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A little topic or question - Would you pay for a text based MMORPG that is well made?
so basically imagine they made a really good text based MMO i.e easy to use, lots and lots of skills and spells and all other advantages, a huge world etc etc....would you be willing to pay for it even though it has no graphics?
If you mean an MUD type of MMO then no, I personly dislike playing MUD games. However an good web-browsed MMO I do not mind subscribing to.
Lots of the higher end MuDs ask for donations to keep servers up but never require a sub due to the simple fact that it isn't nearly as taxing as visual. Along with the simple fact that MuDs are ancient. They have had their time over 15 or so years ago. Yes text based games are still played by a lot of people but not nearly a high enough following for any real value to be assigned to it like the graphical MMo's of today.
Have to say after thinking about it....just couldn't do it. I vaguely remember MUD's and never really was able to get into them.....and not that I'm an eye candy junki I am....well.....glad MMO's emerged from the MUD's.
To each his own of course though
Shamusx DragoVski
Founder - "Lost Sons of Feanor"
I would never pay for a MUD or a pure text based game. I find them very annoying and less fun than other games. I wouldn't mind playing a well made mud but it would have to be the best text based game ever created. __Justin Hill
MUDs are/were awesome! I played them for many a long hour back in the day. But, they had a different community. The coders were usually people that coded for the love of the game. Coders had a vision, and had the ability to code that vision into something playable.
Then again, I am sure most of those MUD coders of yesterday are today's MMORPG Devs.
To answer the initial question - heck no I would not pay for a MUD. Like I said, they were coded by people who did it for the love of the game. I may donate a few bucks to help with server costs, but never outright pay.
"...and with that cryptic comment, I'm off to bed!"
Having played MUDs before, and quite often, I would say no. There is a much smaller cost to running a MUD then there is to running a current MMO. Server/bandwidth costs are much lower, much less coding taking place, fewer positions to pay for, it just isn't necessary. There is no justifiable cost, especially with the ability for any site to place ads to produce income.
One word... Kingdom of Loathing...
People do pay for muds now at . The same people who are making Heros Journey.
Some MUDs out there ARE worth paying for.
For instance, Grendel's Revenge and The Eternal City (both games at were both well-made MUDs that I subscribed to at one point.
However, as of now the community is for the most part dead, at least in Grendel's Revenge, and the games are past their glory days, but they're still better than most of the MMOs I've played.
If only more people were interested...
Not sure I see the point of the "maybe if it's really good" option, I thought the "yes" option assumed "if it was really good".
I've not seen any graphic MMORPG come anywhere close to the complexity of the best MUDs. I've not experienced PvP as challenging and as intense, an economy which is player run and works, or such deeply involved inter-city politics and warfare. I'd love to see these things in MMOPRGs, but if anything, they've been heading away from that to capture a bigger market (much easier for people to select a target and click an icon than spend hours programming short-cuts for combining your 300 different skills).
I would be happy to pay for a MUD I was really into. Probably not, if it was too expensive, but maybe up to £5 a month or something, if it was somewhere I was spending a lot of time. Much cheaper than a night out!