cries of "vaporware" and it is well-earned by the Darkfall team. They have ignored their community for the most part without hiring a PR person, so I am not surprised that so many people call it vaporware. Its their fault, not mine. Just because I support the game doesnt mean I am stupid.
Wow they showed pictures of a new race. For some odd reason I stopped caring about Darkfall years ago, perhaps that's because they kept saying how it would release "soon." Those that are interested in this game shouldn't get there hopes up, it probably won't release till 2010.
Despite all of the well deserved apprehension regarding this game, I'd like to thank the OP for the post. The screenshots impress me; they look to be creating a very cool atmosphere for this game. Whenever (if ever?) it comes out, there are plenty of other games to tide me over. Thanks, man.
We've known about the updated Orks for ages now. Using this as a news story is going to make people wonder why races have only just been added. Where as in fact all 6 races were added ages ago.
I know can't use WarCry as their source, but if you actually want to know where the game is, read this...
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
darkfall beta will be comming soon. if you have not been to the site in some time you should stop in and check it out. well i have think of a few more things to say so i can hype the game again so to start DF is the be all end all of mmo's it will have the best of everthing. hope to see you there