I love when people state that the War on Terror is such a failure and that the War in Iraq is such a mess. Guess what it is working. There haven't been anymore attacks in the States. If you think they aren't trying then you are just plain wrong. A lot of the terrorists are too busy fighting now in the Middle East to plan attacks on our soil. In that regard the war has been a resounding success.
Too many people now adays think the first Persian Gulf War is how wars are. I am sorry but war isn't normally our troops coming across their troops and then their troops just surrendering instantly. WAR is bloody. The people that sign up for it should know what they are getting into. It is ridiculous that people can't see the justification to get rid of such horrible people in the WAR. Look at Iran. Their president is nothing more then a terrorist who wants to wipe away a group of people for existing. Maybe we would of been better off just napalming all of Afganistan and Iraq. At least then the US would be worthy of all the hate we receive. I know my Grandfather's generation (WW2 generation) thought very low of this current generation that isn't willing to do the hard things to make the world a better place. That is part of what made America great. We had the "balls" to stand up to people. Now everyone doesn't like that.
Well then fine I say we withdraw all of our troops and all of our money from the world. Then we close our borders down using those troops. We then cancel and foreign trade and see how well the world can survive without the US. Because trust me the US can survive without the world.
I could have swore that our grandfathers generation didn't support the war until Pearl Harbor. I believe that many americans were neither for, nor truelly against what Hitler was doing at the start of the war. You seem under the impression that the magority of the wold actually liked the Jews during that era. No, anit-semitism didn't start during WW2, it was around for quite a lot longer. Most christians and muslims didn't much like the jews then.
Since when does one person represent every person in a country?
We've already gone into Afganistan and Iraq, and it's not doing a thing to the President of Iran, except maybe garner him a little more support from middle eastern Muslims. So how exactly would napalming those two countries solve anything in Iran? And you're right. Iran is, and was, the bigger problem in the middle east then Iraq was. But Iran has an army, and less oil I believe. Bush also coudln't spin as spooky scarey backstory to gather support for invading Iran, Iran also wasn't crippled by a decade of economic sactions.
You really think the US can survive without the world? You do realize that we depend on the world, for most everything right. We aren't the leader in electronics, automobiles, fuel, textiles etc. etc. We're exporting entire workforces and importing most all of our goods; how exactly does that put us into a position of not needing the rest of the world?
I quess we could support ourselves by shopping.
You do realize that we do this so that we can become rich. Our country has about 220 more billionaires then any other country in the world. We have more billionaires then the next 9 countries on the top 10 list combined. If our country changed from one of capitalism to a more socialistic country that wanted to be self reliant, we actually could be. You don't need to be the leader in any of those categories since we can actually produce all of those products. Name one thing that we need that we can not make within our borders. And I don't mean for cheaper I mean that we can not actually produce.
You should now take a close look at how those billionaires made thier billions.
I can name more then one thing. EVERYTHING. You see, those billionaires wouldn't be billionaires if they had to actually PAY people to work. You remember that part about entire workforces being exported? They do that because it's CHEAPER. If it's cheaper then someone will make billions faster.
And since cheap labor is important to production, it stands without reason that the US in its CURRENT state could not support itself through its own labor without completely changing our countries economy, and government.
The problem is that without a strong economy you can't have a strong country. The US still has economic strenght, and a lot of that is in our purchasing power. In order to reatain that purchasing power the people in the US have to make money, and we can't make money if we're all getting paid less. We currently rely to heavely on the the rest of the world to sustain ourselves that it's not possible for us to simply change. It would be akin to what happened to the Soviet Union. Our country would crash.
You know how Cuba and Iraq was crippled by economic santions? Well, if the US just closed itself off from the rest of the world we would be imposing econmic sanctions on ourself. Cuba and Iraq are a good example of what happens to a country when they have no economic relationship with anyone else.
Remember China before they opened themselves up? Another good example of what it's like when you close yourself off from the rest f the world. China is now the fastest developing country in the world, why? Because it's not good to be an isolationist.
Biggest problem I have with Ron Paul is his wanting to open a Pandora's box by repealing Roe v Wade. You want to reduce abortion rates? How about starting with education, and making birth control easily available for teens? I realize personal responsibility isn't in vogue. And I understand that deluded parents all live in Mr Rodgers Neighborhood where their kids ain't screwing their brains out at every opportunity, but the reality of the situation is that they are. People want to opt out of Sex Ed, because little Johnny and Suzy will be getting their education in sex at Planned Parenthood after having a few to many jello shots at little Johnny's party? Well, then little Suzy, and Johhny's parents can support Not-so-little Suzy and her little waterhead miracle love child for the rest of their lives, cause that bitch ain't getting no free ride on welfare. Cause welfare is out the door too. If they opt for abortion, fine. And fines. Call it the Lack of Common Sense, and Personal Responsibility Fine. It will provide the State, and Federal gov'ts more than enough funds to repeal income tax, etc. And it places the onus on the individual, rather than the group.
Keep in mind as a constitutionalist (I can't spell worth a damn) the reason he wants to repeal roe vs wade isn't because he thinks the government should ban abortions, it is because it isn't the right of the fed gov't to tell the states if they can legalize or ban it. The federal law should be repealed an instead there should be 50 states with laws determining what the state population thinks on the subject.
Our federal government has become to bloated and no longer serves the purpose it was designed to serve. There are only a few things the federal government should do and the main one is in a time of war they should be in charge of the military to defend our country. Otherwise almost all of the laws should be state based and not federally based. I would even say that federal income tax should be repealed and instead there only be a state income tax.
The constitution is about the people, not the state.
And telling people what they can't do with thier bodies is not freedom.
Freedom is choice, and taking away another persons right to choose isn't a very "free" thing to do.
Abortion is more then just kids having sex and adults making mistakes. Rape, and birth complications are important. Most pro life advocates ignore the more complicated aspects of abortion and chose to focus on just one aspect of it in an effort to downplay it's importance.
You do not have the right to tell a woman who was impregnated during the course of rape that she has to give birth to that child. It's not the childs choice, it's the woman who has to have it. Having a brain and a heart doesn't make you a person. A person is able to survive on it's own, not in a symbiotic relationship with another human. Cells are not people either.
Just not a free thing to tell people what to do in thier PERSONAL life when it isn't having any effect on your own. People need to stop worryin what the person up the street is doing, and start being concerned with thier own lives. Wouldn't be so many worthless kids in the world if people did. (That's a stab at parenting by the way)
I love when people state that the War on Terror is such a failure and that the War in Iraq is such a mess. Guess what it is working. There haven't been anymore attacks in the States. If you think they aren't trying then you are just plain wrong. A lot of the terrorists are too busy fighting now in the Middle East to plan attacks on our soil. In that regard the war has been a resounding success.
Too many people now adays think the first Persian Gulf War is how wars are. I am sorry but war isn't normally our troops coming across their troops and then their troops just surrendering instantly. WAR is bloody. The people that sign up for it should know what they are getting into. It is ridiculous that people can't see the justification to get rid of such horrible people in the WAR. Look at Iran. Their president is nothing more then a terrorist who wants to wipe away a group of people for existing. Maybe we would of been better off just napalming all of Afganistan and Iraq. At least then the US would be worthy of all the hate we receive. I know my Grandfather's generation (WW2 generation) thought very low of this current generation that isn't willing to do the hard things to make the world a better place. That is part of what made America great. We had the "balls" to stand up to people. Now everyone doesn't like that.
Well then fine I say we withdraw all of our troops and all of our money from the world. Then we close our borders down using those troops. We then cancel and foreign trade and see how well the world can survive without the US. Because trust me the US can survive without the world.
I could have swore that our grandfathers generation didn't support the war until Pearl Harbor. I believe that many americans were neither for, nor truelly against what Hitler was doing at the start of the war. You seem under the impression that the magority of the wold actually liked the Jews during that era. No, anit-semitism didn't start during WW2, it was around for quite a lot longer. Most christians and muslims didn't much like the jews then.
Since when does one person represent every person in a country?
We've already gone into Afganistan and Iraq, and it's not doing a thing to the President of Iran, except maybe garner him a little more support from middle eastern Muslims. So how exactly would napalming those two countries solve anything in Iran? And you're right. Iran is, and was, the bigger problem in the middle east then Iraq was. But Iran has an army, and less oil I believe. Bush also coudln't spin as spooky scarey backstory to gather support for invading Iran, Iran also wasn't crippled by a decade of economic sactions.
You really think the US can survive without the world? You do realize that we depend on the world, for most everything right. We aren't the leader in electronics, automobiles, fuel, textiles etc. etc. We're exporting entire workforces and importing most all of our goods; how exactly does that put us into a position of not needing the rest of the world?
I quess we could support ourselves by shopping.
You do realize that we do this so that we can become rich. Our country has about 220 more billionaires then any other country in the world. We have more billionaires then the next 9 countries on the top 10 list combined. If our country changed from one of capitalism to a more socialistic country that wanted to be self reliant, we actually could be. You don't need to be the leader in any of those categories since we can actually produce all of those products. Name one thing that we need that we can not make within our borders. And I don't mean for cheaper I mean that we can not actually produce.
You should now take a close look at how those billionaires made thier billions.
I can name more then one thing. EVERYTHING. You see, those billionaires wouldn't be billionaires if they had to actually PAY people to work. You remember that part about entire workforces being exported? They do that because it's CHEAPER. If it's cheaper then someone will make billions faster.
And since cheap labor is important to production, it stands without reason that the US in its CURRENT state could not support itself through its own labor without completely changing our countries economy, and government.
The problem is that without a strong economy you can't have a strong country. The US still has economic strenght, and a lot of that is in our purchasing power. In order to reatain that purchasing power the people in the US have to make money, and we can't make money if we're all getting paid less. We currently rely to heavely on the the rest of the world to sustain ourselves that it's not possible for us to simply change. It would be akin to what happened to the Soviet Union. Our country would crash.
You know how Cuba and Iraq was crippled by economic santions? Well, if the US just closed itself off from the rest of the world we would be imposing econmic sanctions on ourself. Cuba and Iraq are a good example of what happens to a country when they have no economic relationship with anyone else.
Remember China before they opened themselves up? Another good example of what it's like when you close yourself off from the rest f the world. China is now the fastest developing country in the world, why? Because it's not good to be an isolationist.
First off I never said that it would make our country stronger economically. So all of this back and forth debate on that point is pretty much moot. The point is that we are one of if not the only country in the world that can create everything we need within our own borders. That was the point I was making. I was stating that the rest of the world would be more hurt if we closed our self off and stopped any interaction with foreign country then we would be. Yes it would be tough in our country and it would really change the make up of our country, but whole foreign economies would collapse without American purchasing power. What would China do with all of their cheap manufactured goods? What would the middle east do with all of its Oil? What would Japan do with all of it's cars? And what would whole third world nations do without our Aid?
Secondly China is the fastest developing country in the world because we allow it to happen. No one wants China's economy to collapse because right now the cheap labor makes the rest of us rich. But they are seriously undervalueing their money. It is still well below what the market says it should be at. Also China would lose a ton of it's income if we stopped getting our manufactured goods from there.
So once again I am not saying that we would be better off. I am saying that no other country in the World could do it though. We are pretty much unique in the aspect that we have everything that we actually need to live our lifestyle within our own borders.
Currently playing: LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too: Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
I love when people state that the War on Terror is such a failure and that the War in Iraq is such a mess. Guess what it is working. There haven't been anymore attacks in the States. If you think they aren't trying then you are just plain wrong. A lot of the terrorists are too busy fighting now in the Middle East to plan attacks on our soil. In that regard the war has been a resounding success.
Too many people now adays think the first Persian Gulf War is how wars are. I am sorry but war isn't normally our troops coming across their troops and then their troops just surrendering instantly. WAR is bloody. The people that sign up for it should know what they are getting into. It is ridiculous that people can't see the justification to get rid of such horrible people in the WAR. Look at Iran. Their president is nothing more then a terrorist who wants to wipe away a group of people for existing. Maybe we would of been better off just napalming all of Afganistan and Iraq. At least then the US would be worthy of all the hate we receive. I know my Grandfather's generation (WW2 generation) thought very low of this current generation that isn't willing to do the hard things to make the world a better place. That is part of what made America great. We had the "balls" to stand up to people. Now everyone doesn't like that.
Well then fine I say we withdraw all of our troops and all of our money from the world. Then we close our borders down using those troops. We then cancel and foreign trade and see how well the world can survive without the US. Because trust me the US can survive without the world.
I could have swore that our grandfathers generation didn't support the war until Pearl Harbor. I believe that many americans were neither for, nor truelly against what Hitler was doing at the start of the war. You seem under the impression that the magority of the wold actually liked the Jews during that era. No, anit-semitism didn't start during WW2, it was around for quite a lot longer. Most christians and muslims didn't much like the jews then.
Since when does one person represent every person in a country?
We've already gone into Afganistan and Iraq, and it's not doing a thing to the President of Iran, except maybe garner him a little more support from middle eastern Muslims. So how exactly would napalming those two countries solve anything in Iran? And you're right. Iran is, and was, the bigger problem in the middle east then Iraq was. But Iran has an army, and less oil I believe. Bush also coudln't spin as spooky scarey backstory to gather support for invading Iran, Iran also wasn't crippled by a decade of economic sactions.
You really think the US can survive without the world? You do realize that we depend on the world, for most everything right. We aren't the leader in electronics, automobiles, fuel, textiles etc. etc. We're exporting entire workforces and importing most all of our goods; how exactly does that put us into a position of not needing the rest of the world?
I quess we could support ourselves by shopping.
You do realize that we do this so that we can become rich. Our country has about 220 more billionaires then any other country in the world. We have more billionaires then the next 9 countries on the top 10 list combined. If our country changed from one of capitalism to a more socialistic country that wanted to be self reliant, we actually could be. You don't need to be the leader in any of those categories since we can actually produce all of those products. Name one thing that we need that we can not make within our borders. And I don't mean for cheaper I mean that we can not actually produce.
You should now take a close look at how those billionaires made thier billions.
I can name more then one thing. EVERYTHING. You see, those billionaires wouldn't be billionaires if they had to actually PAY people to work. You remember that part about entire workforces being exported? They do that because it's CHEAPER. If it's cheaper then someone will make billions faster.
And since cheap labor is important to production, it stands without reason that the US in its CURRENT state could not support itself through its own labor without completely changing our countries economy, and government.
The problem is that without a strong economy you can't have a strong country. The US still has economic strenght, and a lot of that is in our purchasing power. In order to reatain that purchasing power the people in the US have to make money, and we can't make money if we're all getting paid less. We currently rely to heavely on the the rest of the world to sustain ourselves that it's not possible for us to simply change. It would be akin to what happened to the Soviet Union. Our country would crash.
You know how Cuba and Iraq was crippled by economic santions? Well, if the US just closed itself off from the rest of the world we would be imposing econmic sanctions on ourself. Cuba and Iraq are a good example of what happens to a country when they have no economic relationship with anyone else.
Remember China before they opened themselves up? Another good example of what it's like when you close yourself off from the rest f the world. China is now the fastest developing country in the world, why? Because it's not good to be an isolationist.
First off I never said that it would make our country stronger economically. So all of this back and forth debate on that point is pretty much moot. The point is that we are one of if not the only country in the world that can create everything we need within our own borders. Except for bauxite, raw diamonds, crude oil, Coltan and other extremely valuable basic materials. Not to mention that the massive imports of the US have kept the prices low of things that were produced within it own borders. Without a foreingn influx prices would soar and the economy would collapse. I'd say one of the few countries capable to support itself (up to a nice standard of living) would be Brazil.
That was the point I was making. I was stating that the rest of the world would be more hurt if we closed our self off and stopped any interaction with foreign country then we would be.
Actually it wouldn't. I don't know if you noticed, but there's more people living outside the US than inside. Last I heard the difference was quite large even. Imagine that. The rest of the world is "self"-sufficient, the US isn't. Only problem will be to get used to Bollywood movies. Ah hell, they were the biggest movie industry anyways.
Yes it would be tough in our country and it would really change the make up of our country, but whole foreign economies would collapse without American purchasing power. What would China do with all of their cheap manufactured goods? Sell ti to the rest of the world, of course... What would the middle east do with all of its Oil? Guess what... What would Japan do with all of it's cars? And what would whole third world nations do without our Aid?
Secondly China is the fastest developing country in the world because we allow it to happen. No, that's completely untrue. Besides, China isn't the fastest developing country in the world. It's just the fastest developing country in its size. No one wants China's economy to collapse because right now the cheap labor makes the rest of us rich. Now finally you say something that is true. But... according to that correct logic it would be in the err... worlds best interest to keep China down and poor and dependant. THat doesn't seem to be working, now is it? But they are seriously undervalueing their money. Look who's talking. You know what stunts the ECB had to do to keep the Euro from costing twice as much in dollars than at its launch? It is still well below what the market says it should be at. Also China would lose a ton of it's income if we stopped getting our manufactured goods from there.
So once again I am not saying that we would be better off. I am saying that no other country in the World could do it though. We are pretty much unique in the aspect that we have everything that we actually need to live our lifestyle within our own borders.
To wrap it up:
The good old "Without the US the world goes to hell" scenario is bullcrap. It's like saying "without wolves the whole ecology goes to hell". That's true. But only for a few thousand years. After that the niche gets filled. Exactly how things happen in global politics. Remove something and it needs to be filled. After a short period of turmoil the fields of tension will be virtually the same in strength, only with different dealers and atractors.
We constantly hear that so called terrorists "hate freedom" and "hate democracy and justice". Yet this week an Australian (Indian born) doctor who is in all other respects what anyone would describe as a model citizen, has been held for 7 days and counting without charge. This is more or less unprecedented in Australia and could not have happened except for the new anti terror laws.
This guy was held in connection with the failed terrorist attacks in UK.
There were serious reasons to thing this "respectable doctor" was connected with other "respectable doctors"who tried to blow car bombs in Britain.
I am sure you will agree that Terrorism is a huge problem, there is a problem in leaving possible suspects free to go wherever they want.
This is a mistake no governement can afford to make.
Leaving a suspect free to carry a possible attack which can cause thousands of deaths, is a risk too big to take.
What it will happen if a suspect known to the secret services carries a terroristic attack which kill hundreds?
Can you imagine the deadlines on the papers the day after? : "Secrets services knew the identity of the bomber and didn't stop him"
How idiots we will all look like?
Of course is not nice for any innocent man to be detained for weeks without charge, but quite frankly I would very much prefer 1 person losing "his freedom" for 1 month, than hundreds of people losing their life.
Yup I dont have a problem with aything your saying.
But I will say this.
If they had enough evidence to charge this man they would have done it.
What are they going to find out in a week or two of holding him that they couldnt have found out in a week or two of not holding him ?
All they have done is undermine the public's faith in the presumption of innocence and play into the hands of the terrorists who now know they are onto this guy (if hes guilty) or give them something to use to make more claims about the coruption and power seeking nature of western democracy if he isnt.
Reducing the freedoms of individuals and reducing a legal system that has worked well for over 200 years does not increase security, it simply increases cynicism and support for radical ideas in the minds of those already susceptible.
The way you show terrorists that they wont win is by sticking to your way of life, not ireeperably altering it.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
The right to pursuit a action is really dependant on what you think is allowable and what your beliefs are. Are we merely custodians of this realm and bound to dictates of a higher force? Perhaps we are free agents with no oversight at all. One thing stands to reason. We have to make a choice how to live. I personally belong to the camp of thought that we are custodial lifeforms. That we are allowed freewill so as to validate our actions. That we also are bound to end results which when we are in conflict to will be justifiably motivated into correct action or removed from the equation. Hehe that all being said I dont think I have the right to enforce my beliefs on ANYONE! If a mother decides to have a abortion it is her life and her interaction with the grand equation. I will perhaps tell her my beliefs but I will not directly interfere. Such is my beliefs. I'm happy
So the Police have decided not to seek another extension of his detention since they have been unable to form a case against him after 12 days without charge.....
Not a good look really.... Just more fuel for radicals to question authority.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Totally, man. Our leaders claim to be fighting terror by putting more and more armed guards on our streets (martial law, anyone?) and snuffing out our rights, when really they should be regulating the media, forcing them to report only on the bare facts (and in some cases just ignore the terrorist threat altogether).
I'm a bit late to the game and didn't actually read page 2 or 3 (edit: or 4,5,6 hehe), but I have to just mention one thing about the above quote.. Do you really think a government who are pretty much in office only because of their anti terror-efforts would try to tune down the "importance" of the whole thing? They should probably promtoe and even fund the media for making them stay leaders to be honest.
Totally, man. Our leaders claim to be fighting terror by putting more and more armed guards on our streets (martial law, anyone?) and snuffing out our rights, when really they should be regulating the media, forcing them to report only on the bare facts (and in some cases just ignore the terrorist threat altogether).
I'm a bit late to the game and didn't actually read page 2 or 3 (edit: or 4,5,6 hehe), but I have to just mention one thing about the above quote.. Do you really think a government who are pretty much in office only because of their anti terror-efforts would try to tune down the "importance" of the whole thing? They should probably promtoe and even fund the media for making them stay leaders to be honest.
Im pretty sure thats exactly whats happening.
Our major commercial networks are total right wing apologists and the Govt. has a sincere campaign against the public network because it is not.
There is little difference in this are between for example Putin's Russia and Australia except that the Govt. is more subtle about it because it knows the Australian public are largely apathetic, completely politically disconnected and basically stupid.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
How come nearly every topic on these forums are turning into some kind of conspiracy theory? Never before have I met such a bunch of paranoid people that believe that everything is planned up. It's indeed strange.
Anyway I would just like to steal Rattrap's (that was his name, right?) quote he had; "Freedom of choice is what you got, freedom from choice is what you want".
How come nearly every topic on these forums are turning into some kind of conspiracy theory? Never before have I met such a bunch of paranoid people that believe that everything is planned up. It's indeed strange. Anyway I would just like to steal Rattrap's (that was his name, right?) quote he had; "Freedom of choice is what you got, freedom from choice is what you want".
Thats because Aliens control your mind!!
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
If you ever lived in Europe, as I have, you would see the "quality of life" is MUCH higher than the USA.
The standard of living? You have more creature comforts in the USA.
infact if you look at the numbers the most happyest ppl in the world are from the poor nations
Those people who are from the poor nations tend to be happier because they have a connection with God. They are religious and simple people. Many of the problems we have in the developed world are usually self-inflicted. This is the negative effect of a capitalist society which encourages consumerism.
Yeah, Im pretty sure Bin Laden and Zawahiri cant believe how easy it is to get a global message happening with billions of dollars in free advertising to get people watching. They must think we are a pack of prize dicks in this part of the world.
Yeah and if you add to that the fact that my country (UK) helps the USA rub out all of these terrorists worst enemies in the middle east, giving people sympathetic to their cause a chance to take power. Also making the rest nervous that they're next on our shit list, if I was Osama I'd be pissing myself laughing watching the great Satan recruiting for me in the middle east whilst terrorising their own people and scaring the life out of them.
All that Blair ever did was get British soldiers killed and take away our rights because of his ego, and his dream of "A place in history". I was brought up during times that the IRA was killing people, I remember London being bombed when I was growing up there. I later had friends go to Northern Ireland and watch other squaddies get blown to pieces before their eyes. When it finaly ends this f***ing genius Blair decides to go to Afghanistan with that twat Bush and fights the Taliban and about 100 other crazy factions that are trying to convince Muslim kids in the middle east to die for them.
Given the choice I'd rather be blown to pieces by Osama than live my life under some goverment that has national security laws akin to a paranoid Stalinist state!
Blair sending troops to Afghanistan is why it finally ended. The IRA was American sponsored. We've swapped the IRA for Al Quaeda and in my personal opinion this has been a good deal for us. Terrorism in Britain is way down from the bad old days.
I do however agree with your conclusion. I too would rather take my chances with the suicide bombers than I would with my own governments intrusions.
As for me, if I was Osama Bin Laden, I would be living in a cave, wondering if my best friends and everyone I talked to, valued my life more than £10 million. And yes, no doubt they do think we are prize dicks in that part of the world.
If you ever lived in Europe, as I have, you would see the "quality of life" is MUCH higher than the USA.
The standard of living? You have more creature comforts in the USA.
infact if you look at the numbers the most happyest ppl in the world are from the poor nations
Those people who are from the poor nations tend to be happier because they have a connection with God. They are religious and simple people. Many of the problems we have in the developed world are usually self-inflicted. This is the negative effect of a capitalist society which encourages consumerism.
What a load of total tosh. What numbers, someone went around the wole world and asked ecveryone if they are happy did they?
Rich people are happy. They have reason to be happy. They endure less hardships. Their stress levels are lower. They do not lose their children to disease and starvation. The bank is not going to reposse their house. The neighbours are not going to keep them up all night. They aren't worried about getting mugged on the way to the shops or being raped by an invading army. Less things in life are going to piss them off. They are at less risk from tragedy and disaster. When they look at the Ferrari outside their house, they smile wider than the people who look at their Skoda's or those that look out to nothing at all.
Consumerism is good. Every cheap Chinese product you buy out of greed, helps a poor Chinaman escape poverty. In the last ten years consumerism has brought 300 million Chinese people out of poverty. The greed of capitalism has brought a population of the world equivalent to the EU, the U.S. or the entire continent of Africa out of poverty in just ten years. Negative effect of capitalism my arse.
If you ever lived in Europe, as I have, you would see the "quality of life" is MUCH higher than the USA.
The standard of living? You have more creature comforts in the USA.
infact if you look at the numbers the most happyest ppl in the world are from the poor nations
Those people who are from the poor nations tend to be happier because they have a connection with God. They are religious and simple people. Many of the problems we have in the developed world are usually self-inflicted. This is the negative effect of a capitalist society which encourages consumerism.
What a load of total tosh. What numbers, someone went around the wole world and asked ecveryone if they are happy did they?
Rich people are happy. They have reason to be happy. They endure less hardships. Their stress levels are lower. They do not lose their children to disease and starvation. The bank is not going to reposse their house. The neighbours are not going to keep them up all night. They aren't worried about getting mugged on the way to the shops or being raped by an invading army. Less things in life are going to piss them off. They are at less risk from tragedy and disaster. When they look at the Ferrari outside their house, they smile wider than the people who look at their Skoda's or those that look out to nothing at all.
Consumerism is good. Every cheap Chinese product you buy out of greed, helps a poor Chinaman escape poverty. In the last ten years consumerism has brought 300 million Chinese people out of poverty. The greed of capitalism has brought a population of the world equivalent to the EU, the U.S. or the entire continent of Africa out of poverty in just ten years. Negative effect of capitalism my arse.
Actually Rich people are less happy not more happy. They have more stress not less stress. And the richest country in the whole world (the US) also has some of the least happy people.
Currently playing: LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too: Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
I could have swore that our grandfathers generation didn't support the war until Pearl Harbor. I believe that many americans were neither for, nor truelly against what Hitler was doing at the start of the war. You seem under the impression that the magority of the wold actually liked the Jews during that era. No, anit-semitism didn't start during WW2, it was around for quite a lot longer. Most christians and muslims didn't much like the jews then.
Since when does one person represent every person in a country?
We've already gone into Afganistan and Iraq, and it's not doing a thing to the President of Iran, except maybe garner him a little more support from middle eastern Muslims. So how exactly would napalming those two countries solve anything in Iran? And you're right. Iran is, and was, the bigger problem in the middle east then Iraq was. But Iran has an army, and less oil I believe. Bush also coudln't spin as spooky scarey backstory to gather support for invading Iran, Iran also wasn't crippled by a decade of economic sactions.
You really think the US can survive without the world? You do realize that we depend on the world, for most everything right. We aren't the leader in electronics, automobiles, fuel, textiles etc. etc. We're exporting entire workforces and importing most all of our goods; how exactly does that put us into a position of not needing the rest of the world?
I quess we could support ourselves by shopping.
You do realize that we do this so that we can become rich. Our country has about 220 more billionaires then any other country in the world. We have more billionaires then the next 9 countries on the top 10 list combined. If our country changed from one of capitalism to a more socialistic country that wanted to be self reliant, we actually could be. You don't need to be the leader in any of those categories since we can actually produce all of those products. Name one thing that we need that we can not make within our borders. And I don't mean for cheaper I mean that we can not actually produce.
Really!You should now take a close look at how those billionaires made thier billions.
I can name more then one thing. EVERYTHING. You see, those billionaires wouldn't be billionaires if they had to actually PAY people to work. You remember that part about entire workforces being exported? They do that because it's CHEAPER. If it's cheaper then someone will make billions faster.
And since cheap labor is important to production, it stands without reason that the US in its CURRENT state could not support itself through its own labor without completely changing our countries economy, and government.
The problem is that without a strong economy you can't have a strong country. The US still has economic strenght, and a lot of that is in our purchasing power. In order to reatain that purchasing power the people in the US have to make money, and we can't make money if we're all getting paid less. We currently rely to heavely on the the rest of the world to sustain ourselves that it's not possible for us to simply change. It would be akin to what happened to the Soviet Union. Our country would crash.
You know how Cuba and Iraq was crippled by economic santions? Well, if the US just closed itself off from the rest of the world we would be imposing econmic sanctions on ourself. Cuba and Iraq are a good example of what happens to a country when they have no economic relationship with anyone else.
Remember China before they opened themselves up? Another good example of what it's like when you close yourself off from the rest f the world. China is now the fastest developing country in the world, why? Because it's not good to be an isolationist.
Wish Darkfall would release.
Our federal government has become to bloated and no longer serves the purpose it was designed to serve. There are only a few things the federal government should do and the main one is in a time of war they should be in charge of the military to defend our country. Otherwise almost all of the laws should be state based and not federally based. I would even say that federal income tax should be repealed and instead there only be a state income tax.
The constitution is about the people, not the state.And telling people what they can't do with thier bodies is not freedom.
Freedom is choice, and taking away another persons right to choose isn't a very "free" thing to do.
Abortion is more then just kids having sex and adults making mistakes. Rape, and birth complications are important. Most pro life advocates ignore the more complicated aspects of abortion and chose to focus on just one aspect of it in an effort to downplay it's importance.
You do not have the right to tell a woman who was impregnated during the course of rape that she has to give birth to that child. It's not the childs choice, it's the woman who has to have it. Having a brain and a heart doesn't make you a person. A person is able to survive on it's own, not in a symbiotic relationship with another human. Cells are not people either.
Just not a free thing to tell people what to do in thier PERSONAL life when it isn't having any effect on your own. People need to stop worryin what the person up the street is doing, and start being concerned with thier own lives. Wouldn't be so many worthless kids in the world if people did. (That's a stab at parenting by the way)
Wish Darkfall would release.
I could have swore that our grandfathers generation didn't support the war until Pearl Harbor. I believe that many americans were neither for, nor truelly against what Hitler was doing at the start of the war. You seem under the impression that the magority of the wold actually liked the Jews during that era. No, anit-semitism didn't start during WW2, it was around for quite a lot longer. Most christians and muslims didn't much like the jews then.
Since when does one person represent every person in a country?
We've already gone into Afganistan and Iraq, and it's not doing a thing to the President of Iran, except maybe garner him a little more support from middle eastern Muslims. So how exactly would napalming those two countries solve anything in Iran? And you're right. Iran is, and was, the bigger problem in the middle east then Iraq was. But Iran has an army, and less oil I believe. Bush also coudln't spin as spooky scarey backstory to gather support for invading Iran, Iran also wasn't crippled by a decade of economic sactions.
You really think the US can survive without the world? You do realize that we depend on the world, for most everything right. We aren't the leader in electronics, automobiles, fuel, textiles etc. etc. We're exporting entire workforces and importing most all of our goods; how exactly does that put us into a position of not needing the rest of the world?
I quess we could support ourselves by shopping.
You do realize that we do this so that we can become rich. Our country has about 220 more billionaires then any other country in the world. We have more billionaires then the next 9 countries on the top 10 list combined. If our country changed from one of capitalism to a more socialistic country that wanted to be self reliant, we actually could be. You don't need to be the leader in any of those categories since we can actually produce all of those products. Name one thing that we need that we can not make within our borders. And I don't mean for cheaper I mean that we can not actually produce.
Really!You should now take a close look at how those billionaires made thier billions.
I can name more then one thing. EVERYTHING. You see, those billionaires wouldn't be billionaires if they had to actually PAY people to work. You remember that part about entire workforces being exported? They do that because it's CHEAPER. If it's cheaper then someone will make billions faster.
And since cheap labor is important to production, it stands without reason that the US in its CURRENT state could not support itself through its own labor without completely changing our countries economy, and government.
The problem is that without a strong economy you can't have a strong country. The US still has economic strenght, and a lot of that is in our purchasing power. In order to reatain that purchasing power the people in the US have to make money, and we can't make money if we're all getting paid less. We currently rely to heavely on the the rest of the world to sustain ourselves that it's not possible for us to simply change. It would be akin to what happened to the Soviet Union. Our country would crash.
You know how Cuba and Iraq was crippled by economic santions? Well, if the US just closed itself off from the rest of the world we would be imposing econmic sanctions on ourself. Cuba and Iraq are a good example of what happens to a country when they have no economic relationship with anyone else.
Remember China before they opened themselves up? Another good example of what it's like when you close yourself off from the rest f the world. China is now the fastest developing country in the world, why? Because it's not good to be an isolationist.
Secondly China is the fastest developing country in the world because we allow it to happen. No one wants China's economy to collapse because right now the cheap labor makes the rest of us rich. But they are seriously undervalueing their money. It is still well below what the market says it should be at. Also China would lose a ton of it's income if we stopped getting our manufactured goods from there.
So once again I am not saying that we would be better off. I am saying that no other country in the World could do it though. We are pretty much unique in the aspect that we have everything that we actually need to live our lifestyle within our own borders.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
If you ever lived in Europe, as I have, you would see the "quality of life" is MUCH higher than the USA.
The standard of living? You have more creature comforts in the USA.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
I did live in Europe for 3 years. Well Iceland, but technically Europe still.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
I could have swore that our grandfathers generation didn't support the war until Pearl Harbor. I believe that many americans were neither for, nor truelly against what Hitler was doing at the start of the war. You seem under the impression that the magority of the wold actually liked the Jews during that era. No, anit-semitism didn't start during WW2, it was around for quite a lot longer. Most christians and muslims didn't much like the jews then.
Since when does one person represent every person in a country?
We've already gone into Afganistan and Iraq, and it's not doing a thing to the President of Iran, except maybe garner him a little more support from middle eastern Muslims. So how exactly would napalming those two countries solve anything in Iran? And you're right. Iran is, and was, the bigger problem in the middle east then Iraq was. But Iran has an army, and less oil I believe. Bush also coudln't spin as spooky scarey backstory to gather support for invading Iran, Iran also wasn't crippled by a decade of economic sactions.
You really think the US can survive without the world? You do realize that we depend on the world, for most everything right. We aren't the leader in electronics, automobiles, fuel, textiles etc. etc. We're exporting entire workforces and importing most all of our goods; how exactly does that put us into a position of not needing the rest of the world?
I quess we could support ourselves by shopping.
You do realize that we do this so that we can become rich. Our country has about 220 more billionaires then any other country in the world. We have more billionaires then the next 9 countries on the top 10 list combined. If our country changed from one of capitalism to a more socialistic country that wanted to be self reliant, we actually could be. You don't need to be the leader in any of those categories since we can actually produce all of those products. Name one thing that we need that we can not make within our borders. And I don't mean for cheaper I mean that we can not actually produce.
Really!You should now take a close look at how those billionaires made thier billions.
I can name more then one thing. EVERYTHING. You see, those billionaires wouldn't be billionaires if they had to actually PAY people to work. You remember that part about entire workforces being exported? They do that because it's CHEAPER. If it's cheaper then someone will make billions faster.
And since cheap labor is important to production, it stands without reason that the US in its CURRENT state could not support itself through its own labor without completely changing our countries economy, and government.
The problem is that without a strong economy you can't have a strong country. The US still has economic strenght, and a lot of that is in our purchasing power. In order to reatain that purchasing power the people in the US have to make money, and we can't make money if we're all getting paid less. We currently rely to heavely on the the rest of the world to sustain ourselves that it's not possible for us to simply change. It would be akin to what happened to the Soviet Union. Our country would crash.
You know how Cuba and Iraq was crippled by economic santions? Well, if the US just closed itself off from the rest of the world we would be imposing econmic sanctions on ourself. Cuba and Iraq are a good example of what happens to a country when they have no economic relationship with anyone else.
Remember China before they opened themselves up? Another good example of what it's like when you close yourself off from the rest f the world. China is now the fastest developing country in the world, why? Because it's not good to be an isolationist.
The good old "Without the US the world goes to hell" scenario is bullcrap. It's like saying "without wolves the whole ecology goes to hell". That's true. But only for a few thousand years. After that the niche gets filled. Exactly how things happen in global politics. Remove something and it needs to be filled. After a short period of turmoil the fields of tension will be virtually the same in strength, only with different dealers and atractors.
This guy was held in connection with the failed terrorist attacks in UK.
There were serious reasons to thing this "respectable doctor" was connected with other "respectable doctors"who tried to blow car bombs in Britain.
I am sure you will agree that Terrorism is a huge problem, there is a problem in leaving possible suspects free to go wherever they want.
Yup I dont have a problem with aything your saying.This is a mistake no governement can afford to make.
Leaving a suspect free to carry a possible attack which can cause thousands of deaths, is a risk too big to take.
What it will happen if a suspect known to the secret services carries a terroristic attack which kill hundreds?
Can you imagine the deadlines on the papers the day after? : "Secrets services knew the identity of the bomber and didn't stop him"
How idiots we will all look like?
Of course is not nice for any innocent man to be detained for weeks without charge, but quite frankly I would very much prefer 1 person losing "his freedom" for 1 month, than hundreds of people losing their life.
But I will say this.
If they had enough evidence to charge this man they would have done it.
What are they going to find out in a week or two of holding him that they couldnt have found out in a week or two of not holding him ?
All they have done is undermine the public's faith in the presumption of innocence and play into the hands of the terrorists who now know they are onto this guy (if hes guilty) or give them something to use to make more claims about the coruption and power seeking nature of western democracy if he isnt.
Reducing the freedoms of individuals and reducing a legal system that has worked well for over 200 years does not increase security, it simply increases cynicism and support for radical ideas in the minds of those already susceptible.
The way you show terrorists that they wont win is by sticking to your way of life, not ireeperably altering it.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Achiever 73.33%,
Explorer 33.33%,
Killer 33.33%,
Socializer 60.00%
adds up to 199.99% you might want to look into your maths on that lol
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
infact if you look at the numbers the most happyest ppl in the world are from the poor nations
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
It isn't my math it is that test that tells you what type of player that you are.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
The right to pursuit a action is really dependant on what you think is allowable and what your beliefs are. Are we merely custodians of this realm and bound to dictates of a higher force? Perhaps we are free agents with no oversight at all. One thing stands to reason. We have to make a choice how to live. I personally belong to the camp of thought that we are custodial lifeforms. That we are allowed freewill so as to validate our actions. That we also are bound to end results which when we are in conflict to will be justifiably motivated into correct action or removed from the equation. Hehe that all being said I dont think I have the right to enforce my beliefs on ANYONE! If a mother decides to have a abortion it is her life and her interaction with the grand equation. I will perhaps tell her my beliefs but I will not directly interfere. Such is my beliefs. I'm happy
So the Police have decided not to seek another extension of his detention since they have been unable to form a case against him after 12 days without charge.....
Not a good look really.... Just more fuel for radicals to question authority.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I'm a bit late to the game and didn't actually read page 2 or 3 (edit: or 4,5,6 hehe), but I have to just mention one thing about the above quote.. Do you really think a government who are pretty much in office only because of their anti terror-efforts would try to tune down the "importance" of the whole thing? They should probably promtoe and even fund the media for making them stay leaders to be honest.
I'm a bit late to the game and didn't actually read page 2 or 3 (edit: or 4,5,6 hehe), but I have to just mention one thing about the above quote.. Do you really think a government who are pretty much in office only because of their anti terror-efforts would try to tune down the "importance" of the whole thing? They should probably promtoe and even fund the media for making them stay leaders to be honest.
Our major commercial networks are total right wing apologists and the Govt. has a sincere campaign against the public network because it is not.
There is little difference in this are between for example Putin's Russia and Australia except that the Govt. is more subtle about it because it knows the Australian public are largely apathetic, completely politically disconnected and basically stupid.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
How come nearly every topic on these forums are turning into some kind of conspiracy theory? Never before have I met such a bunch of paranoid people that believe that everything is planned up. It's indeed strange.
Anyway I would just like to steal Rattrap's (that was his name, right?) quote he had; "Freedom of choice is what you got, freedom from choice is what you want".
Thats because Aliens control your mind!!
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
infact if you look at the numbers the most happyest ppl in the world are from the poor nations
Those people who are from the poor nations tend to be happier because they have a connection with God. They are religious and simple people. Many of the problems we have in the developed world are usually self-inflicted. This is the negative effect of a capitalist society which encourages consumerism.
Yeah and if you add to that the fact that my country (UK) helps the USA rub out all of these terrorists worst enemies in the middle east, giving people sympathetic to their cause a chance to take power. Also making the rest nervous that they're next on our shit list, if I was Osama I'd be pissing myself laughing watching the great Satan recruiting for me in the middle east whilst terrorising their own people and scaring the life out of them.
All that Blair ever did was get British soldiers killed and take away our rights because of his ego, and his dream of "A place in history". I was brought up during times that the IRA was killing people, I remember London being bombed when I was growing up there. I later had friends go to Northern Ireland and watch other squaddies get blown to pieces before their eyes. When it finaly ends this f***ing genius Blair decides to go to Afghanistan with that twat Bush and fights the Taliban and about 100 other crazy factions that are trying to convince Muslim kids in the middle east to die for them.
Given the choice I'd rather be blown to pieces by Osama than live my life under some goverment that has national security laws akin to a paranoid Stalinist state!
Blair sending troops to Afghanistan is why it finally ended. The IRA was American sponsored. We've swapped the IRA for Al Quaeda and in my personal opinion this has been a good deal for us. Terrorism in Britain is way down from the bad old days.I do however agree with your conclusion. I too would rather take my chances with the suicide bombers than I would with my own governments intrusions.
As for me, if I was Osama Bin Laden, I would be living in a cave, wondering if my best friends and everyone I talked to, valued my life more than £10 million. And yes, no doubt they do think we are prize dicks in that part of the world.
infact if you look at the numbers the most happyest ppl in the world are from the poor nations
What a load of total tosh. What numbers, someone went around the wole world and asked ecveryone if they are happy did they?Those people who are from the poor nations tend to be happier because they have a connection with God. They are religious and simple people. Many of the problems we have in the developed world are usually self-inflicted. This is the negative effect of a capitalist society which encourages consumerism.
Rich people are happy. They have reason to be happy. They endure less hardships. Their stress levels are lower. They do not lose their children to disease and starvation. The bank is not going to reposse their house. The neighbours are not going to keep them up all night. They aren't worried about getting mugged on the way to the shops or being raped by an invading army. Less things in life are going to piss them off. They are at less risk from tragedy and disaster. When they look at the Ferrari outside their house, they smile wider than the people who look at their Skoda's or those that look out to nothing at all.
Consumerism is good. Every cheap Chinese product you buy out of greed, helps a poor Chinaman escape poverty. In the last ten years consumerism has brought 300 million Chinese people out of poverty. The greed of capitalism has brought a population of the world equivalent to the EU, the U.S. or the entire continent of Africa out of poverty in just ten years. Negative effect of capitalism my arse.
infact if you look at the numbers the most happyest ppl in the world are from the poor nations
What a load of total tosh. What numbers, someone went around the wole world and asked ecveryone if they are happy did they?Those people who are from the poor nations tend to be happier because they have a connection with God. They are religious and simple people. Many of the problems we have in the developed world are usually self-inflicted. This is the negative effect of a capitalist society which encourages consumerism.
Rich people are happy. They have reason to be happy. They endure less hardships. Their stress levels are lower. They do not lose their children to disease and starvation. The bank is not going to reposse their house. The neighbours are not going to keep them up all night. They aren't worried about getting mugged on the way to the shops or being raped by an invading army. Less things in life are going to piss them off. They are at less risk from tragedy and disaster. When they look at the Ferrari outside their house, they smile wider than the people who look at their Skoda's or those that look out to nothing at all.
Consumerism is good. Every cheap Chinese product you buy out of greed, helps a poor Chinaman escape poverty. In the last ten years consumerism has brought 300 million Chinese people out of poverty. The greed of capitalism has brought a population of the world equivalent to the EU, the U.S. or the entire continent of Africa out of poverty in just ten years. Negative effect of capitalism my arse.
Actually Rich people are less happy not more happy. They have more stress not less stress. And the richest country in the whole world (the US) also has some of the least happy people.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)