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PC gamer EQ2 beta contest

Well I think I won with my key. I'm not really sure though. When i enter the key i got out of the magazine it says "Some person has smiled upon you, and you have an oppurtunity to enter the Everquest 2 beta!" So i fill out this form that is just like the beta application, and I get to another screen that says "Input Account Key here." so i put in the key i used to get to that page and it says "Invalid Key." So i was like wtf? it said i had a winning key. I e-mailed Sony about this but maybe you guys have a solution that i can get faster. has any1 else gotten past the first page?


  • doobsterdoobster Member Posts: 736

    Which key did you put when it asked the second time.  In the magazine thier were 2 numnbers.. the bottom one you used to see if you won, and maybe when it says input key here you put the top number in .... i dunnno i didnt get past the first page.

    It said something like you get 1 chance, hopefully youll still be able to get in.

    Good luck man!


  • smartdudesmartdude Member Posts: 6
    i think i may have won cause i've heard that they haven't sent out the invites to the winners yet. I think they are waiting for the next phaseimage. The top number was for the normal everquest and you used it to get a special shield that isn't really special since a ton of ppl have it now.

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