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Im trying to activate a trial account because my main account was hacked and banned.
The problem is that I have some financial problems in RL, I was barely able to get my father to get me a CD key.
It seems that to change a trial account to a normal account I need the CD key and I have to put a time card in or a credit card.
The CD key came with 30 days play time But the way it works is I must put a payment option in for after those 30 days.
I got my father to put the credit card info in and it was Denied, we are basically over 15,000 thousand in debt and the credit card is maxed.
I am hoping someone can donate to me a Time code (not trial), even if its 15 days I would be very grateful.
I miss my clan and I want to start as soon as possible to try and catch back up.
my email is
Thank you.
If you are in financial troubles, get off Lineage 2, unplug computer, and stop your internet service. I do not realize how your father even decided to buy a cd-key for you. You yourself should get a job to pay if you guys are in debt.
I doubt people would donate time cards to others they do not know, even if there story may be depressing.
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Agreed. Be responsible,get off the Pc and just do the right thing FFS.
Waiting on Guild Wars 2
I am disabled and use the computer as my main way of socializing with people.
I recieve social security so my basic needs will hopefully always be met.
I don't have cable or any other stuff, its pretty much me and 3 other people in a small house which has subsidised rent.
My father and i live separately, the debt actualy started this year, im not 100% sure what happened even though I have an idea but much rather not talk about it.
So when you say unplug my internet and game, those things are my lifeline to the outside world.
Why don't you play a MMORPG that is free to play? There are many free MMORPG games that are free to download, have no monthly subscriptions and are somewhat similar to Lineage 2.
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
I have made some good friends on the Lionna server.
I also want to get back to make some stuff right, My account was banned while holding fellow clan members items, a +7 homu with acumen, a Full demon set and I owed someone 3 million adena.
It wouldnt be right to just walk away.
I don't think anyone here is just going to give you money (which is exactly what giving you a time-card code would be doing.) You would have much better luck taking it up with your clan. There have been one or two times that I haven't had the money to keep playing and clanmates gave me a card key so that I could keep playing with them. I played on Lionna for 2.5 years and (in my clan/ally at least) it was not uncommon at all for friends to help each other out financially (either with in-game finances or out of game finances.) And if your clanmates really believe that you are a scammer, even after you explain what happened, then I don't see why you'd want to keep playing with them anyway.
I was able to get a hold of a 15 day time card. My clan isnt happy about what happened but I am still welcome back.
After the 15 days run out I am hoping my fathers credit card will be under the max.
To the person that posted before me, where did scammer ever pop up in this conversation ?
Hmm I don't think anyone will give you a time card here. Good luck though
If you can't pay to play this game I would really suggested you start playing Last Chaos it is like Lineages 2 brother or something. Good thing you got a time card though now you can only hope people will be so kind after those 15 days.
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What did you get banned for that caused this dilema in the first place?
I'm sorry, you're right. So far you've mentioned banning, hacking, "making things right", being banned while holding several million worth of items and money - but nowhere did you mention scamming. You are absolutely right.
I understand what you are saying - that you were hacked and banned because of it, while holding several million worth of your friends' items. I'm not in the least accusing you of scamming or hacking or anything like that. But the way you spoke about making things right sounded like you were worried that some of your friends/clanmates might think that you purposefully scammed them out of their stuff. If that's not what you meant to imply, whatever - my deepest apologies. All I was trying to say is that hopefully your clan would be understanding in a situation like this - and if they're not and are mad at you, then I don't think they were that good of friends to begin with. If you disagree and you think that makes them terrific friends, well great for you. GL and HF
I luckily am in a very good clan, when I came back they were very understanding.
What I was worried about is that a lot of the time material items come before friendships.
For example, you lend your very poor friend your car for day, he accidentaly wrecks it, he has no way to pay you back for the damage done.
Im sure at first you will make sure hes ok but most people would eventualy demand payment for it, which would usualy break up a friendship.
Rubydragon I ain't against you or anything it is just that this is the internet so remember to be careful everyone.
Also if you are paying back a +7 homu with acumen and full demon set and starting a new account, it may be a while before you get it.
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