i am Absolutely going to choose Goblin Squig herder as my 1st character with maybe a goblin shaman as my first Alt, the herder just sounds like a blast to play, and will probably not be the best of toons, weak in pvp probably, but getting a squig to swallow you and use it as a rollyball type tank is comic gold imho and will never loose its charm and besides i love utility type toons, and as my last 3 MMO mains have been tank types, i want to pick a fun class straight off and everyone has to admit that goblins are great fun
*looks at his copy of "The Witchhunter's Handbook," and then at the second edition of the same book, piled on top of all the v1 WFRP books which are held in place by the v2 WFRP books*
I don't think that the crowd following warhammer right now can really be indicative of the true populations we'll see upon launch.
Everyone thinks that Greenskin/Chaos will be over populated, but every time I see a new newsletter or piece of info it makes me question which race I want to play. Mythic is doing a great job at making them all very appealing.
This is the only reason I've really been excited about the game. Every MMORPG should have Witch Hunters. I thoroughly look forward to the class.
But....my wife is not very Order oriented when it comes to gaming. I've seen her casting an eye on the Chaos classes quite a bit of late. So on the Chaos side I'm thinking Marauder.
I haven't really given this thought from the purpose of class standpoint. I realize that both of the classes I have mentioned are the heavy damage/light armour types, but that is coincidental, I assure you.
I've always had an affinity for the Witch Hunters. Warhammer Quest, anyone?
And the Marauders represent the closest thing that Warhammer has to Vikings, so that's an easy one for me.
That's my 2 cents plus a penny.
This situation calls for a judicious application of elemental psychology and extreme violence
*edit spellings :S*
im still waiting 4 the classes of the dark elves
I'll Take the Jedi class, no wait BH...ohh, wrong game
Ill be an ORC? no no, elf, no no human pally! Thats it a human Pally....ohh, wrong game (but not too far off! )
I know! Ill wait the 8-10 months until the game comes out, play it, and decide then!
Hahaha !! Mastacolli now you know that's just to sensible to do and beside I think you should have picked a gnome
*looks at his copy of "The Witchhunter's Handbook," and then at the second edition of the same book, piled on top of all the v1 WFRP books which are held in place by the v2 WFRP books*
Oh yeah. Witchhunter.
Yup, Witch Hunter for me.
Warrior priest for order and chosen for destruction.
I don't think that the crowd following warhammer right now can really be indicative of the true populations we'll see upon launch.
Everyone thinks that Greenskin/Chaos will be over populated, but every time I see a new newsletter or piece of info it makes me question which race I want to play. Mythic is doing a great job at making them all very appealing.
This poll completely fails.
Wardancer on a wood elf!
Anyone that disagree could go listen this sound (from Bard's Tale):
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
CHAOS CHOSEN!!!!! FTW they gonna kick ass
Witch hunter. Gotta be the witch hunter.
This is the only reason I've really been excited about the game. Every MMORPG should have Witch Hunters. I thoroughly look forward to the class.
But....my wife is not very Order oriented when it comes to gaming. I've seen her casting an eye on the Chaos classes quite a bit of late. So on the Chaos side I'm thinking Marauder.
I haven't really given this thought from the purpose of class standpoint. I realize that both of the classes I have mentioned are the heavy damage/light armour types, but that is coincidental, I assure you.
I've always had an affinity for the Witch Hunters. Warhammer Quest, anyone?
And the Marauders represent the closest thing that Warhammer has to Vikings, so that's an easy one for me.
That's my 2 cents plus a penny.
This situation calls for a judicious application of elemental psychology and extreme violence
Maybe Squig Herder, maybe Witchhunter, maybe on of the elven classes. Who can say?
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain ~ Time to toss the dice
Death is light as a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.
Shaman, then Zealot. Should I become bored by both, then I'll start a Runepriest.