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I'm thinking of returning and one of the things that might tip me over is a Character Transfer / Merger.
I had two charaters (same server but different accounts) and I want to merge them. I hear you can now have 2 characters per server.
Is this possible and if so, what is the fee and what do I need to do?
I search the web site and the SoE site and could not find anything that didn't require an active subscription.
Concept for SWG 2
Hope this helps
get your 7 day FREE sub to SWTOR
I asked the same, and got this link from Soe.
Link didn't work. Or was that the point?
Thanks to the first responder, that was exactly what I needed to know! I am assuming that in order to first spend the $50, I would also have to have BOTH accounts active (Addition $30).
So, in total, it will cost me $80 to do this. Does that sound right?
Concept for SWG 2