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I've been looking at various posts around this forum and I haven't seen anyone ask about this yet.
Will ranged combat (bows and crossbows) be limited to the Ranger class? Of course other classes will be able to wield them (I hope) but will it be built like in World of Warcraft where only hunters really benefit from the ranged weapon?
In other words, can I be a Conqueror and still inflict serious damage with a bow? Or do I have to be a Ranger to hurt people from a distance without using spells?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I am aware of only Ranger having the "bow and crossbow" skill when you look at the official homepage, but I hoped someone could clearify it all a bit.
I don't think that the Conqueror will be able to do serious damage with a bow no. Feat lines of the Conqueror I don't think go down the same path as a Ranger.
i a fan of rangers and ranged combat and stuff
but with the uniq combat system ill try a melee class first i think
Always do the right thing
All Classes will have access to some form of ranged combat, no ifs ands or buts. However, some might be restricted from say... the longbow, since that particular weapon requires years of special training. That conquerer will almost certainly be able to use a crossbow, shortbow and/or thrown weapons, he just won't be nearly as good with any of them as a Ranger specced for the weapon type would be.
I have a feeling though that most classes will only end up using their ranged weaponry as a dead last resort, or perhaps to get one quick hit in from a distance before charging in.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Conquerer Chucker group ftw.
Thanks for your answeres, the conqueror was just an example though. and I was thinking mostly about defending your keeps and towers etc, charging out of your fortified positions to face a force head on might not always be the best idea and therefor I thought (and hoped) that most classes will be able to use a bow and do "okay" damage, and not like in World of Warcraft where it's pointless to shoot people if you're not a spellcaster or a hunter.
I should read up on various wiki links etc I guess, but I'll ask here aswell: The combat system is pretty much "varied attacks" so I thought will I do more damage if I shoot someone in the head? will he be (temporarily) slowed if I shoot him in the leg and so forth? or is it more like in World of Warcraft (I take this example since it's the mmo I've played the most) where it's all based on various skills/traits/feats/talents rather than your aim/player skill?
if shooting arrows is anything like FPS games I'm going to play a ranger for sure. Can we say imbalanced?
edit: they nerfed the ranger!
Today Clan of Conan have a ranged portion, so you might get the information you want. So far only an italian version is avaible (don't ask me why) so here's the link to the official version (it's not up yet but should be anytime soon) :
Clan of Conan #9