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The Downfall Of Shadowbane

Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773





  • HirzikHirzik Member Posts: 57

    Originally posted by Sir-Sven

    *If you're sick of hearing how much Shadowbane sucks, don't read this topic. It is mean for mature people only.*
    The ten top things that suck about Shadowbane:
    1. The land is much too big. It took for-freaken-ever to get from one place to the next. If they want to keep the land that big, they have to at least get a mass transport gate or something!
    2. The whole guild idea is great, but if you want to really get into the war, it must be more organized and definite. I have never participated in a guild war on SB, but I know it is too complicated to tell where your people are.
    3. The screen itself. The view your person has is impossible. First thing you know, you're being killed by something. Next thing you know, you're dead while trying to turn your camera around with your limited mouse space.
    4. The graphics aren't that horrible but there are a little jagged edges that need cleaning up.
    5. The spawns are horrible indeed. They all spawn in one single place and it is annoying to attack all those creatures when you first start your character out.
    6. One of the worst things of all, you have to get in a large group of highly experienced people in order to gain experience yourself. Why can't you just go out to a spawn and kill things better than you yourself? Well, they'll all attack you and you will die. It's just not a good situation.
    7. Because the land is so large, everything is physically spread out, and it looks dumb. The trees are spread far apart and there are no true forests. The brambles and dirt patched are virtually extinct. There are no plants.
    8. Also, with the large land, you run out of stamina too quickly, you need more stamina or there should be a transportation system. I don't care if it's horses and a buggy. They still need one.
    9. Because there are limited spawns and they are spread so far apart, there is virtually nothing to do if you want to stay in town. I remember just sitting there with my guild. We weren't doing anything. Just sitting. What kind of game is that? I can do that at home.
    10. The skill program sucks very badly. If you want to gain a skill, you need to get enough experience to gain a level at which point you may BUY your skill from an appropriate vendor. This is ridiculous. I could barely even click on the damn vendor because the stupid view, let alone buy a skill from the stupid NPC.
    This concludes the top 10 worst things about Shadowbane. I hope I didn't offend anyone.

    -Sir Sven

    1) If anything the map is too small, frankly the world needs to be a bit bigger.  If you need to get to a set location repledge to an open tree or get a friend to summon you to that general area.  Else wise get off your lazy bum and run.

    2) That is solely a problem that comes from thinking within a box.  Do you necessarily know where people are 24-7?  Obviously no, but you can ask them and generally they'll tell you unless they don't want you involved.

    3) Well I guess that can be blamed on Shadowbane since you are too dumb to know how to change the camera mode so it will shift with your direction.

    4) Increase the visual setting on your computer and most of those jagged lines disappear.

    5) Sounds like you're making characters that would start out naturally weak.  Try something other than a Templar or other character which doesn't have any good abilities till level 50.

    6) Very untrue, as mentioned if you make gimp toons (this also deals with your play style), you'll die often with little chance to gain XP.


    7)Log in sometime and you'll see how this is just a flat out lie.


    8) Are you an Elf or a Nephilim?  hose are the only races I can think that would necessarily run out of stamina unless you are trying to get from one side of the world to the other which should take a lot of stamina.

    9) Well if you were to become an IC member or a guild leader you'd have a city to maintain and vendors to rank and keep comstantly supplied with money to roll better equipment and to pay maintenance on.

    10) Sounds like you just aren't good with anytype of game with this same type of view point or general play style.  Maybe you should just stay away since it sounds like you'll die no matter what in ShadowBane.  I mean I've seen guys log in for their first time and make it to level 20 within an hour or on the otherhand only make it to level 5 within an hour.  Pretty much it all depends on rather you're willing to play the game as it is entended at the present date. 

    Things change and with patch 3.0 they are changing once again.  So unless you can come up with a 'real' reason that ShadowBane is flawed I hope you get over your imagined problems with ShadowBane



  • numaticnumatic Member UncommonPosts: 675

    1. The land is much too big. It took for-freaken-ever to get from one place to the next. If they want to keep the land that big, they have to at least get a mass transport gate or something!

    God forbid those RUNEGATES are just there for show

    2. The whole guild idea is great, but if you want to really get into the war, it must be more organized and definite. I have never participated in a guild war on SB, but I know it is too complicated to tell where your people are.

    If you never participated in a siege in SB, what makes you the least bit qualified to comment on this? It's actually very simple. But of course, you wouldn't know that.

    3. The screen itself. The view your person has is impossible. First thing you know, you're being killed by something. Next thing you know, you're dead while trying to turn your camera around with your limited mouse space.

    I find the screen movement very easy to use. Infact, most games turn radius is much slower. It takes a split second to move your mouse from one end to the other.

    4. The graphics aren't that horrible but there are a little jagged edges that need cleaning up.

    Cant argue with you on that fact, but i dont think it has anything to do with making the game suck.

    5. The spawns are horrible indeed. They all spawn in one single place and it is annoying to attack all those creatures when you first start your character out.

    No idea what your talking about. This game has camps just like every other game. The only difference is, once you leave the newbie area, just about every mob is aggro. This game is not solo friendly, and never has been. You need groups and guilds to lvl.

    6. One of the worst things of all, you have to get in a large group of highly experienced people in order to gain experience yourself. Why can't you just go out to a spawn and kill things better than you yourself? Well, they'll all attack you and you will die. It's just not a good situation.

    Same answer as above. Its NOT a solo friendly game, get it yet? We all understand and accept this. If you want to solo, make a flying mage or pet wizard. Anything with range can solo fairly well. And remember, blue con mobs give more XP then reds.

    7. Because the land is so large, everything is physically spread out, and it looks dumb. The trees are spread far apart and there are no true forests. The brambles and dirt patched are virtually extinct. There are no plants.

    Your max terrain setting is not on as default. Turn it on then comment about the amount of floral decorations in the land.

    8. Also, with the large land, you run out of stamina too quickly, you need more stamina or there should be a transportation system. I don't care if it's horses and a buggy. They still need one.

    1. Runegates 2. If you do run, the majority of classes in SB have some kind of run buff. Plus, with regen items, you can regen stam very quickly.

    9. Because there are limited spawns and they are spread so far apart, there is virtually nothing to do if you want to stay in town. I remember just sitting there with my guild. We weren't doing anything. Just sitting. What kind of game is that? I can do that at home.

    This game is PvP oriented. Your not meant to sit in your town all day chatting it up. You should be in Enemy towns killing them or lvling.

    10. The skill program sucks very badly. If you want to gain a skill, you need to get enough experience to gain a level at which point you may BUY your skill from an appropriate vendor. This is ridiculous. I could barely even click on the damn vendor because the stupid view, let alone buy a skill from the stupid NPC.

    This comment just shows how completely rediculous this post is. It also shows you spent very little time playing shaodwbane. You should play a little more then post when you got your facts straight. SB has one of the best Skill based systems in any MMO. You can create a toon so many ways it's ludacris. On second thought, don't play more.

  • Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773



  • numaticnumatic Member UncommonPosts: 675

    Originally posted by Sir-Sven

    Obviously it should be deleted because whoever wrote it is dumb....
    Shadowbane sucks now and it sucked then, it will always suck. If you think SB has a GOOD skill gain system, then you are dumb.

    -Sir Sven

    From your mouth to the floor. Thats about all your opinion is worth here. Next time you want to bash a game, play it first n00b. SB isnt a great game, but it doesnt suck either. I know many people who enjoy it immensely. I guess they just pay to play because it sucks right?

  • HirzikHirzik Member Posts: 57

    Couldn't agree more with you numatic, only thing I disagree on is which mobs give better xp (if you're mid r3 and you're in a group killing r4s and r5s you'll get a lot more xp than if you're killing mobs on your level).  I can't remember getting 15k+ xp from an r3 mob when I was r3.  In fact if anything I've found that hitting those r4s and r5s is the easiest way to get PLed rather I'm self-PLing or if a friend is doing it for me.



  • Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773



  • DrunknMasterDrunknMaster Member Posts: 19

    And you call yourself mature?
    First how long did you actually play the game? I'm guessing 1 month. How can you critisize something that you didn't even partake in? " I love the guild versus guild aspect but im not gonna particpate in it." I have been playing this game for over a year, along with a few other games. ANd the shadowbane developers listen to the playerbase more than any other game I have played. The patches are pretty much getting created by the players opinions. You take risk when trying mmo's. If one is not for you does it really deserve a bashing thread? Its ppl like you that will be the fall of mmo's in general. Flacky customers cause flacky companies.

  • Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773

    Shadowbane is fun.


  • RykerRyker Member UncommonPosts: 207
    After a year I decided to reactivate my account only to see that the lag that made me stop playing was still there and as bad as ever. You still run to the end of the map and have to wait for the world to load before going on. Seems like that would have fixed this before adding their expansions and stuff.

  • Waylander-SBWaylander-SB Member Posts: 31

    Originally posted by Ryker
    After a year I decided to reactivate my account only to see that the lag that made me stop playing was still there and as bad as ever. You still run to the end of the map and have to wait for the world to load before going on. Seems like that would have fixed this before adding their expansions and stuff.

    That is part of the UI rewrite that is part of the next big patch. That rewrite should address a lot of client side performance issues.

    Lead Class Advocate
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  • DrunknMasterDrunknMaster Member Posts: 19

    When you venture into mmorpgs you need to realize they are always having changes and in the making. None will ever be perfect. I have played 5 other mmos to date and I did not like them, but did I get on the boards and Post the Downfall of SWG. No because I dont bash a company that is trying hard to please people even if I didnt like thier game. Don't act like this is a debate when you top line is 10 reasons why SB sucks. How about next time you be more mature and say I didnt like what this game brought to me and leave it at that. Games arent meant to target everyone.  Your not getting a damn thing done but making yourself look dumb.

  • Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773

    Shadowbane is fun.


  • ghoul31ghoul31 Member Posts: 1,955

    Originally posted by Sir-Sven
    I'm not bashing them. I'm helping them. Telling them their flaws. Something people do in the business world to MAKE THINGS BETTER.

    -Sir Sven

    But you aren't telling them their flaws. You are just showing everyone that you don't know what you are talking about.

    Your biggest gripe is that it takes too long to get anywhere.

    But if you were in a good guild you could get a summon to an experience group whenever you wanted. So your main point is totally invalid.



  • Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773

    Shadowbane is fun.


  • But the fact that you need to be in a guild at all is retarted. Thats a big flaw. YOU CANNOT BE INDEPENDENT IN THIS GAME WHATSOEVER.

    You are playing the wrong game then.... this game is setup for people to play together, it's focus is guild vs guild warfare. OMG YOU CAN'T SOLO... NO KIDDING. Did you read anything about Shadowbane before you bought it? Stop complaing about Shadowbane because this game no matter how great it looks or how easy it is to get around will never be for you.

  • Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773
    Shadowbane is fun...


  • DrunknMasterDrunknMaster Member Posts: 19

    First off, no one uses these boards. Second name a mmorpg that doesnt suck trying to solo. 3rd go home and hang yourself from the shower curtain rod with a shoe string. k thnx bye

  • EdiciusEdicius Member Posts: 13

    you say u have pointed out the flaws, but 2 people have just proven that the flaws you are saying are bullshit.

  • Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773
    Ok, you're right. Shadowbane is fun...


  • SystranSystran Member Posts: 105
    Shadowbane was the best RPG i've played......hands down! image
  • SorcamSorcam Member Posts: 1
    Shadowbane was a lot of fun for me and I leveled up enough toons for 3 full accounts.

  • tonofsteeletonofsteele Member Posts: 8

    I think the bottom line is.... try it for yourself b4 listening to others, 15day free trail, you could have a r5 easy in that time, mb even r6. Sometimes you can find freindly folks (like me) on newbie island and when you show that you are brand new (we can tell trust me :D) we give you stuff and help ya out just so youll stick around.

  • AnsheAnshe Member Posts: 16

    Such discussions are futile. A game failed when nobody plays it. But Shadowbane still has many active players. And I enjoyed it for two years until I got bored :-)

    If you sign up to SecondLife entering "Anshe Chung" as referal adds you to my in game friendslist :-)

    If you sign up to SecondLife entering "Anshe Chung" as referal adds you to my in game friendslist :-)

  • conanownsconanowns Member Posts: 114

    Shadowbane sucks. It is almost as bad as some of these garage dev mmo's you c on this site.

    It took the devloper to long to make the game hence the very outdated graphics engine and they barly snagged a publisher willing to fork over the cash.

    Sub-standard talent making Sub-standard games.

  • sliversliver Member Posts: 132

    yes, most people who played agree that shadowbane was awesome, not is awesome. it was great back in the glory days of beta and right after release before all the uber template trash took over. I reactivated my account recently and was saddened to see the degenerated state of the game. SB, i will miss thee.

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