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I just took a peek at the trial offer as I was curious about house packup. Yes I still hope for a pre-cu rollback so wanted to drop a house down in a premo spot.
Anyway, I immediately checked two spots I had always coveted. The first was on the shore of a lake near a Gazebo on Naboo. I forget the name of the town but it had a shuttleport and was directly south of Theed. The house that had occupied that spot since launch remained standing.
Okay so off to Lok to check my second spot. An island in the middle of a lake with room for one large house only. Again the spot remains used by a house placed there ages ago.
Well I thought maybe I'll at least get a premo spot for my crafter outside of Theed. I go and check and the ring of houses out there all remain. Not a single space to squeeze in a home.
Im thinking at this point "what the he.." I thought house packup was supposed to free up space for players. After reading the patch notes though I realize it does very little. It only removes abandoned structures and therefore does zilch.
Most players before they left dropped a million credits into their home and therefore have years and years before their homes will reach abandoned status. I wrongly assumed SOE would make packup something for accounts long since cancelled.
I chatted with a few players in-game about this. The very few folks I could find online were all there like me on the free trial to set up cities or get nice land. They too found SOE's solution a joke.
The landscape of SWG remains the same, littered with thousands of homes from players long ago gone.
I'm confused. You are annoyed that people who paid maintenance on their houses get to keep them and that you can't squat on their property with a freebie account? How do you know that these people have cancelled their accounts? They might be people like me who have the access pass and sometimes drop in just to check out how things are going. They may have dropped by just a day or two ago. They may have logged in just once recently, to make sure that they kept their property for the same reason that you said you wanted it...they might want to play again someday.
Amazing, SOE may want to give paying customers a benefit over free trial users. The horror of it all!
I was told that if you havent logged on to your account in over a year... your houses are up for demo... but I might be wrong ofc
My point is the attempt was a failure. It was supposed to free up land being used by players long gone. Had this worked I might have actually subbed my account again to maybe build a city or at least grab a few choice land locations.
SOE has never treated its community right. How fair is it to leave the best spots used by players who havent touch the game for years. I personally know the names of players that quit back in December 2003 and their houses remain. SOE incorrectly assumed most houses would be gone, not considering that they paid enough maintenance to last 5 years or more.
Not what from I saw. I have friends that quit 3.5 years ago and their homes remain standing. I still had access to them as an admin and my items I stored there remained inside.
Not one single new city popped up on Bria or Eclipse from what I saw. None of the old cities lost enough houses to lose their city status and allow for new towns to be built
From what I have read of the house packup the players actually demolish the abandoned houses. There should be a menu of sorts that you can "demolish" the house.
Here is the linky:
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|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
It has nothing to do with active maint in the building, it has to do with active accounts.
If the player hadn't paid for their account since 4/2006 the buildings were flagged as abandoned and able to be packed up. The part that most people don't understand is that a "paid for" account can be achieved many ways. If you drop a house on one server and then decide you want to play on another server and never log onto the first server again, your account is still active and therefore the original house would not be flagged Abandoned. There is also the "Station Access" to consider -- if you pay this monthly fee you get an active account to several games (eq, eq2, mxo, swg, vanguard) and even if you don't actually log onto the game your account is still considered active. So if I signed up for the station access so that I could play EQ and Vanguard, it still resets the "Abandoned" flag on swg houses.
There is also a problem with houses on server boundaries not being flagged as Abandoned, and that is being fixed in the next patch I believe.
Maybe you misunderstood the point of the house packup? As I understood it, the point was to remove structures from accounts that have been unpaid for x amount of time -- and it did that.
I think what it did prove is that everyone's speculation of how many "unpaid accounts" there are out there was inaccurate.
My understanding is that accounts that have been inactive in the "SOE got some money from you for the account" sense are the ones subject to house packup.
In the player city I was associated with, the original mayor left the game long ago...but still has an active accounts on the station pass. Several structures associated with his and his wife's accounts still stand, not "abandoned" or "condemned".
As long as SOE gets its money every month, the structures stay, even if the player doesn't log in. My main account of three had houses scattered about on three worlds, and as of mid-May none were "abandoned" even though my subscription ran out in February '06. My other two accounts ran out in 2005, and the structures associated with then were "abandoned".
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
I have to agree with the rest here. The point wasn't to turn the servers back into the vast empty fields like it was at launch. Only houses on accounts that haven't been active for more than a year got packed up.
I myself no longer play SWG, but I do maintain an active Station Pass account and therefore all of my homes remain. I assume a lot of people are in that boat. Also there are probably a whole lot of people out there who no longer play, but re-subscribed for maybe a month within the last year to see how the game was doing; their houses would be untouched as well.
The point of the packup was to make things somewhat better for those that currently play, while not further discouraging those that might one day resuscribe. That is exactly what they did.
OMG NO FREGGIN WAY ?????? I thought it didnt matter how many credits I put in the home,
Snookems home will stay for a long long time right outside Bestine on Ahazi.
I put millions of credits in there before cancling my account. At least I left the door open so you can walk in and see all the neat things I set up.
That's defiantly a major flaw in mechanics.
"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of bullshit."
General George S. Patton Jr.
Snookem's home?
You were Snookems?
My friends, this is an Ahazi legend. One of the most talked about, loved, hated, but mostly talked about toons ever in the history of Ahazi..
Snookems and the mean bunnies! Snookems and the Bounty Hunter! Snookems and the buff lines!
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Snookem's home?
You were Snookems?
My friends, this is an Ahazi legend. One of the most talked about, loved, hated, but mostly talked about toons ever in the history of Ahazi..
Snookems and the mean bunnies! Snookems and the Bounty Hunter! Snookems and the buff lines!
Yep it was me having a tea party with my cute bunnies and entertaining everyone at the starport with my silly stories.FUN TIMES !!!!!
Now I play WoW on the Venture Co server with my old nemisis Maluak. We bumped into each other totaly by accident. It was quite the reunion !
Oh, BTW, Snookems died with SWG. I no longer play a cute fuzzy wookie. Im now a human Warlock and I fight off the evil horde !
Sadly, they have no bunnies or bounty hunters to chase me, just ugly living dead, trolls , blood elves and nasty orcs.
Wow.. you mean to tell me that $OE screwed that up? Perish the thought!
Not that anyone who logged in for ANY free trial between launch and May wouldn't be condemned or anything. That, and I know of 2 large guilds who insanely forked over 15 bucks to reset the clock a year.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
I can't imagine SOE will handle this well... It doesn't make sense as to why they even bother with this game anymore. It has the absolute worst reputation of any video game in the history of video games.
All that said isn't it just time to merge the servers? If they would grant free character transfers to the 5 - 6 most populated servers it seems that they would save a tremendous amount of money. Just wipe the landscape clear of all the debris and bring back things like decay, crafting, lower the loots, and MAYBE, just MAYBE, the economy will respond and grow again, and there will be the semblence of a playerbase on each server.
Did they ever fix not being able to build in a spot where a house was packed up by the owner until that house is placed somewhere else?
Good old SOE, to me it just looks like that even their own source code hates them for what they did to the original SWG hehehh...
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
@ the OP. If you are using a trial account, you are not allowed to place houses. So no. Its NOT SOE's fault. Also, the fact there weren't that many houses shows how many players have logged back in within the last 12 months. And you can't use the trial to access your old toon.
get your 7 day FREE sub to SWTOR
Hey! give him a break, it's not SOE's fault that their only subscriber has to packup the houses by himself.
Oh wait.. yes it is.
*rolls eyes*
1st - The areas he was looking to place a house already had houses on them so being able to place a house on a trial or not is irrelavent.
2nd - They gave vets a "trial" reactivation of their old account at the same time as the hosue demolition was starting, so in this case yes he could access his old toon.
Did anyone get the house demolition bug, the one that dealt with the badge you re suppose to get? I swear, the more things change soe / lucas arts the more they stay the same.
I didn't but then my account was canceled with the NGE and I've never used any of the offered vet trials
Hmmm I played several SOE games including SWG, had 2 accounts for SWG at one point and had an access pass for a long time too, but I didnt get any vet offers....