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My initial impressions are that - the game is next to impossible for a new player to enjoy without much research. I started out and went to a defend objective, and was kind-of impressed at the air battle that was raging on above me. So, I went to look for some infantry nearby, figuring I'd get capped pretty quickly.
So, I roamed and roamed the hillsides, looking for infantry. I got sniped. Alright, thats cool. So, I wander upon a river with 2 enemy boats, and try to pick off people on the AA guns (Or whatever they were) with my sniper rifle. Bang bang, no effect. After about 5 more minutes of looking, I switched to another battle. The same thing occured, I simply could not find any action. So, I logged off in frustration.
The game also ran very poorly on my AMD 4200+, 7800GT, and 2GB.
Maybe I was doing something wrong? Beats me, but I'm probably going to go cancel my account right about now.
Ah too bad, have you already cancelled your account?
I was going to ask you if you wanted to me on some missions tonight and see how the game can be played with an organised squad. We will average around 60 squadmates online tonight as it is our regular squadnight, with dedicated players in Thor(Armour), Hugin(airforce), Sleipner (AA/ATG) and Oden(Infantry).
It is very difficult for new comers to understand this game without much help.
I highly recommend you to press F6 in help channel to looking for a big squard with lots of vet to help you.
I played only for a month, and I mostly play infantry, but below are some tips:
No matter offense and defense mission, you will have to capture come capture points ( usually called CP ). If you open up the map and zoom in enough, then click on the name tag of the town in the map, you will see ally or axis flag shown in the town which are the CP that are held by ally or axis.
You have to capture ( using "cap" from now on ) the CPs. For defense mission, the town is owned by your faction and being attacked by the other faction, so you have to cap all the CPs in that town to have total control of it. For offense mission, you have to cap all the CPs as well, however, each town must have an AB ( armory base, some big cities have multiple AB ) which you can have heavy armor. Your faction has to cap and hold a depot in the town for at least 10 minutes before your faction can attempt to cap the AB of the town.
There are usually 3 type of place to cap in a town, depot, city hall, & ABs. Some depot are spawnable which rank 4 or 5 players can create mission to hold that cap'd depot. City hall is not spawnable. AB is them most important place, but hard to cap.
If you look at the map, the flags shows you the CPs in the town may not be where the place you need to go and cap the CP. The CP houses are all looking dark gray on the map and the CPs houses have flags shown outside of them, so look for houses that have flags elected, then go near to them and look on the map, you will know how the CP houses look like on the map.
I see once the city hall flag is shown on east of the town, but the CPs house is actually in the middle of the town, so be aware.
Also, this game is all about running in cover ( if you are an infantry ), if you try to run like a rambo medic like in Wolfenstein or trying to fire your MG like quake or unreal tournament, you will be dead in seconds. There is no crosshair in the game, so you have to aim and shoot at long distance, you can fire without aim only when you are up close. This game is very close to simulation of real war, so you have think and act like soliders in real war environment. Very very different from other FPS / MMOFPS.
When you select mission in the briagde menu, the left column is mission leader name, and the right most side is the mobile spawn point (MSP or MS ) availability. You want to choose those with MSP, specially on offense mission because it will shorten your walking distance. Or you drive a truck and depot it as MSP, remember each mission can only allow 1 MSP, so if someone depoted an MSP, don't brother trying to depot another one.
Each mission has a target icon marked on the map, so look for it. However, it's only appromixate where you need to go. Attacking and defening a town/city, the target is placed on the name tag of the town / city, so makes you hard to see the town name ( sucks ).
The capture item of the CP house is the radio that's on a table on the ground floor ( for depots ), but you can not fire or throw grenade during the cap period because if you do, it will cancel the cap for you, then you have to move away from the radio and get close again to restart the cap.
This game is in good old 1940's times, so there is no automatic real time enemy reporting system that you have in other game, it rely on players to manual report contact on the map. Open the map, right click on the spot that you have contact, choose "Add Report", then select enemy infrantry, tank, guns, or whatever ( better add some comment, like SMG, rifleman, tiger tank, 232, 88, or whatever in the comment ).
Remember, always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS report contact unless they up close to you that you must fire at them. Even after they killed you, you can still report contact before choosing KIA. Communication is very important.
Always move in groups. If you are an infantry, get to tank/armor close by. That will protect it from being blown up by sappers, and it can help to protect you from enemy infantry ( called EI ) or enemy tank ( called ET ) fire.
Ally soldiers clothes are green, Axis is gray. All friendly troops have blue name tag on top of their heads, the blue name could take several seconds to appear, specially in night time. However, moving objects without blue name ( after few seconds ) is pretty much " your target ".
If you realize how real this game is close to war simulation, you will either hate or love it. For me, it's so much better game than BF2, Counter Strike, Wolfenstein, and Unreal Tournament.
I hope you can find a big squad, and start enjoying this game...
Yeah, it's a hard game to start with anyway and then to have new people to be without binos make it worse. Action is a bit all or nothing. Either you run around meeting the lone sniper in the middle of nowhere, or you can't even get out of the spawn as it's surrounded. Some times you get a good balanced and then a great battle, but they can be few and far between. Especially on a map roll like the one that just happened.
But if you like WWII combat, give Red Orchestra a try. Not a MMORPG, but has servers from 32-50 people and only ONE payment of $20. Doesn't have air aspect but inf is great.
As in BE, iron sites only (no crosshairs) inf weapons with the big MGs (like MG-42)
No binos, so no being spotter from a mile away and being then bino scoped shot
NO LAG and good physics, when you shoot someone you don't get stupid looking death jerk one second later, you get an instant rag doll. It's almost disturbing to see a body roll down the stairs or off a roof.. just like Band of Brothers (but if you like that hey ). Full damage model also, so a nade or arty will toss bodies into the air and body parts fly.
An evey tougher firing dispersion system, you better be braced or you have a very hard shot.
Artillery, pfausts, nuff said
Nades that work. Death or concussion effects.
No table humping, caps are done by number of people in area.
Multi player tanks you can hop in and out of.
Not perfect but then no game is, but for WWII inf play it's the best I've found. Always action and a good selction of maps, anything from pure tanks, to combined arms to assault maps. Anyway for $20 a good one to check out.
As a new player easiest is to help defend cities under attack! No need to drive/run somewhere and You can get back into the action quickly when killed.
So how do I know which cities are under attack?
way 1: Press M for map, look for cities with green blinking city names. Go with mouse cursor over the flag to see which brigade is defending there. Join that brigade, select a mission from the city army base (AB) or select a mission that has most people in, select a weapon and go in!
way 2: Read the chat! Messages from the system (lost a facility in X, or X is under attack) or from High Command officers (need people in X to defend/attack, join brigade Y) show where people are needed and where the fights are!
-Don't run around alone! If You are somewhere and don't see anybody, don't run around for long! The world is huge! Just despawn and get to another place!
-Use the help chat
-Familiarize with vehicle+plane steering in offline mode and with chat abbrevations (ei, AB, FB...)
Life is too short to play bad games.
This game sounds right up my alley, installing as we speak, and will be playing with this post on the other screen with all your guys' awesome pointers. Wanted to know if I could hit you up Pillbox on that offer, I would love to come and see how an organized squad works. I'll be checking the post about a way to get in contact with you, thinking I might try the teamspeak server. Thanks again all, great starting advice, keep it coming!
the best tips is.1, be cool no Rambo stile, 2, look for a squad with good numbers and from the same time zone as you and join it. 3, use team speak.
Like others have said its all about the squad you roll with.
Also you have to remember this is a SIM not a run and gun arcade game
It takes practice to get good but pays off.
What beatbox is referring to are ole good days, when you gathered with your squad, boarded a truck and drove to the objective like 1 hour. Then you got killed by a tank in 1 sec together with your other 10 buddies and had to do it again. Sounds like fun?
Otherwise you'll be looking at single-digit fps, regardless of system.
So i resubbed, hoping that sappers got tuned down in 1.26.
Well, days of them chasing me around for miles are over. But they still running faster then a tank on the 1-2 gear. So they run ahead drop on the ground and still sap you. Also as far as i understand if they immobile the still can stick a charge even on the fast moving tank. And CRS made the tank commander almost deaf to infantry running sound. Now i have to crank up my volume to hear them coming.
Yea and they removed the clank sound so i guess Alt-F4 doesn't work as well anymore. Less Tiger aces from now on LOL.
Close combat got fixed, but to hit something with a rifle beyond 100m requires predictor chip installed in your brain.
Overall it's better than it was, but still not good enough. And population is smaller than it was 5 months before. I guess it's just summer and will get better in september.
I was hit by 17pdr in 4g from around 1.4k. It punched through the tank front and ignited the engine. Honest ballistics and damage model. That's why i love this game despite all the shortcomings.