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Important aspect of MMOs thats being horrible overlooked..

AdamupAdamup Member Posts: 48

 Ive finally realized what has been missing in the MMO community as of the last few years.

 Ive been playing MMOs the good course of about 7 years and the last few years i havent been seriously satisfied by any of the newer titles.. its become about leveling visiously and PvP.. which IS fun.. but lacks a very important aspect of what leveling is for..


 To feel after all your work, that you are powerful and renowned in the world your playing.


 Take EQ for example. They had several key gameplay additions that made this apparent. They did NOT limit the drops at first on anything, any high level could storm a lower level dungeon and accquire the same drops as if they were the dungeons required level... greys did not hold back loot.. you had done your time leveling and it was your right as a higher level to be able to enter and dominate.. it made you feel you were progressing, powerful, and inspiring to people of lower levels (yes i know this made it difficult for lower levels to attain loot occasionally, but thats life, and they earned the right). And there were no level restirctions to items, and i dont believe their should be on tradeable items.. if youve worked hard and accuired it.. what says you cant toss it to an alt. You shouldnt be limited in that aspect...

 Another thing was titles.. for instance, as a druid u became a wanderer at 50, no difference in class at all, just a title (not like LOTR who throws titles around so much its almost cool to go around without one), then at 60 it was Hierophant (or something like that)... they were earned and people respected them.

 Now adays you kill something.. you lvl.. and kill more.. and lvl.. and kill more.. and suddenly your end game but its still the same.. your still fighting things that are equally skilled.. you hardly ever feel a real sense of accomplishment. You are the same as everyone.. mediocre, in a world that is always vastly stronger then you.

 Id like to see more quests devoted toward end game that required you to storm dungeons alone, heroically saving (or savagly killing) normal npcs that need help.. your the highest level! Things shouldnt get harder (execpt for some places where you still want challenge and PvP) things generally should be easier... what makes a hero? His deeds and accomplishments.. hell, the world should even recongnize your power.. maybe even at a certain level refer to you differently, or even come up with a randomly generated alternate name based on what youve done.. how cool would it be to hit level 70 and suddenly the npcs call you by a nickname that people had generated in circulation of your accomplishments?? Your name is Rogar and your a warrior that is specced for combat and suddenly people call you "The Devourer".  Like Strider in lotr (im really not a lotr fan tho lol).

 Im done ranting now... discuss this, i want peoples opinions greatly.. i think its a shame that everythings the same.. level and get more skills to essisenally be what you were in the beginning... same story different book..






  • ThisIsTheDayThisIsTheDay Member Posts: 9

    ^ yea....... I agree i am really bored of grinding. I wish RS would get better graphics I would play that again in a sec, it at least has a fun quest system......

  • knowomknowom Member UncommonPosts: 195

    The only thing out of that I really agreed much with is the ability to twink alts with gear you've earned with no level restrictions on them that was one of early EQ's best aspects the abundance of soulbind items and level restrictions on items in WoW I  always found really horrible and annoying more than anything. I dunno about titles all though I did like the title and fame system UO had, but it was a unique system and fit and worked so well with that game. I also agree with the other poster I wicked tired of the aggravating grind with mmorpgs it's kind of a unneeded aspect of mmorpgs to me personally when will they just get rid of it and do away with it all together or at least go about it in a new refreshing and unique fun way of doing it.

  • steusssteuss Member UncommonPosts: 130

    I agree...


    Look at games like WoW, Lotr, and the like, and you'll see that as you level, you aren't really doing anything new... you are killing the same skilled mobs, but with better weapons and powers. The battles don't change much from lvl 1 - lvl 75... everything pretty much stays the same..


    I like how in EQ the mobs would get freaking HARD as you leveled.


    With a large array of skills (oh wait, most games have like 4-8 skills per class that just "improve" with each level) to choose from the higher levels should give a HUGE option for how to kill something... but wait... that isn't the case. Instead i'm using Fireball 12 which is exactly the same as Fireball 1 but more powerful... bah.  Tactics need to change as you level. Who in their right mind would think that a total n00b would fight the way a seasoned warrior would?



  • AoamiAoami Member Posts: 28



    Community is whats missing... online games don't have enough people playing them because everyone plays that piece of sh!t WoW!

    Dulce et decorum, pour my heart out on the forum.

  • AdamupAdamup Member Posts: 48

    u dont want wows community lol...


  • AgtSmithAgtSmith Member Posts: 1,498

    I think in part the OP has it right but it is more than just what he said.  to me what is missing is the uniqueness of the experience, both in gameplay/style and character development.  MMOs these days are just single player RPGs with multiple people around.  You don't live and play in the virtual world anymore, you just go jump through the hoops the DEVs lined up for you unlocking pre-determined element after pre-determined element. 


    In short, you don't play MMOs anymore, you finish them.

    Achiever 60.00%, Socializer 53.00%, Killer 47.00%, Explorer 40.00%
    Intel Core i7 Quad, Intel X58 SLi, 6G Corsair XMS DDR3, Intel X-25 SSD, 3 WD Velociraptor SATA SuperTrak SAS EX8650 Array, OCZ 1250W PS, GTX 295, xFi, 32" 1080p LCD

  • AdamupAdamup Member Posts: 48

    aye that too

  • daarcodaarco Member UncommonPosts: 4,276

    This is the reason i cant play anything with a level system 

  • RoyspiRoyspi Member Posts: 202

    why i like sandbox games. You're the hero. There isnt an "endgame". If someone claims to be more powerful than you: you simply scoff at them because you know your the shiz and they arent. I suppose it takes a certain mindset to think like this though.

  • SkyRaiderSkyRaider Member Posts: 6

    Honestly... I don't care about that part. I miss things to do when not wanting to quest and level. I have no desire to be "top notch" I want a way to relax and do something else while chatting with my friends. Most of the time that goes to crafting... But I refuse to call WoW's system crafting. The earlier EQ2 system was crafting cause it demanded alot of the crafter. Nowadays they changed it so that everyone can craft easily, and it just ain't no fun anymore..... I want game with diversity that allows the player to make choices on his own accord not really limiting gameplay, but allows him to do what he wants and not what the game developers want him to do.

    Oh... and sandbox games won't do... the game still needs to be driven... just not down a one way street.

  • astrosapienastrosapien Member Posts: 18

    There needs to be an MMO where you rise through the ranks of the castle as you level or do certian quests. So, in the end, you will be king. Like two people are qualified for king, both players, but they need to fight each other, winner is king. That should work...

  • AdamupAdamup Member Posts: 48

    interesting points... im not one for crafting much myself.. and yes i remember eq2s crafting int he beginning.. wow what a pain lol.. "i want to make a str band" "alright.. bring me.. 10 ore, 10 snake skin, 50 beaver pelts, 20 undead bones, 40 logs, 70 duck heads, and of course it will cost you 10 gold for me to teach the recipe to you"  "but i can only sell it for 5 silver?"



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