I've leveled 3 toons to 60 on a PvE Server (Hunter, Warlock and Rogue) and was thinking of starting again on a PvP server. I was wondering how much of a pain is it to level in the contested zones and how much does it slow your leveling time compared with PvE Servers.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Perception is Reality.
Battlegrounds, Arenas and so on are all on PvE, too...
Sooo uuuhh, I don't think a PvP Server is for you.
I was asking for a comparison between the two server types at higher levels.
Generally you should be able to lvl with relative ease, as most PvP Zones have some sort of "peace treaty" (You don't hinder me from lvling, I don't hinder you from lvling)...
But you shouldn't think "How much slower will I be in lvling", you should think "How much fun could I have lvling with the thrill of being vulnerable all the time?"
"...and with that cryptic comment, I'm off to bed!"
I have leveled a few characters on PvP servers. Rarely do you find yourself in a fair world PvP situation. You are either outnumbered or outleveled by your attacker. 90% of the time it is one of these scenarios that determine the outcome of an encounter. That, or you are the one doing the ganking. Leveling on a PvP server is simply slower and more frustrating.
You can find all the PvP you want on a PvE server via the BG's or just by simply turning your PvP flag on. I see no point in rolling a new character on a PvP server unless you get a joy out of ganging up on newbies or attacking grey con pc's.
If you dont like the aspect of getting ganked...then go to an RP server.... or just stay with a PvE server, although ganking does give me much satisfaction. Especially when they run
I personaly feel that it incorporates more edge into the game..
dont ever use the words rune and scape in a sentence...*shudders*
i) Corpse camping. This is comparatively rare on my server, which is RPPVP rather than pure PvP. If it ever happens I can normally find a way to escape in 2-3 tries. If not, I can log to an alt and continue playing. People with a bad reputation amongst the oppositon, e.g. due to being a member of a ganking guild, may find themselves corpse camped considerably more often.
ii) Camping of instance entrances. This is more of a pain, and can easily lead to guilds putting each-other on their kill-on-sight list. General the campers can stop summoning via the meeting stone, although when everyone shows up under their own steam it's normally still possible to enter the instance after a couple of corpse runs.
iii) Interruption of escort quests. It's best to do escort quests late-at-night when not many people are logged on. Otherwise you could spend twenty minutes on the quest, be really close to completing it, and then be ganked by a rogue appearing from nowhere. Of course, you could just choose to avoid doing this type of quest.
iv) Revenge. Big time consumer. After I've been ganked a few times, I sometimes go out on a revenge trip, randomly killing any member of the oppositon who isn't grey to me. Preferably hitting them from behind or whilst they are on low health / mana. This often works better with a partner along. Of course, they then try to get revenge on you, so expect a few corpse runs, but hey - it's fun and that's what STV is there for.
Overall I'd say the slowdown is comparatively minor. Maybe 10-20%. By the time the levels start getting difficult to acquire (50+) most players have worked out that they progress faster if they leave each-other alone, rather than do the revenge thing, and hence there is an informal mutual ceasefire.
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That aside though, you'll eventually level out of there and the other regions really aren't that bad. Yes, you'll get ganked, cc from time to time, even as a higher player by all these innocent greys, but overall leveling on a pvp server is manageable and fun imho. If things get to rough you can always call in help or perhaps the best idea if you really are making a new char, start on a newer server with less bored high lvls who'll try to make your life hard. But overall I wouldn't join any other server, it really was loads of fun and I miss it.
It can be really really frustrating sometimes but usually it isn't a big deal. If your getting ganked bad you either gotta stop playing for a while, or check out a new area, or just keep going out and risking it. However, I think the ability to PvP is worth it.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
On a RPPVP server here and it's all good fun, I have some chars on a normal PvE server and it just doesn't feel right.
As has been mentioned the thrill of being out exposed when hunting is what it's all about, panning like mad, did I see someone? I thought I saw a red tag over there... hehe
Yes STV is the worst zone ever, but, you do get used to it after you've battled through it on a few chars. You realise it's going to happen so it gets less frustrating, and yes, there's always payback!
even though i agree with u and u are correct, it actually does slow down ur leveling big time
if u simply wanna level so u could do end game content a pve server is 10 times quicker
but ill stick to my pvp servers tyvm im no carebear
Ahhh yes, STV was my favorite place to lvl. You gotta love all the great battles.
Sent me an email if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
but i found leveling more fun on PVP servers because of the excitement factor
It really only gets bad from level 30 to 45, maybe 50, after that people are spread out more in differant zones..
STV, will either make you, or break you.........
1-58 is a ghost town. you may not even see another person, let alone have pvp.
outlands is infested with high level guards, so if you are anywhere near a town you are safe.
you might get ganked a few times in outlands. not a big deal.
The problem with a pvp server for me was that over half the people you try and engage in pvp with (same level even!) run from you. That and world pvp has been so scarce since BGs. TBC helped a little bit but its still hard to find people willing to fight. I mean sure, you still kill the runner most of the time, but whats the fun in that?
Once you hit 70 your pvp encounters go way down. Instead of seeing you at a lower level and going YAY FRESH MEAT! Its, o i might die if i fight him. Lets just keep going -_-
I found it easier to level my rogue on a PVP server than any other character class. The biggest advantage was being able to vanish and run when too many hordes showed up. This trick did not work as good with my druid, because you cannot vanish -- but druids are pretty good at getting away anyway. With my warrior though, the only chance you have is to either stand still and be ganked, or stand there fighting back and be ganked.
You will find it a lot easier to level on a PVP server if you always have someone else with you. Many people who would otherwise attack you, will think twice before attacking two people. This will of course not stop the 70's from ganking you at lvl 30, but it will keep some of the gankers away.
Unless a serpent devours a serpent it will never become a dragon.