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Just wanted to let you guys know I am back now. The week went well. Hopefully I can take it easy this week before e3 coming up!
Combat, Control, Class Distinction Designer for Age of Conan
REST!?!?!?! Get ya bum to work!
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Welcome Back, you should be able to have a good run out on Forza first to chill out before the show!
Welcome back!
Hehe, I have started learning to Drift in forza now ;p
Combat, Control, Class Distinction Designer for Age of Conan
Hey, wb! Hope you don't mean to bury the q thread by posting here!
Am looking forward to E3 too though. AoC of course, but hopefully also some decent sp games! Am still playing last year's pick since nothing recent really interests me. Not that it's a bad thing, still enjoy DOS games from time to time, but I'd really like to take advantage of my new pc and play somethig fresh and addictive.
well my introduction wasnt meant to be the end all be all question thread really ;p I had figured I would participate in more than one thread
Combat, Control, Class Distinction Designer for Age of Conan good are you with gear ratios?
On topic....ummmmm... favorite zone to explore so far?
(yeah, the on topic is lame, but after a bad off-topic, I felt obligated to to just continue the trend)
I thought I read something about a summer break coming up for you guys at FC, rest then lol. That seemed a little strange to me, a break in the middle of "the home stretch" to release if that's true. Not being critical (envious maybe), just saying that it's not what I've come to expect from employers during busy times. Have you noticed any big differences in the demands and expectations of employers while working outside the U.S. ?
"Please note that there will be no newsletter released next month as the Clan of Conan editors will head into a much needed summer vacation. We will, however, be back in August with enough punch to knock a camel off its feet! So stay tuned for more exciting updates as we move ever closer to launch. "