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I remember EQ2 kept promising twitch combat...and then they lowered that more and more through development, eventualy dropping it completely.
AoC is going the same route...first it was "OMG, yeah, twitch combat, TOTALY!!" then it became some kind of swing style crap...wouldn't be surprized if they total remove it by the end replacing it with buttons like 'decapitate' and 'slice off left arm'.
Then with all due respect, don't play it and move onto something else like Huxley or other games that might offer twitch reflexes. I find it very intriguing that AoC allows players to physically move their avatar out of the way of incoming attacks-- collision stuff.
AoC has a 5 directional attack system, and you use those 5 keys to create combos. The speed of your swing is based off how well you time each key stroke.
Funcom isn't going to dump this system, because it would destroy them. Research before posting?
o, rly? Where's the research on that?
^The developers are always stressing how their biggest feature is the real-time combat system, if they drop that they've gone against what people are most excited about.
Don't see how this game will be anything like EQ2.
The 5 point attack system is already ingame. It would be stepping backwards if they were to remove it.
Human evolution and advancement has never been measured in terms of our ability to grapple one-on-one with bears.
And where does the destroy part come in? I am still a bit confused...
And where does the destroy part come in? I am still a bit confused...
... AoC will lose most of it's membership in a snap if they drop the combat system. You should have seen the official forums when people thought a hardlock was being implemented, everyone went haywire.Luckily none of this has to be proven on my part, because Funcom isn't going to drop the real-time combat.
And where does the destroy part come in? I am still a bit confused...
... AoC will lose most of it's membership in a snap if they drop the combat system. You should have seen the official forums when people thought a hardlock was being implemented, everyone went haywire.Luckily none of this has to be proven on my part, because Funcom isn't going to drop the real-time combat.
OK so... You dont have to prove your point with research, but OP does? I just dont think you should come in here telling someone to research the facts if you are going to talk about how a game that doesnt even exist yet is going to "destroy" a company that has been in the industry for 14 years.
I meant the game not the company, I said destroy funcom in the sense that it would destroy their biggest game right now.
It would destroy AoC if they dropped the combat, it's that simple. Where is my research? In just about every interview/video/blog the developers have in regards to why AoC is going to be a good MMO is based off the real-time combat. That is what they are stressing, that is what is drawing in tons of support. If they drop it... less membership than vanguard.
Until today I was a big fan of the statement "Anything is possible". However...after your point..I'm definitely having a doubt!
Nothing is imposseble in the world of MMO. With 4 months to release, there is alot of time to #"¤* up the game.
But i really dont think they will. on the other hand, weirder things have been known to happen in the world of MMOs.
Let me repeat: "X game = Y game" threads are totally retarded
Also, AoC was NEVER going to be twitch combat... not like a FPS anyway, a lot MORE like it, and it still is, but I've never seen then ever "back down" on what the combat would be...
Defense was ALWAYS said to be passive, due to lag concerns, and it was always a stackable combo system, though stacking your attacks meant you were screwed if someone simply dodged you... (by physically moving away)
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
I think it could still be removed due to lag concerns and lag abuses.
And yes, there was nothing but "omg, twitch combat=AoC!!!1!" a couple months back.
.....They've already talked and showed many videos with the combat system. Y ON EARTH would they get rid of it now. EQ2 isnt even close to AOC
That maybe what idiots on THIS forum were saying, but thats never what the devs said on the official forums... if your perspective is "OMG my false impressions have been broken by real info -FINALLY-, and now I'm bitter about it and think it was AoC that decieved me" then you have noone to blame but yourself
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Someone's trolling with a question like this.
Well the one thing that AOC has that EQ2 never had is media who have played and reported on the combat system. Learn to read you troll.
I have been following this game since late 2005, and talk a lot on the official forums (which is the place to come for info, by the way), and it was NEVER twitch combat, not for one second. I don't care which clown invented it, and spread that at these forums, it was simply not so.
Defense was always background rolls, and stats still count for a lot. Success of your combos are also modified by your stats, which you put points in manually as well. Remember AO, it will be a semi-complex RPG system behind what you see. It's a fast pace RPG, with more player control over battle.
HAHA same reason Vanguard previewed a shit load of movies with certain aspects of the game that they KNEW wouldn't be incorporated inot the game at launch or anytime in the foreseeable future....HYPE, HYPE, HYPE, and more HYPE. These games depend on HYPE or else there wouldn't be a base waiting to play on launch day. Of course the entire industry learned from Vanguard that if you hype a game with content that would never be in the game, the game is doomed. We MMO players are a complely unforgiving bunch of bastards so lets hope they keep it in.
Of course big difference between VG hype and AOC hype is that VG and the bunch were creating content to give to the financiers of their game in an attempt to fraud them into believing that the game was coming along. AOC is well backed and they don't have to fraud people to give them money for development, so I feel safe in assumign that the hype videos are legit and that we'll see them in game or hear otherwise befoer the game is launced....same thing happened with Oblivion's enviroment collision system.
And where does the destroy part come in? I am still a bit confused...
... AoC will lose most of it's membership in a snap if they drop the combat system. You should have seen the official forums when people thought a hardlock was being implemented, everyone went haywire.Luckily none of this has to be proven on my part, because Funcom isn't going to drop the real-time combat.
OK so... You dont have to prove your point with research, but OP does? I just dont think you should come in here telling someone to research the facts if you are going to talk about how a game that doesnt even exist yet is going to "destroy" a company that has been in the industry for 14 years.
I don't like getting involved in FanBoi nonsense, however after reading what your saying sounds like you've got no idea what's going on here Crawl. Let me try to explain it simpler. He said by removing Twitch based gaming, it would destory Funcom's efforts into making this game a sucess. He means this because Funcom has spent a lot of time, and resources to build VALUE in this game to a market segment, by promising a twitch style combat, and a more interactive rule set. Should they decide to remove this, they would in effect remove what they've been selling this games future on, and thus lower the games VALUE to its target market. Lower Value = (In a quote by some very intelligent somebody) FAIL.
For someone who doesn't like to get caught up in a bunch of nonsense, you sure know how to bring some. Let me explain it simpler.
He said, and I quote:
"Funcom isn't going to dump this system, because it would destroy them. Research before posting?"
Thats fanboi for you. I am not a fanboi. Nor am i a fan of someone telling someone they need to research their opinion. So if hes gonna bring fire to the party, hes gotta expect to get some in return. HE SAID IT WOULD DESTROY THEM. And thats all he said, period. The fact that you think can tell me what he meant in paragraph form from a single sentence makes me think you might be sleeping with him.
Don't feed the troll.
Edited because I don't want to get banned.