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I am looking into DAOC and I have always enjoyed duel wielding classes, could somone list those for me? I have checked the DAOC site and found a few that list this ability, I just wanted to cross check the info with those who have played. In addition I have a question about the Berserker class, is it a relatively easy solo class? As well is it a solid, viable class in pvp? Thanks in advance.
Dual Wielding has 3 different names in DAOC, dual wield (albion), celtic dual (hibernia), and left axe (midgard). Dual Wield classes:
Each realm's assassin class (infiltrator, nightshade, shadowblade). These are stealth classes which are slow to level, fun to play in BGs, but require good knowledge, some skill, good gear, buffs, and a lot of patience to master in RvR.
Each realms light tank (mercenary, blademaster, beserker). These light tanks are all solid classes which fare well in pve and rvr. They do require support or a lot of potions, decent gear, and some practice to be effective in RvR. They are all what Mythic considers "positional melee dps" whic means that they use styles which do their most damage from positions other than directly in front of their enemy.
Each realm's mauler class. These are an expansion class which you need Labyrinth of the Minotaur to be able to play. The class is very solid solo or grouped in pve and rvr. They use dual fist wraps or a single staff as weapons.
Savage from Midgard is also a dual wielding, fist wrap using class. This class takes quite a bit of skill to play IMO and is not for DAOC newbs. Extreme damage from this dual wielding class though.
Ranger from Hibernia is a dual wielding archer. This class is like the assassin classes, however after a recent patch which increased their bow ability, they are more an archer than a dual wielder anymore. Still a fun class to play, which does well if equipped well and buffed.
Berserker is a very solid class and fun to play. Sadly the expansion classes have outpaced the light tanks recently (maulers, vampiirs, valkries), and zerkers are due for a slight overhaul. That said, they are quite good in groups, no more or less solo friendly than any other melee class, and can be quite good in rvr.
IMO you shouldn't make a berserker on classic though. Savages have better damage and survivability. Only advantage they have on classic is the Charge realm ability but it's not really worth the price of worse damage and survivability.
On ToA servers they are more on par with savages since they get Banelord.
When compared to other light tanks (mercenary and blademaster) they are the worst.
The problem with savages is they are tough for a true newb to DAOC to get good with the self buff use and styles.