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Review of EVE online.

RazageRazage Member Posts: 53

This is copied and pasted from the EVE-Online forums so any "This forum" references are referencing the actual EVE-Online forums at


EVE is this genere: CounterStrike in space with the Progress Quest skill system.

Progress quest is a fun [sic] game but I don't think they'd get anyone to pay a monthly subscription for it. EVE slaps on a 3D interface and promotes "Uber guilds" like noone else. Noone's done that before and therefore that's why EVE has atleast enough players to support itself unlike other no-name "RPG's" (Sorry CCP, no offence on the no-name bit. I'm going somewhere with this though.)

Lets go through the verious things to do in EVE:

Trading: I've done it, you'll make around 300k an hour. Not going to get anywhere there.

Agent Missions: Unless you get an implant every 3 - 4 days (Unlikely at best to get one per week), you'll make 300k an hour (Assuming top notch level 3 agent.) Possibly 400k if you train up all the skills ala progress quest. Not going to get anywhere there.

To be fair, some have stated this is inaccurate and say they can make as much as mining in 0.5 doing level 3 agents. I do not believe them or endorse their claim but to be fair, it's here.

NPC Hunting (non 0.0): You'll make maybe a million an hour depending on drops could be more or less. Not going anywhere there.

NPC Hunting (0.0): Maybe two or three million an hour, but you'd need some 0.0 space and a battleship. Atleast with this sum you could finance a crusier if you don't die too often.

Mining (0.5): The best way to make money. Assuming a thorax and level 4 mining/astrology, you'll make about 2 million an hour. If you thought killing orc's was boring though, this is much worse. It'd even be decent if you could AFK mine without the indy. Atleast Jumpgate let you do that. Then the game would really be progress quest with a 3D interface.

Mining (0.0): First you have to train brown nosing to five and then go mooch off of the established alliances/corps and eventually one of them will let you mine in 0.0. After that mine away and make 100's of millions. The only real way to make money, however don't think that those people you mine for arn't going to want a peace of the pie, and being that you have nothing to offer but your time, it's a very large slice.

RP: There is no real RP in EVE. 95% of all RP in EVE is some guys saying, "Gee, I want to play CounterStrike, but I want to pretend it's in the EVE universe." So they pretend they're pretending. Utterly abserd. I saw one real RPer in my time in EVE.

Side note to RP: To the guy that said "If you have to work for it again, it's an RPG." No, it's a MMOG (Massivly Multiplayer Online Game) There's no RP in it. True MMORPG's are hard to find however EVE is the least RP oriented when it comes to player base that I've ever seen. Even SWG with all of the CounterStrike players there, there was still large groups of RPers to hang around. Now back to things to do in EVE:

Second job: If you like mining enough, corps will hire you, give you quota's, time sheets, supervisors and the whole bit. You can go to work in EVE! Best of all, because there are no laws, it's really like being a slave. Think of the company you work for, except when you make a claim on your benfits, it takes arduously long to get processed and the que is always stacked.

PVP, griefing: If you mine for long enough (Notice how I made that sound like "If you kill orc's long enough." It's essentially the same thing.) You can go do PVP. However much like the second job, if you break you buy! So replacing your own assets via mining for a few weeks is a must! And if you get board of blob wars, then you can go and gank newbies. The purpose, to keep them down and at the same time get a kill for your kill list. Empire space isn't any safer then 0.0 and anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves.

Last thing: Although it may sound as if I'm some bitter miserable person I'm really not. I cancelled my subscription (Although it dosn't expire until june 1st), so if you're going to tell me to quit, too late I did. And if you're going to tell me to go away, I will on June 1st but until then I do as I please. If anything to show the lurkers that they too can have a voice, and need not be pressured by the "Established corps" to do whatever it is that they want. EVE will be interesting when it's returned to the people and not the beta testers. It will also be interesting when people start REALLY RPing instead of pretending to, because pretending to RP is a waste of everyone's time.



  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    Judging by your horrible spelling I'm assuming you're one of those power-levelers who just wants to reach the highest level and pwn everyone instead of doing something actually useful. This is especially apparent by how important earning isk is to you. Unlike in other MMORPGs where the whole purpose is to get rich and get uber equipment or whatever, the point of EVE is socialization and teamwork, not who can get the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time.

    Also, why does everyone say that EVE doesn't have any RP elements? Personally I never really understood that. Isn't RP based on your own imagination to weave stories? Why do people need 'classes' and whatnot to stimulate their imagination? With EVE's open-endedness, I thought RP'ers would be really happy because it's open-ended and opens up lots of possibilities. I've had corps that tried to recruit me, ranging from Minmatar-against-Amarr corps to honorable pirates who only gank people in 0.4 or less and they always ask for a 'trespassing fee'.

    Corps don't run you like a slave either, I know some corps treat newbies like slaves but the corp I was in, I was offered a 30% commission for fulfilling my quota. Also, my corp members were excellent company and they were some of the nicest people I've met in EVE.

    To the author of the above post, it is incredibly obvious that you're one of those Counter-Strike players who wants instant gratification and wants to reach level 99 and get every single item in the game within a month. If that's the case I'm glad you quit EVE Online, it's not the game for you and will probably never be. Feel free to join some other MMORPG where being 'ub3r l33t' actually means something cuz the majority of EVE players don't care if you've been playing for a year or three days, they'll still treat you all the same. There's no such thing as an unwanted newbie who's useless in EVE. As long as you're a good player, you're wanted by anyone.

  • crockcrock Member Posts: 556

    Originally posted by Ranma13

    Judging by your horrible spelling I'm assuming you're one of those power-levelers who just wants to reach the highest level and pwn everyone instead of doing something actually useful...
    Corps don't run you like a slave either, I know some corps treat newbies like slaves but the corp I was in....
    To the author of the above post, it is incredibly obvious that you're one of those Counter-Strike players who wants instant gratification and wants to reach level 99 and get every single item in the game within a month. If that's the case I'm glad you quit EVE Online, it's not the game for you and will probably never be. Feel free to join some other MMORPG where being 'ub3r l33t' actually means something ....


    leet has spoken

    heh dood what are u talking about?

    80% of ur answer is simple harassment and dumb one

    feel free to play ur game with doods like u self and gank noobs in 1.0- 0.8 areas

    then send a mail to victim " pwned u noob" lol

    i played only one week of my free month and was ganked twice

  • RazageRazage Member Posts: 53

    Originally posted by Ranma13

    Judging by your horrible spelling I'm assuming you're one of those power-levelers who just wants to reach the highest level and pwn everyone instead of doing something actually useful. This is especially apparent by how important earning isk is to you. Unlike in other MMORPGs where the whole purpose is to get rich and get uber equipment or whatever, the point of EVE is socialization and teamwork, not who can get the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time.

    Uhh, maybe it was late at night and I didn't feel like running it through a spell checker. Get to the highest level? Pssh, I could care less about that. The reason I'm pointing out the ISK factor is to illistrate a point and that ISK is the main form of advancement in EVE. The skill points go up automatically so the only thing that will hold you back in the end is the ISK. Whereby in 3 months of Camelot and you're level 45, what holds you back is not being 50. The other reason I point out the ISK factor is because it's a good way to demonstrate how woefully this game is unballanced towards 0.0 corps.

    As for the whole precluding my attitude because of some mispellings, well that works both ways. Allow me to demonstrate: Judging by your precluding of my character by my typing, I can only assume you're one of those idjits that judges every book by it's cover and thinks he knows everything about everything. Instead of actually asking questions and learning something about the people and things around you.

    On a side note: I'm not running this post thorugh a spellchecker either =P.

    Also, why does everyone say that EVE doesn't have any RP elements? Personally I never really understood that. Isn't RP based on your own imagination to weave stories? Why do people need 'classes' and whatnot to stimulate their imagination? With EVE's open-endedness, I thought RP'ers would be really happy because it's open-ended and opens up lots of possibilities. I've had corps that tried to recruit me, ranging from Minmatar-against-Amarr corps to honorable pirates who only gank people in 0.4 or less and they always ask for a 'trespassing fee'.

    The definition of RP is not to make an excuse to engage in PvP. Which is what a majority of RP in EVE is. If I had a dime for every loophole in people's RP in EVE.... well I'd have a lot of dimes! RP is about taking on the role of your character and interacting with people who do the same and can be very entertaining if done correctly. EVE RP is about making up excuses to blast rival corps, what I'm still trying to determine is why they go to the effort? I mean why pretend to pretend, just say "I want to kill PIE forces." and be done with it. Then they could stop wasting people's time.

    Corps don't run you like a slave either, I know some corps treat newbies like slaves but the corp I was in, I was offered a 30% commission for fulfilling my quota. Also, my corp members were excellent company and they were some of the nicest people I've met in EVE.

    Okay, so you prove my point. You are payed on a commission based on filling a quota. There's another place where you can do this. Go down to your car dealership and put in an application to be a salesmen. Then you can do the same thing except you don't have to pay 20 bucks a month to have a boss, stats and essentially pretend to have a job outside of your RL job. I don't care how nice they are, putting quota's, stats, and all this other crap in a game is ridicules. I play games to have fun, not to come home from my real job and log on so my in-game boss can tell me what my quota for the week is. Here I thought games were supposed to be fun, not another job.

    I'll leave you with a quote from Calvin and Hobbs: "Remember, if your numbers go up, you're having more fun."

    To the author of the above post, it is incredibly obvious that you're one of those Counter-Strike players who wants instant gratification and wants to reach level 99 and get every single item in the game within a month. If that's the case I'm glad you quit EVE Online, it's not the game for you and will probably never be. Feel free to join some other MMORPG where being 'ub3r l33t' actually means something cuz the majority of EVE players don't care if you've been playing for a year or three days, they'll still treat you all the same. There's no such thing as an unwanted newbie who's useless in EVE. As long as you're a good player, you're wanted by anyone.

    Oh yes it is so obvious I'm a Counter-Strike player. There's a problem with your theroy though, it's that I'm not. I think THAT would have been obvious by my obvious bashing of that game in my review however I guess not to people who don't read paragraphs (Notice how I made a subtle point to your precluding my character again? Thanks for playing along.) I'm glad I quit EVE Online too. I no longer have to put up with self-delusional people when I get home from work now (I did it again there! Just to make sure that point gets across =) ).

    Considering this latest patch tilts the balance even more towards vetren players, you're right, it never will be the game for me. I can accept that. Vetren players treat everyone the same, not bloody likely. Just like in the real world, you have to get your nose pretty brown to gain the respect of veteren's in EVE. That's just the way the world works, however in EVE it's pretty prominent because the vetrens essentially control the game. If you don't agree with their views, your best bet is to get out and play another game as their disapproval can make the game a living hell.

    You're right, there's no such thing as an unwanted newbie, however even after a player evolves from newbie to intermediate, theres still only room in EVE to fill up the bottomfeeder corps or the bottom feeder positions of the larger corps. What does this mean? It means that you get 30% commission if you meet your quota and if you don't you don't get paid. If you don't meet it regularly, then like a job you get fired. I already know some idgit is typing, "But Razage, If everyone dosn't contribute, then why should the corp help you?" I didn't say it should, however the corporation systems in EVE are just like the corporation systems in real life. Generally if noones making any money off your membership, then you're "Dead weight." and will be replaced by someone who will make the corp money. I made lots of corps money when I played EVE, too bad I have nothing to show for it. Remember, it's called a CORPORATION for a reason.

    So there, thanks for proving my point Ranma13. I think my Review pretty much finishes off my counter-argument. I'm not trying to say EVE is a bad game, because they have usually 10'000 active players every Sunday on their server so it can't be all bad. However if you don't measure your fun by stats and working for a corporation, then it's not the game for you. If your one of those folks who measures your fun by your numbers (ala the CounterStrike killboard) and enjoy recieving praise from your commanders for a job well done, then EVE Online is a great game for you to look at. Me? I would just get a second job.

  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    I apologize for my very unwarranted outburst of insults. I was having a particularly bad day and since I'm suffering from slight EVE withdraw (can't play the game for a week) I felt like bashing someone's post. So I sincerely apologize for my rude comments.

    I would like to say that EVE Online is not the game for everyone. If you don't like it then you play something else. But if you do then it'll probably be one of the best games you've ever played. To each his own, but at least try out the game if you haven't and make the decision for yourself.

    Razage I would sincerely like to thank you for being level-headed when I obviously wasn't. Thank you for being mature in your response and I respect you deeply for that. Please accept my humble apology and I will try not to be so hotheaded next time.

  • RazageRazage Member Posts: 53

    Originally posted by Ranma13

    I apologize for my very unwarranted outburst of insults. I was having a particularly bad day and since I'm suffering from slight EVE withdraw (can't play the game for a week) I felt like bashing someone's post. So I sincerely apologize for my rude comments.
    I would like to say that EVE Online is not the game for everyone. If you don't like it then you play something else. But if you do then it'll probably be one of the best games you've ever played. To each his own, but at least try out the game if you haven't and make the decision for yourself.
    Razage I would sincerely like to thank you for being level-headed when I obviously wasn't. Thank you for being mature in your response and I respect you deeply for that. Please accept my humble apology and I will try not to be so hotheaded next time.

    Now this is a post I can agree with! Although I may not say it in my review or my counter-argument. Reguardless of what my conclusions of EVE are, I do recommend that players try it out for a month atleast and see if it's right for them. That's not just for EVE either, that goes for any game really. Reading reviews will help you get a hang on the pluses and minuses of a game but try it out and see. As I stated before, while I may not like EVE, 10,000 people play it every Sunday so they must be having a blast or they wouldn't be there right?

  • p.salleyp.salley Member Posts: 2
    You thought EVE had problems B4, please read my comment on the "Patch day" thread.  Since the last post on this thread the Beta testers have once again changed EVE in their favour, obviously to many new players where progressing in the game, and starting to reap the benefits of 0.0 mining.  What made it worse was when I dared challenge the patch I was told to stop whinging and my discussion thread was cancelled.  Great game ruined by poor managmentimage

  • DienekesDienekes Member Posts: 484

    I'm a new player and since you are all saying the game is very balanced to high level corp that control 0.0 space I feel like I should chime in.  Personally I don't know that much about the game and I don't even know if this is the game I will be playing 2 or 3 months down the line.  However, from my personal experiences from the game and from talking to people in the game I believe I can respond to some of these posts.

    So far the game has been incredably easy to move along in.  I haven't done a single bit of mining and I'm already on my way to having the top Frigate.  Which is no great achievement I understand but considering I've only played the game during my 7 day free trial I don't think it is too bad.  :P

    I personally don't plan on doing any mining ever.  I find it incredably boring.  I have also run into people who feel the same and get all their money from hunting in 0.0 space.  They have pretty much everything they need.  Why you feel that you HAVE to have the fastest way of getting ISK I'm not sure.  If you don't like mining your not forced to.  There are other ways of making money.  Now they may be slower but they are also more fun and that is the whole point right?

    As far as the role-playing goes I do wonder a few things.  Because EVE is a future based space sim do people have to role-play another character?  Why can't they put themselves in their own role in the future.  Since we're not in some fantasy past time we don't need to go around saying "Dost thou want a cookie mine child?"  Now to be honest I haven't met any RPers myself but I'm ok with that because I only like to RP in moderation.  I RPed the game last night when I was saying I was falling asleep at the helm.  As far as this game goes that is pretty much RPing.  Though it isn't go along with the pre-written EVE storyline.  I'm sure I will meet a few that are bounty hunters and will play their role as bounty hunters.  My whole point here is I am wondering what your definition of RPer is.  I played SWG myself and never met an RPer personally.  That was another game, however, that I didn't like and thus didn't play long.

    I'd like to close by saying this is just my opinion and not an attack/flame.  I'd also like to mention that CCP as I remember has always tried to make this game very much like RL in space in the future.  I used to follow it very closely pre-beta and during beta.  Since then I thought that was always their stance.  If that has changed please let me know.

    "Feel free to hate me, but hate me for the right reasons."

    "Your still ignorant if you believe the first thing you see when the blindfold is removed."

    "Be smart enough to know I'm smarter than you."

  • crockcrock Member Posts: 556

    Originally posted by Dienekes

    ...  I'd also like to mention that CCP as I remember has always tried to make this game very much like RL in space in the future. ...

    lol u r the best))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    ..better nuclear war as teh boring  future like that

  • SS Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by Razage

    This is copied and pasted from the EVE-Online forums so any "This forum" references are referencing the actual EVE-Online forums at
    EVE is this genere: CounterStrike in space with the Progress Quest skill system.

    Progress quest is a fun [sic] game but I don't think they'd get anyone to pay a monthly subscription for it. EVE slaps on a 3D interface and promotes "Uber guilds" like noone else. Noone's done that before and therefore that's why EVE has atleast enough players to support itself unlike other no-name "RPG's" (Sorry CCP, no offence on the no-name bit. I'm going somewhere with this though.)

    Lets go through the verious things to do in EVE:

    Trading: I've done it, you'll make around 300k an hour. Not going to get anywhere there.

    Agent Missions: Unless you get an implant every 3 - 4 days (Unlikely at best to get one per week), you'll make 300k an hour (Assuming top notch level 3 agent.) Possibly 400k if you train up all the skills ala progress quest. Not going to get anywhere there.
    To be fair, some have stated this is inaccurate and say they can make as much as mining in 0.5 doing level 3 agents. I do not believe them or endorse their claim but to be fair, it's here.

    NPC Hunting (non 0.0): You'll make maybe a million an hour depending on drops could be more or less. Not going anywhere there.

    NPC Hunting (0.0): Maybe two or three million an hour, but you'd need some 0.0 space and a battleship. Atleast with this sum you could finance a crusier if you don't die too often.

    Mining (0.5): The best way to make money. Assuming a thorax and level 4 mining/astrology, you'll make about 2 million an hour. If you thought killing orc's was boring though, this is much worse. It'd even be decent if you could AFK mine without the indy. Atleast Jumpgate let you do that. Then the game would really be progress quest with a 3D interface.

    Mining (0.0): First you have to train brown nosing to five and then go mooch off of the established alliances/corps and eventually one of them will let you mine in 0.0. After that mine away and make 100's of millions. The only real way to make money, however don't think that those people you mine for arn't going to want a peace of the pie, and being that you have nothing to offer but your time, it's a very large slice.

    RP: There is no real RP in EVE. 95% of all RP in EVE is some guys saying, "Gee, I want to play CounterStrike, but I want to pretend it's in the EVE universe." So they pretend they're pretending. Utterly abserd. I saw one real RPer in my time in EVE.

    Side note to RP: To the guy that said "If you have to work for it again, it's an RPG." No, it's a MMOG (Massivly Multiplayer Online Game) There's no RP in it. True MMORPG's are hard to find however EVE is the least RP oriented when it comes to player base that I've ever seen. Even SWG with all of the CounterStrike players there, there was still large groups of RPers to hang around. Now back to things to do in EVE:

    Second job: If you like mining enough, corps will hire you, give you quota's, time sheets, supervisors and the whole bit. You can go to work in EVE! Best of all, because there are no laws, it's really like being a slave. Think of the company you work for, except when you make a claim on your benfits, it takes arduously long to get processed and the que is always stacked.

    PVP, griefing: If you mine for long enough (Notice how I made that sound like "If you kill orc's long enough." It's essentially the same thing.) You can go do PVP. However much like the second job, if you break you buy! So replacing your own assets via mining for a few weeks is a must! And if you get board of blob wars, then you can go and gank newbies. The purpose, to keep them down and at the same time get a kill for your kill list. Empire space isn't any safer then 0.0 and anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves.

    Last thing: Although it may sound as if I'm some bitter miserable person I'm really not. I cancelled my subscription (Although it dosn't expire until june 1st), so if you're going to tell me to quit, too late I did. And if you're going to tell me to go away, I will on June 1st but until then I do as I please. If anything to show the lurkers that they too can have a voice, and need not be pressured by the "Established corps" to do whatever it is that they want. EVE will be interesting when it's returned to the people and not the beta testers. It will also be interesting when people start REALLY RPing instead of pretending to, because pretending to RP is a waste of everyone's time.

    I don't really agree with you here. But as an EvE maniac I'm obligated to do that :P

    Some of your things about money making are somewhat inaccurate but that doesn't matter that much. (for example: Doing lvl 3 agent missions pays about 1,5 mil an hour if you do navy missions)

    It's just that you're missing the point about EvE. There are a lot of scumbags in EvE, I know, I guess every MMO has that. But that doesn't mean you have to be part of a whole corp of them. In the corp I'm in you are NEVER obligated to get some sort of quota or whatever you mentioned. If you're playing to have fun. Find a corp that lets you have that freedom. Maybe start one of your own, make some friends. That's what a MMO is about.

    EvE is not all about veteran players and UBER Corps. Yes, they play a big role in it. But corps come and go. Alliances rise and fall. I've seen it all happen. I'm not saying EvE is perfect in this aspect, it certainly isn't. But just don't let the smacktalking distract you that much.

    And the kind of game doesn't suit you. That's ok. But don't pretend you know all about the game and say it suxx0rs. Because you've obviously missed it's point.


  • crockcrock Member Posts: 556

    Originally posted by S
  • SS Member Posts: 6
    If a game has to be all about PvP for you. Don't play EvE then. I know it lacks in that aspect. I'm sure there is another game suitable for you. That doesn't mean it totally suxx0rs. It just means, now watch this, YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Is that so hard to say instead of: It's so boring, it sucks.

  • crockcrock Member Posts: 556

    i say what i feel about this game

    but sorry for a question? did u realy enjoy those missions or mining?

    ok corp ..but u do the same in corp..misions u do alone anyway ..but mining together)

    what can u do else in eve?

    btw i think eve is one of the best PvP games...unbalancing is everywhere but here u can have all ships if u train the skills

    ur char cant be gimped matter what

    only problem it takes alota time(

  • SS Member Posts: 6

    Yes I do mine on occasion, and I don't find that especially entertaining on it's own. But mining together, or even mining alone and having some nice convo's in corp chats is just the relaxation I need sometimes after a busy day. I don't do agent missions, I have never done agent missions, I find them boring too, so I don't do them at all. Another thing we do a lot is go on NPC hunts together, sometimes in 0.0, sometimes in losec space like 0.2 or 0.3. Or sometimes in frigs in 0.5 just for the fun of it.

    I also build stuff and sell it on the market, I like the economical aspect of EvE a lot.

    Atm I'm having a lot of fun with my caracal cruiser blowing up npc pirates in 0.3 space.


  • crockcrock Member Posts: 556

    im noob u r not

    this game is for veterans

    its boring to wait ur skills too lvl5(1) needs 9days lvl5(5) 32 days

    for old players it wasnt problem they wasnt ganked by players with batleships full havy drones)

  • SS Member Posts: 6

    Hmm, I must admit I don't know what it's like to be a n00b at the present state EvE is in. But if you don't want to get ganked, stay in the safer spaces. I did that as a n00b. I know it sounds boring and it's quite pvp-less. But that's EvE, it's a shame if you want fast pvp. I kinda miss pvp a bit too. I don't want to pvp much with EvE because I think I'm not ready for it (still). IMO quick pvp fun is for short term, but EvE is a game that lasts. It could be the other way around for you, but that's why they have lots of games on the market. image

    Actually the whole point I'm trying to make all the time is: state your opinion, but don't try to look your opinion look like a fact...

    [EDIT] Oh btw, I'm kinda looking for a nice quick battle/pvp mmo atm, you know a good one? (still waiting for MxO)

  • crockcrock Member Posts: 556

    quik battle pvp mmo is only planetside

    its fun for 2-3 months

    but all bases looking thesame and its not so quik action like q3 or ut

    im waiting for some mmo too with less boredom to reach something)

  • -Stormryder--Stormryder- Member Posts: 6
    I've never tried Planetside... I'm sick of Halo and Counter-strike. I guess I'll go play Ace Combat 4 on my PS2 like I always do...

  • -Stormryder--Stormryder- Member Posts: 6
    I've never played Planetside before. And I'm getting sick of Halo and Counter-Strike. Might as well go play Ace Combat 4 on my PS2 like I always do.... (And I've written this message 4 times and finally came through, makes me mad image)

  • 51505150 Member UncommonPosts: 222
    While I may not agree with the style in which it was presented - the original post is a disturbing accurate description of Eve online

  • JaqsJaqs Member Posts: 43

    fps games like Ut halo etc are great games kick ass fun to play planetside great game also Planetside is sorta eve if could fight with troops on planets.

    Well not exactly but its an example. EVE is meant to be what you make it yes theres a story that goes along with it.

    Like in rl  some alot of things good things take time.Everybody is born in to a world that other peopel have made  formed there are set guidelines for alot of things everybody to prvent chaos or total chaos chaos whats the use.

    Ya have to go with the flow until you can get set up even when your on top have to do that to a point. On the the ore stuff for veterans duh thats progreess, your suppose to to progress what the point otherwise. Be retarted  if kept makin stuff for noobs  that would make the game pointless to play to be confined like that.


    Your not suppose to stay a noob lol peopel understand that once they reach the higher lvls. Its dam true. On the rl pretend thing on fps games etc thats what ya doing your pretending, your a soldier or whatever.

    So pretendin on a mmo like even planetside eve any mmo makes alot more sense than contantly killin, with no outcome really besides killin. Actualy bein productive somehow with the time establish somethin guilds etc. since its all pixels and coding etc anyways.

    Real personal stuff is involved though or passion. Halo Ut FPs games are fun as freakin hell always have been, and the new game socmin out Halo 2 Half Life 2 Doom 3 etc dammm the potitnal starts drooolin.


    ALot or mmost of the mmo players follow the not online games play these games fpsers just much. but chosoe to play mmos also cause the progression and social on going ness of online games its makes more use of the game time or better satisfaction all around thing. Plus get to know people online realy create a team trust etc. like clans with fpses. It all good lol.


    Just say you you dont like the game dont try to imate an actual non bias reviewer dont force your opionion peopel will think what they want of the game ravage ya got pretty narrow baised view.

    Uber guilds are not bad only peopel tha are in some or or some make some that way. Mmos your not really suppose to be spoon fed like real life, aint good for ya work for what ya get. Yes sometime some issues of startin out need to be adressed anywhere, but not to the point that noobs automatically beocme vets.


    A person who frags all day doesnt really know anything about anyhting else but fraggin. Anybody can be a grunt playin counterstrike have a freind who played one mmo for a bit took a break played counstrike for a while but came back to the mmo lol.

    Lol balance play mmos non mmos its the best way. Might go insane otherwise oh yeah and keep dpoin rl stuff to that matters most usally otherwise cant keep playin or talkin about these games.

    Ramm if you truly belive in soemthing stand up for it and let it survive keep goin or get done if it truly needs to be said or defended protected etc. EVil triumphs only when good men do nothing


  • DienekesDienekes Member Posts: 484

    Originally posted by crock

    im noob u r not
    this game is for veterans
    its boring to wait ur skills too lvl5(1) needs 9days lvl5(5) 32 days
    for old players it wasnt problem they wasnt ganked by players with batleships full havy drones)

    Hmmm...I started 6 days ago and while I am definatley still a noob I have gotten to the point where the whole game aspect has opened up.  When I wrote my previous post I had only played it for about 2 days.  Which gave me very little understanding of the game as it is now, however, I did play it before during beta for a much longer time and knew a little about the idea behind the game.  Now that I have played it more with the current changes I have decided I like EVE and will stay till something better comes along.  I'm currently flying a fully outfitted Kessie (which I absolutely love).  I have enough money to buy anything I currently need or desire and I haven't mined once.  I have never been attacked by another player much less ganked and I currently hunt in .4 space.

    This game may be designed for vets but it allows you to be a vet very easily...if you can't become good at the game in a relatively short time your just not caring or trying hard enough.  Even my g/f who loves the game but usually takes a bit longer than me is getting very good at the game in a short amount of time.  We have a nice corp that requires nothing from the members they don't want to do and so we can pretty much cruise along and play the game.

    Another person said there was nothing to do but missions and mine in EVE.  Personally I don't find missions too boring, though lately they got stale and easy.  Today I figured I'd try something new so my g/f and I trekked out to space we hadn't been before and searched around for some rats.  Needless to say we had a blast.  We found some good spawns that were a challenge but not overly challenging and weren't completely easy.  The money was still pretty good after all the bounty and loot so we didn't miss the missions much.  Another friend of mine who just started is an industrial kind of guy so the whole mass production in factories and selling on a player driven economy appeals to him.  That is a whole realm of stuff I will most likely never touch and it is another option in the game.  This game has no lack of things to do, the only lack is your desire to find something you like.  It has very little direction so you have to make what you can of your time playing and decide what you want to do yourself.

    On a seperate the guy who posted above: this isn't an insult but you need to clean up your post.  Was so hard to read I just didn't read it.  lol.

    "Feel free to hate me, but hate me for the right reasons."

    "Your still ignorant if you believe the first thing you see when the blindfold is removed."

    "Be smart enough to know I'm smarter than you."

  • crockcrock Member Posts: 556

    first two weeks i didnt found missions and mining boring too
    but dont rewiev games if u played only one week.. its pathetic

    this game is PvP game...and u need 4 months at least to test it
    i dont wonna wait that long

  • JaqsJaqs Member Posts: 43
    then leave it at that you dont wana wait that long other peopel obviously do. If its not for you its not for you pateince can get ya places.


  • KeltinKeltin Member Posts: 13

    The original poster is quite right on every point he made.  He summed it all up when he said you have to brown nose your way into big corps and get allowed to mine for them.  He didn't slant the truth of this game in any way.  This is an accurate description of a bad MMO.

  • JaqsJaqs Member Posts: 43

    Na its just some ranting by some peeps that want everything done for them in a game eve is what you make it. Means you can be what ya wanna be like any thing some things need to be done better to improve on. EVE can easily do that other than having to go by set classes etc you make your charcter charcters what you want them to be. and do what ya wanna do.

    Alot of toher good great mmos this is one of them ya cant realy truly review this game unless youve gotten to the good stuff its there just have to reach it.


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