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best pvp class?

spadersspaders Member Posts: 7
I know what people are gonna say "there is no "best" pvp class" but in any mmo theres always those classes that do better than others. Take WOW for example rogues ,warlocks,and warriors are the 3 that do the best now (ofcourse blizzard always nerfs/buffs classes every patch),but i'm trying out the free trial to see how it is and i'm starting to get into but i dont want to make a shity class like how druids are in WOW . So what are the classes that do the best?


  • lillinlillin Member Posts: 207

    In PvP here there are definitly strong and weak pvp classes.

    The thing is though what are you wanting the best class for? Soloing, grouping, raiding?

    It all depends what you want to do.  Also the pvp server are about to get another big change to classes so its hard to say what " will " be the best classes soon.

  • bahamut1bahamut1 Member Posts: 614
    Actually, right now, rogues and druids have the upper hand in pvp. But, as lillin said, there's an update coming out, and we'll see what happens. It isn't a HUGE change, but it'll be enough to swing the pendulum I'm sure. Hopefully, it'll be just enough.

    "Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."

  • spraguepspraguep Member Posts: 61
    Personally if you want good pvp don't even bother playing this game. PvP balance is not a priority and never has been and even worse the pvp rule set is terrible.

    I play a 70 swashbuckler and that's what I'm going to recommend. You'll end up with some very high burst DPS, evac, track and stealth. All of which means you can mostly fight on your own terms and everyone else is a potential victim.

    I also have a 70 wizard which I refuse to play until the resist rate is fixed. I've nuked people with ice nova and fusion to only get resisted 5 times in a row. Playing a caster in pvp is totally pathetic. Even more so when you consider how easy it is for a rogue to lock a caster down and plow through their health.

    I have seen rangers drop casters from full health to dead in under 5 seconds. I haven't ever played one though so I don't know much about it, seems like they can do well if they get the drop on you.

    Oh and don't roll on vox unless you want to level lock with the T1/T2 crowd. I can list on 2 hands all the 70s that pvp on the server. It's a ghost town.

    The next patch is going to make a lot of changes so some of this information might become incorrect/irrelevant. Fury's cheetah is going to get fixed so they can't run away from a fight once engaged, this was one of their more annoying abilities. You pretty much just couldn't kill them if they decided to run away from you.

    Caster resist rates are being reduced, wizards are getting a 2:1 mana shield now so that's all good for pvp, their wiz line is getting nerfed though.

    I normally play with a Templar which seems to be a good healer, probably not the best for pvp though.

    If you are looking to kill people solo I would go with a brig or swash or ranger I guess. Of course this is only relevant within the context of the Vox server.

    On nagafen I was told there are 4x raids pvping each other. In that environment the best class for killing would be someone with a lot of AE I suppose. I have no idea what it's like there, if you are in a raid combat pvp situation everything changes.
  • spadersspaders Member Posts: 7
    ah i dont guess everquest 2 is the game for me then i downloaded the trial and was playing around with a mage. i just quit WOW and i'm looking for a game now that has good PVP. Blizzards has screwed up the pvp in WOW imo and now its not even worth playing if all you want to do is pvp
  • xSSxxSSx Member Posts: 128
    Try Lineage II
  • julrichhjulrichh Member Posts: 100
    lol....i left wow for the pvp reason..lower lvl's its a twink fest. Higher lvl's its a hackfest. I love how poeple where trying to defend people who where obviously hacking. SERIOUSLY....we had a mage running around on horseback insta casting fireballs like he had a fireball machinegun. People where saying things like....thats a trinket effect and " have lag....yet this guy walks away with 200 kills and no deaths. After seeing things like this or just as bad and how these individualls have held top positions on the pvp chart for months...i said goodbye
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