This game is truly awesome but only for about a few months. What kept me in the game was all the different power sets I wanted to try them all, but after so long it became boring fighting the same enemies over and over again. The only reason it became boring was because of the same mobs over and over. One other thing that made it fun was the combat was against multiple enemies not just one. Character customization was awesome to this game has the best. You can actually tell who people are without their names floating over their heads. Anyway this game is worth a try and I think they are giving a 14 day trial out now so take a look.
How high up in level did you get? I belive you fight different mobs as you get higher level :P
I'm currently lvl 13 as highest.
SWG, Eve, Planetside 2, EQN, Star Citizen
I'm giving this game a go again myself, currently lvl 18 now.
It's something you can jump right into and out aswell, without having to feel any regret. It's easy going. And as you said it's not something that at least I can see myself playing as a primary mmo, it's too linear for that.
It's a unique and a fun MMORPG though!
SWG, Eve, Planetside 2, EQN, Star Citizen
Go read Armasir answer on the boring/evolution of the game, it might help some of you understand what can be interesting.
(paste his answer bellow)
Originally posted by Amarsir
Hey welcome to the game! Demographically speaking, CoH definitely has a higher percentage of female players than just about any other MMO out there. (With possible exceptions for things like Second Life.) I know many many husband/wife teams that play.
Some elements will always be repetitive. While there are plenty of maps you haven't seen yet, the variety is no where near where one might like it to be. There's something of a random element but still it often happens that I see the starting layout of a floor and I already know "the elevator is this way, we can skip all that." So you lose something of that discovery aspect.
Also the AI doesn't really expand too much, with certain exceptions. Some enemies run up to melee, other stay at range until the melee folks die off. They cycle through the relevant attacks and wait. When they get to X% of life, there's a chance to run. Etc. Again there are exceptions, like flyers who don't mind changing angles and never close to range. Or teleporters, who pop in, hit you, and take off. Or the enemies that turn invisible just before they run away. But those are the exceptions, most Mobs are pretty dumb.
That said, there are numerous variations you probably haven't seen yet. At the beginning you see Skulls, Hellions, Lost, Council, Trolls, Outcasts, and Council of Thorns, who are all pretty similar at the Minion level. (Bosses can get more interesting.) Only Clockwork and Vhazilok zombies seem different, and they aren't too tricky. It's that way on purpose to make it easier to warm up.
When you get into the mid teens you meet the Tsoo, a ninja-type gang that starts to get a little more interesting. Also around that time the Circle of Thorns rotates into using spirits, some of those "turn invisible and fly away" enemies I was talking about. And then that continues to expand as you go up in level. Some elements will always be the same but there is also more willingness to get tricky when you get higher.
Like Sky Raider Engineers, who will pop out a force field generator to protect everyone. Or Rikti Communications Officers, who will summon a portal that streams out enemies. There are snipers working for the Nemesis who will often see you before you see them - and their shots leave behind clouds of poison gas. Croatoa has these imp-like creatures that will pop underground to heal up, then come back below you stronger than ever. Then in the 40s you get interesting enemies like Malta, who attack your endurance directly and have transformer-like robots that join up to become stronger.
These again are the exceptions to a "1 gun and 2 fists" default that never entirely goes away, but it does show that there is more to see. What you can do in the meantime to increase variety is up your difficulty just a bit (or invite more people) to get 1 or more bosses per mission. Bosses often focus on other effects like stuns, knockdowns, and debuffs (though plenty just hit hard) and they can make things more interesting.
When I'm running a team I love to bring new people in and get them going, but in several ways I'm not your average team leader. I'm less worried about your wife doing anything wrong for the team than I am about the leader doing something really stupid and giving you the impression that it is somehow standard. I used to say "avoid the Hollows" but these days it actually seems to have swung the opposite direction, where smart & experienced players who have no problem getting around there make it a preference.
I wouldn't say the "more nuking than strategy" statement is wholly accurate at your level. Actually I would say it may become more true starting in the 20s when you hit a stride where a good tank hops in, gets their attention, and lets the rest of you do your thing. At earlier levels it's much harder for one to handle that much aggro, and the healers / buffers / debuffers are fighting to keep their endurance and recharges up. So target selection is much more important. But just let someone else initiate combat (unless they ask you to) and either choose the target that is already half dead or else pick the enemy closest to you / closest to the weaker players (defenders, blasters, controllers).
So none of that means you shouldn't team up. A lot of the game's variety comes from how different powers combine. It just gets more interesting letting different sets play together on a bigger team. Someone will probably have suggestions for you (you might want to do X, or you should really take power Y asap) but it's likely good adivce and if you don't mind hearing it then it's a good thing. I would say anyone who is comfortable using maps, and is familiar with their button layout, and isn't likely to go AFK for no reason, would always be welcome on a team.
If you two are good with duoing already (and it seems like you are), and you are both comfortable checking the map if you lose sight of your team, then I say get on the next team you can find.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Thanks for the quote Anofalye, I do feel like I answer the same questions over and over as it is.
Just to be clear what I mean to say there is that are aspects that are different if you choose to see them. But there are also things that are very repetitive, the AI's tactics for example. And it depends on how you choose to see them. If changing characters feels like a new experience for you, as it does for me, then you have a wide variety of options. But if you're sick of seeing that warehouse, which I can fully understand, then short of them hiring a bunch of new artists that's not going to change.
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
Imagine how awesome it would be if they added........anything
Grind Grind Grind Grind or Grind? I will Grind.
Dear CoV. Stop being so damn entertaining. I picked up the 14 day trail and I am far too amused. I've only tried villains so far, but thats about all I care for. Heros are only good for having something to beat on =p.
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
Sorry to burst your bubble but this game is awesome and it does add new stuff with every update.
Maybe its not your cup of tea but thats fine. I have played lots of games now and i still comeback to COx. Recently I tried Lineage 2, WoW, GE, AA, Dungeon Runners, Rappelz, Eve, Doac, Matrix, And a few others i cant remember. I have beta a few others also.
But i keep coming back. Y? its the community. Its the pvp and the events. The ability to create and costumize. Loving the new invention system. Issue 10 looks to be great.
So play whatever u like. I am a 3 yr veteran so obviously i like this game.
I think we need to listen to the man who found this interesting for 2,000 hours heh
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
Sounds to me like the people who get bored of this game so fast never played the PvP zones or done any task forces or trials.
there is more to this game than an endless grind. Now with crafting even more to do. I had stopped playing this game a while ago and went to eq2 to play with some rl friends. but I have come back to CoX. It is the best game for soloing or grouping. You can do either all the way to 50. granted it is easier to solo on the vilian side than the hero side. IMO this game Is the most fun.
I played this game for along time, got CoH on the release date as well as CoV and had a blast. At one point I had all 12 slots on the hero side slotted with alts that all did different things RP'ing wise. I ran the TF's and many of the upper level missions for both sides and my favorite character for soloing to this day is still my DM/DA scrapper who was virtually invincible to everything in PvE.
However, there are down sides to every game and in this one even task forces get old. Kill 250 mobs of type x, return the hero, now kill 500 mobs of type x, return to the hero, go clear out this base of all of mob type x, return to the hero, now go to a different zone and kill 250 more of mob type x, return to hero, go talk to a different hero to get a different quest, go kill boss mob in a building environment, return to second hero, return to first hero, finally 10 hours later get the last quest in the series that's actually interesting and meaningful and fun. After doing those for a while, they CAN and WILL get boring. As for the crafting/prestige system, that almost starts to feel like more of a job that anything else, didn't feel like it really added that much to the game in terms of "things to do" because when I left the game, there wasn't a crafting skill that you had to improve to be able to craft certain items, but rather, you either had enough components or you didn't and that isn't really a "crafting system" to me.
Not sure if they've changed it or not but what a lot of players were asking for when they wanted a "crafting system" was something that would allow them to create items for themselves to use in fights, not for their bases.
Anyway, this game is good for those that don't take the whole MMO thing too seriously and don't mind grinding all day to level (especially in the 30's) RP'ing can definitely be found on a lot of the servers so that's a plus, but just not my kind of game.
ya this game is fun but it gets a little tedious after awhile
~~~~ KOTOR ftw ~~~~
Picked up the 14 day trial. Got an SS/INV brute to 33 with about 5 mill and almost all IOs, and an EM/NIN stalker to 21 also with almost all IOs. I can't stop playing it. CoV ftw!
Yea after awhile kinda repetitive but when u leave for a month or two and come back it is a pretty good game!
Arachnos FTW
I keep drifting in and out, for 2 years now
The cool thing about this game is that you can go in, solo a mission and go out again, all in 15 minutes or so. You don't need to sit there for a minimum of 3 hours to feel you've accomplished something.
It's a nice waste of time
From all games i played till now, and god... i played a lot of them.... i always seems to come back to CoX, been there for 2 month back again (15 month vet here) and really, i dont know why i left, other games never get to me like this
The problem with cox is the fact that too many only play solo. Only 5 to 10 percent are looking to team at any given time. Its a little better at low levels, but the solo grind from mid level on is pretty bad. Still no worse than all the other MMO's.
And I returned yesterday after a few months of break, so will see how it changed. But for the 30 minutes I was on-line I already had 4-5 group invites by whisper. And those invasions sounds like a lot of fun as well as the invention system (which wasn't implemented yet when I left last time).
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
And I returned yesterday after a few months of break, so will see how it changed. But for the 30 minutes I was on-line I already had 4-5 group invites by whisper. And those invasions sounds like a lot of fun as well as the invention system (which wasn't implemented yet when I left last time).
Welcome back! ( ' :
It's definitely not hard to find a group if you want one, that's for sure.
hey, is this moose from Champion?
Seriously, I've been to level 28 in a month. With alts.
"Roses are red, violets are blue,
I'm a schizophrenic, and so am I."
Anyways, you might like the crafting in it now--there's even an economy with a brokerage house.
Apply lemon juice and candle flame here to reveal secret message.