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probably the strangest question you'll see today...

alright, so, this is gonna sound really weird but I need to figure this out.  anyway, a while ago (i mean a WHILE ago) I played the japanese version of final fantasy 11.  this is before the US version came out to give you an idea of how long ago it was.  this was also before I had a credit card so I just used my parent's and paid them back, anyway, my mom tells me today that were still getting billed for the account (quit a while ago, thought I got it cancelled but apparently not) so anyway, I now have no idea how to cancel the account because I dont have the slightest clue what any of my login information is or even what email adress I used for it.  would contacting the american SE help?  because all I can really offer is the credit card number its being billed to.  any help would be greatly appreciated


  • xskollxskoll Member Posts: 12

    I would suggest you to contact the creators of the game, or their american/european office depending on where you're from.

    Tell them what month you stopped playing and cancelled your subscription and tell them to check their logs to see you haven't logged on in that long and emphasize the fact that you did cancel the sub.

    I had a similar problem with Dark Age of Camelot, but when I e-mailed them about my problem it only took a few days and e-mails to get it sorted and I got a refund for those few months I still lingered on their sub.

    Hope it works out for you!

  • DevonyDevony Member Posts: 278

    Just get your Mom to tell the Credit Card company that she ddint approve the charge for the last few months, and to stop allowing payments to that company.



    Currently waiting for - Perfect World English, Age of Conan

    How to play Perfect World in english

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  • knowbrainerknowbrainer Member Posts: 11

    Well, you could start by doing that (contacting the US side). You could also probably try cancelling via the billing information on the credit card bill.

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