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I'm not one to be a pessimist, but is it just me or do most of these games look like all glam and no sustanence? I kinda feel like im gonna get the same mmos, just with better graphics. Not to bash some of these upcoming mmos, but Warhammer is basically WoW with pretty graphics, tanks, and a couple of other qwirks. Looking at all these upcoming mmos i can already compare them with a load of other MMOs, I just feel like no one has stepped forward to make something that is original, I guess....Still praying that i'm wrong.
everyone constantly saying warhammer is the same as wow or even similar and its getting annoying. They just see a screenshot of an orc and then decide "wait, thats what they look like in WoW!" and then decide its just like WoW. Research the game before you bash it, the character models are based off the class figures from the table top game.
And yet another person that knows nothing of warhammer, but comments about it like he's played the finished game
for the 4098409568443958 millionth time, Warcraft copied warhammer style long ago, im surprized they weren't sued for how blatant it is.
And the graphics are better, though it's not about graphics, or 500 different classes, or raiding pve encounter for 8 hours so you can get gear to raid the next boss mob for 9 hours, etc, etc
There are too many upcoming games for them all to fail. WAR, Age of Conan, Spellborn, Aion, Tabula rasa, Darkfall, Fury, Gods and Heroes, Huxley, Perfect World, etcetera etcetera. There's no way for them all to fail.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain ~ Time to toss the dice
Death is light as a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.
I wasn't bashing Warhammer O.o I was just trying to state my case, I myself was thinking of getting into it. That was not the point I was trying to get over, I was trying to say that all this anticipation and hype could end up turning into a large pile of dissapointment as it has done multiple times for me and others, an example being Vangard. Maybe Warhammer will be the greatest game to hit the MMO world, but I am just saying be open to the possibility that it could end up being just as repetative and boring as other games, even with the majority of the game being PvP based. Again, Only time will tell.