your inexperience in MMOs shows if you think WOWs launch was a bad one. Anyways, last post here for me, say what you will - I am bored with dumb conversations. adios.
I think SOE can do it, lets not forget many of our big named mmorpgs had very bad launchs, EQ2 launch was unholy, WoWs launch was very bad, remember all the bugs, looting bugs, disconnects, and lets not forget for a long time the only raid then was molten core and onyxia. Yes VG may have had a extremely bad launch but its nothing that hasnt happened before. When SOE gets the ball rolling soon almost any computer can play VG, currently i have a very crappy computer and i have a much better FPS now then ever before with VG. with the merging the populations on servers will be better and with their new trial of the isle comming it will only help the game more. Also WoW needed server merges a long time ago itsself, WoW has always had many many low pop servers ghostland servers that they still refuse to merge today due to tooo much pride. Yes SOEs involvement with SWG was a bad one but lets not forget lucas arts had a major role in it too. I think in the end vanguard will end up to be the true successor to pre luclin EQ1 type gameplay and many people will enjoy it over timeand hopefully i will be one of those people.
I see reality hasn't set in yet. Vanguard will NEVER have the vision it once had.
As for SOE, don't count on it. After 3 years with EQ2, they still haven't fixed the system performance with that game, so why the hell should they care about Vanguard when it has less subs?
best thing to do is to ignore all the previous pots you have read about the game, wait for the trial then if you feel like it, simply give it a go.
you will notice that since the recent performance fixes the people that are playing the game are saying the fix is better than what they expected. all the people that hate the game are still going over the same tired reasons to hate the game. i hate brussel sprouts and am exactly the same. you can dress them up as something else but i wont even try them, i hate them and could not even bring myself to trying them again. even if they tasted of donner kebabs!
i can't agree with the people that say the game has no game play and a boring world with no content. the game is just not one that will reward you for nothing. but if you delve then you get the rewards. maybe this game i just looking for a different type of player.
bottom line. if you feel like giving it another go. then go ahead. if you hate the game! then why even bother posting on a vanguard page?
I hate to say this, but I want to be honest to this community.
I think EQ 2 is the best fantasy game out there. Character Customization. Raiding (non-zerging). Content. Sounds. I like Vanguard's class system a lot better. But EQ 2, I just got off a few minutes ago on Antonin Bayle server, is not only more stable but more fun.
It is going to be a very long time before Vanguard has the features of an EQ 2.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
i do admit i played eq2 for 18 months and my son still plays it now. and i can't understand why that games gets stick. i soloed my ranger to max level on AB and had a lot of fun. i had zero performance issues and had great fun with the quests and content. i even enjoyed the pvp.
all in all eq2 may not be to everyones tasts but is another nicely polished game.
The main difference between WoW's "bad" launch and Vangaurds bad launch was that WoW's problems where purely its popularity and the stress it put on the servers, while Vanguards problems where its fundamental game design had nothing to do with popularity or overcrowded servers at all.
I play on Antonia Bayle. I love EQ 2. I consider it a hidden gem.
The content is very fun. You can solo. Best sound in any game I have played yet (including SWG, imho). Great voices. Graphics are good but not as good as Vanguard's, imho. Very stable game. Positive community, but servers like Antonia Bayle have been growing very strongly and getting a lot of the WoW teens with their attitudes. It is NOTHING at all like WoW.
Vanguard wont die and it will develop into a decent game.. but sadly i dont think it will even compare to the upcoming games like AOC and WAR.. i could be wrong and im gonig to contimue playing VG as i am gonig to get pirates and them update to a station pass... but I dont think many people will come back or even touch it because of the reputation, the only reason i got it was because it cost me £5 no way would I have paid the full price for it..
I am not saying its a bad game.. it good fun to play... most peopel that have played EQ2 will realise how similar the games are.
If you're absolutely tired of WoW, EQ2 is probably the next best thing, then lotro, then vanguard.
As much as I dislike WoW --I am the guy who created the post "WOW is the ANTI-CHRIST" and believe it-- LotR is worse. It is even more forced, more linear, more mindless, and more predictable.
EQ 2 is better than all of them. EQ 2 is probably my favorite fantasy game I ever played, second only to EQ 1 Pre-PoP. BUT - I think that is mostly because EQ 1 was my first MMO, really.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Unfortunately, I think the arrival of WAR will spell the ultimate defeat of Vanguard. As I understand it, pretty much everyone interested in the MMO genre is looking forward to giving WAR a go, even the remaining people on VG. When it's own, VG's already low player numbers will drop.
Originally posted by truenorthbg WoW had an awful launch. I REMEMBER vividly.
I was a Guild Officer, old EQ 1 guild and others formed a guild, and our server went down. It went down after the lag was just terrible.
We had to decide whether or not to transfer servers to begin playing. We decided not to transfer servers, which was the wise decisions (although I voted to transfer) because the server we were to transfer to remained down for several days longer.
WoW only had problems because the launch was TOO successful. Blizzard couldn't even anticipate the number of people that would buy the game during the first week, and they had not prepared the servers to cope. The difference was that great between dedicated people who stress tested and people who just knew the IP from the RTS series and bought the game. It was a great launch. IT was far and away better than even the company could have predicted. I imagine most companies wish for similar problems with their launches.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
Holy crap u guys will u plezz give Vanguard a chance???? give them time just cuz they released the game wayyyyy to early ur condeming them ? this game has more features than any other game that has come out in a long while give the developers a chance!! (it is wrong to release a game be for its ready but shit happens) once they get thing in order this game will ROCK!!!!!!!
5 years, a beta that was a year and a half long, 30 million dollar budget, and Microsoft behind them.
This game was not rushed, the dev team failed to design within parameters, including within budget and timeline. I have a feeling if they had another 30 million bucks and another 5 years, it still would have been a mess.
They should have focused on the core game design instead of getting carried away with graphics.
I beta tested EQ2 and didn't like it a bit. After they made the huge changes in the game, however, I thought I would give it another try. I really enjoyed myself and played it for quite some time, even buying the expansions and adventure packs. I also beta tested Vanguard and liked even less than I initially liked EQ2. It really put me off. Maybe they can fix it up like they did with EQ2. Unfortunately, I think I'm kind of weary of that sort of MMO and probably won't bother with it. I'm hoping WAR or AoC or something in works now will be different enough to keep me motivated.
I beta tested EQ2 and didn't like it a bit. After they made the huge changes in the game, however, I thought I would give it another try. I really enjoyed myself and played it for quite some time, even buying the expansions and adventure packs. I also beta tested Vanguard and liked even less than I initially liked EQ2. It really put me off. Maybe they can fix it up like they did with EQ2. Unfortunately, I think I'm kind of weary of that sort of MMO and probably won't bother with it. I'm hoping WAR or AoC or something in works now will be different enough to keep me motivated.
Don't kid yourself, EQ2 is still an ugly drag queen. Maybe with a little more makeup on her is all, but don't be fooled.
Well, since I played it for about six months or so and had a good time, I guess I already fooled myself. I wonder if I can fool myself into liking broccoli?
Am I the only person here that is not looking forward to WAR or AoC?
I have very mixed feelings.
I will not buy either until several months after their releases. I might pick up AoC for the Xbox 360, though. I am so overbooked on MMORPGs already, though. I really enjoy EQ 2, and I am about to log in soon.
Well i got up to lvl 50 on vanguard but quit about 2-3 months ago. It really was a decent game besides the endless bugs and even a decent computer ran horribly slow. Most of my guildies had purchased upgrades for their computer or even new high end computers and claimed they still had lag. Even though i hear its getting a lot better vanguard lost me forever
haha Yeah u proably are, AOC and WAR are next big time serious MMOs, if they both suck... i give up lol. I got faith in Mythic either way.
I dont have faith in anyone now that developers and publishers have saw how much money WoW is making.
WoW is great for what it is, but its just not the type of game I want to play.
Guess I'm going to have to put my faith in the indie developers out there who dont aim to have 7 or even 6 figure sub numbers to create a true next gen mmo.
Well i got up to lvl 50 on vanguard but quit about 2-3 months ago. It really was a decent game besides the endless bugs and even a decent computer ran horribly slow. Most of my guildies had purchased upgrades for their computer or even new high end computers and claimed they still had lag. Even though i hear its getting a lot better vanguard lost me forever
My PC is showing its age.
Northwood 3.0G P4, 2Gig DDR1, x850xt.
I've been playing VG for 4 days and have yet to CDT. Running @ 1680 on balanced...performance isnt that bad, but still could use some work.
Just an FYI, not trying to talk you into sub'n again... More than likely I'll start spending more and more of my time in EQ2 on Nagafen to get my pvp fix.
hehe, my wife and i played pretty hard (up to about level 43) then we had to quite for a few weeks becasue we were renovating the office. I log back on and 2 crashed and laged later i said ok i;m done
The disappointment still runs deep, I'm not sure I'd play Vanguard again. SOE would have to over-haul this game completely before I'd consider it, but then if they over-hauled it, it would just be another washed down version of what could have been.
The Old Timers Guild Laid back, not so serious, no drama. All about the fun! An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett
your inexperience in MMOs shows if you think WOWs launch was a bad one. Anyways, last post here for me, say what you will - I am bored with dumb conversations. adios.
I see reality hasn't set in yet. Vanguard will NEVER have the vision it once had.
As for SOE, don't count on it. After 3 years with EQ2, they still haven't fixed the system performance with that game, so why the hell should they care about Vanguard when it has less subs?
best thing to do is to ignore all the previous pots you have read about the game, wait for the trial then if you feel like it, simply give it a go.
you will notice that since the recent performance fixes the people that are playing the game are saying the fix is better than what they expected. all the people that hate the game are still going over the same tired reasons to hate the game. i hate brussel sprouts and am exactly the same. you can dress them up as something else but i wont even try them, i hate them and could not even bring myself to trying them again. even if they tasted of donner kebabs!
i can't agree with the people that say the game has no game play and a boring world with no content. the game is just not one that will reward you for nothing. but if you delve then you get the rewards. maybe this game i just looking for a different type of player.
bottom line. if you feel like giving it another go. then go ahead. if you hate the game! then why even bother posting on a vanguard page?
I hate to say this, but I want to be honest to this community.
I think EQ 2 is the best fantasy game out there. Character Customization. Raiding (non-zerging). Content. Sounds. I like Vanguard's class system a lot better. But EQ 2, I just got off a few minutes ago on Antonin Bayle server, is not only more stable but more fun.
It is going to be a very long time before Vanguard has the features of an EQ 2.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
i do admit i played eq2 for 18 months and my son still plays it now. and i can't understand why that games gets stick. i soloed my ranger to max level on AB and had a lot of fun. i had zero performance issues and had great fun with the quests and content. i even enjoyed the pvp.
all in all eq2 may not be to everyones tasts but is another nicely polished game.
The main difference between WoW's "bad" launch and Vangaurds bad launch was that WoW's problems where purely its popularity and the stress it put on the servers, while Vanguards problems where its fundamental game design had nothing to do with popularity or overcrowded servers at all.
I play on Antonia Bayle. I love EQ 2. I consider it a hidden gem.
The content is very fun. You can solo. Best sound in any game I have played yet (including SWG, imho). Great voices. Graphics are good but not as good as Vanguard's, imho. Very stable game. Positive community, but servers like Antonia Bayle have been growing very strongly and getting a lot of the WoW teens with their attitudes. It is NOTHING at all like WoW.
NEW PLAYER First Impressions:
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Vanguard wont die and it will develop into a decent game.. but sadly i dont think it will even compare to the upcoming games like AOC and WAR.. i could be wrong and im gonig to contimue playing VG as i am gonig to get pirates and them update to a station pass... but I dont think many people will come back or even touch it because of the reputation, the only reason i got it was because it cost me £5 no way would I have paid the full price for it..
I am not saying its a bad game.. it good fun to play... most peopel that have played EQ2 will realise how similar the games are.
If you're absolutely tired of WoW, EQ2 is probably the next best thing, then lotro, then vanguard.
EQ 2 is better than all of them. EQ 2 is probably my favorite fantasy game I ever played, second only to EQ 1 Pre-PoP. BUT - I think that is mostly because EQ 1 was my first MMO, really.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Unfortunately, I think the arrival of WAR will spell the ultimate defeat of Vanguard. As I understand it, pretty much everyone interested in the MMO genre is looking forward to giving WAR a go, even the remaining people on VG. When it's own, VG's already low player numbers will drop.
WoW only had problems because the launch was TOO successful. Blizzard couldn't even anticipate the number of people that would buy the game during the first week, and they had not prepared the servers to cope. The difference was that great between dedicated people who stress tested and people who just knew the IP from the RTS series and bought the game. It was a great launch. IT was far and away better than even the company could have predicted. I imagine most companies wish for similar problems with their launches.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
This game was not rushed, the dev team failed to design within parameters, including within budget and timeline. I have a feeling if they had another 30 million bucks and another 5 years, it still would have been a mess.
They should have focused on the core game design instead of getting carried away with graphics.
I beta tested EQ2 and didn't like it a bit. After they made the huge changes in the game, however, I thought I would give it another try. I really enjoyed myself and played it for quite some time, even buying the expansions and adventure packs. I also beta tested Vanguard and liked even less than I initially liked EQ2. It really put me off. Maybe they can fix it up like they did with EQ2. Unfortunately, I think I'm kind of weary of that sort of MMO and probably won't bother with it. I'm hoping WAR or AoC or something in works now will be different enough to keep me motivated.
Don't kid yourself, EQ2 is still an ugly drag queen. Maybe with a little more makeup on her is all, but don't be fooled.
Well, since I played it for about six months or so and had a good time, I guess I already fooled myself. I wonder if I can fool myself into liking broccoli?
Am I the only person here that is not looking forward to WAR or AoC?
I will not buy either until several months after their releases. I might pick up AoC for the Xbox 360, though. I am so overbooked on MMORPGs already, though. I really enjoy EQ 2, and I am about to log in soon.
I just got all my work done. WOOOOOOOHOOOO!
Boycott EA Games. RIP Sim City.
haha Yeah u proably are, AOC and WAR are next big time serious MMOs, if they both suck... i give up lol. I got faith in Mythic either way.
Taught no quitting, and no Retreat
Well i got up to lvl 50 on vanguard but quit about 2-3 months ago. It really was a decent game besides the endless bugs and even a decent computer ran horribly slow. Most of my guildies had purchased upgrades for their computer or even new high end computers and claimed they still had lag. Even though i hear its getting a lot better vanguard lost me forever
I dont have faith in anyone now that developers and publishers have saw how much money WoW is making.
WoW is great for what it is, but its just not the type of game I want to play.
Guess I'm going to have to put my faith in the indie developers out there who dont aim to have 7 or even 6 figure sub numbers to create a true next gen mmo.
My PC is showing its age.
Northwood 3.0G P4, 2Gig DDR1, x850xt.
I've been playing VG for 4 days and have yet to CDT. Running @ 1680 on balanced...performance isnt that bad, but still could use some work.
Just an FYI, not trying to talk you into sub'n again... More than likely I'll start spending more and more of my time in EQ2 on Nagafen to get my pvp fix.
Ill play it when and if its ready. When its a bit more polished and the bugs are sorted out then ill consider it.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
hehe, my wife and i played pretty hard (up to about level 43) then we had to quite for a few weeks becasue we were renovating the office. I log back on and 2 crashed and laged later i said ok i;m done
The disappointment still runs deep, I'm not sure I'd play Vanguard again. SOE would have to over-haul this game completely before I'd consider it, but then if they over-hauled it, it would just be another washed down version of what could have been.
The Old Timers Guild
Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!
An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett