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This game is SHIT. It's SHIT. I'd seriously rather go play The Sims Online. There is nothing new to this game, nothing exciting, and everything you think it is, is fake until you really look into it. It's fuckin' Shadowbane 2007 that's what it is. Guild towns & battle keeps are zoned. I thought that it'd be like UO's player housing or SWG but nope it's like Shadowbane. All the regions are zoned too. LOTS OF LOADING PEOPLE. Not having a state of the art computer is bad enough for this game.. if you don't then you're fucked and have fun spending thousands just to play the game with full graphics. There isn't going to be any huge siege battles, you don't get anything from sieges you get things from PvPing.. it's going to be just like WoW. People running around solo killing eachother like idiots for hours. No epic wars. There's no REAL reward for it. You'll get better items faster if you just go get as many kills as you can alone.
In not a single video that i've watched of AoC and believe me I've seen a lot.. in not a single video have I seen the player jump. You can't jump! What the fuck is this silkroad online? Wait no Silkroad online is better than this.
Let the flaming begin..
you can't jump? what?
why did you start this thread again?
Because I'm sick of hearing all this "i can't wait for age of conan" shit and I want to get it out there.
You dont have to have a uber PC.. you can just buy a xbox 360.
Why would I go spend $300 for an Xbox + buy this game just to play a poor attempt at making a Diablo MMO
Am just saying that the plebs can still enjoy this MMO with out having to spend cash on a new PC.
and then shortly figure out it's a piece of shit and will go back to Shadowbane.
Another kid mad at the mature rating.
How dare you judge something that isnt out on store shelves yet. For shame!
But seriously, why did you make this post? let the people who are excited about the game be excited. We've obviously seen something in this game that you havn't yet.
U also havent seen any female player characters.. does that mean theres no females?? of course not.. it only means this..
lol, you do know what beta means right? theres still A LOT they havent revealed which im actually very glad about.. weve watched the same people hacking and slashing for a reason.. cause who would want to play if you saw everything..
Also, in shadowbane it was not regional.. it was free ranged player built cities within reason (you cant build right next to the damn main cities).. and i dont see a problem with regional spacing anyways..
in conclusion your non-research babbling is unproven, uninteresting, and unintelligent. You are probably bored and wanted to see if you could start a page 2+ forum ring.
good day
It's funny how this guy thinks AoC is crappy before it's even out. Probable mad, like what the previous post said, the rating. LoL.
I can't seem but to smile at this kid's idiotic replies on how this game is crappy and whatnot. Makes me have a tingle inside my mingle. Tee hee.
If you think this game is crap, why don't you make a better game. WAIT! Your too poor and you don't have any creative ideas and or anything idea on how to mass market a game and make it appealing to people. Your little judgement on this game has no affect on the lore and fanbase people here. How about you GTFO and go back to your WoW life? Yeha! that sounds great.
AoC is not guaranteed the best game WTFPWNZORLOLOLOL game ever, but it will satify our thirsts for blood, violence, and a MMO nonetheless.
Your idiotic posts only makes you embarass yourself more by showing how much your mentality and stupidty level is: low.
Quite sad that you would make a post without putting in a lot of evidence into your trash talk.
Have you ever heard of fast zones? Yeah, that's a great IDEA. Maybe you haven't heard of this, due to your simple-minded self, but AoC introduces a new and fresh control play, and mixes in some fun into it. Unlike other mmos, click click, point, dead. you interact. Most of the people here already have a good computer, if not, a xbox360. Yet again, your ignorance on how AoC is being launched makes me laugh. The people with xbox360 will have no trouble playing AoC, same with the people with computers.
I highly doubt AoC will be another "WoW" pvp. WoW pvp lacked teamwork and the purpose of pvping, AoC will have a purpose to the game, afterall, AoC is all about battles, killing, and blood.
Maybe you should write a more professional and open-minded post before your ass speaks for your retarded-self. Then people will say, "Hmmm he has a point there, but I disagree here, but that's true there."
i think someone didnt get to eat any cookies and milk today.. seriously who are u to judge if its going to be bad or not. YOU as a GAMER have no idea what its going to be like ITS IN BETA!! not even out yet give it up and go get a oreo and some milk and be happy. lil kids should stay in their backyard and not even be on a computer.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Personally, i'd rather that player housing had it's own zone. Remember a game called Ultima Online? Wasn't it just totally craptastic how you would be exploring a vast forest, lush jungle, or desolate mountain only to find Mr. Rogers neighborhood planted right smack dab in the middle of it? The more time went on, the more space was taken and before long every available spot had a house on it. No thanks. I don't want another Urban Online game. Save the trees! Keep housing limited to designated areas!
I seriously don't find anything good in just looking at a list of guild zones and clicking one of them and bam you're instantly there by their base.
Come on folks. This is just another troll. Just ignore this thread and let it die out. That is the best way to treat this. Just stop everyone and let this thread die quickly. If anything do so knowing the best way to piss off a troll is to ignore it and not care what they say back to you.
Yes, this game that you have never played is really shitty.
You have a valid point, the 1 minute video that you saw had to have shown you everything that the game offers. Its a minute long, what could be missing?
It is tragic that they didnt show anyone jumping. We all know that as developers go getting a video with jump in it is way up on the list.
I think i may smell a Warhammer fan (Not that that is bad).
Now cry more please.
I'll bet I looked into this game more than ANY of you. I used to be very hyped about AoC until I actually researched about it and found out the truth. This game may have its good moments for its first month. But after that everyone will quit because it's just good graphics. Nothing much more.
Actually if you knew anything about this game, the game isn't a zone-fest. Yes there is zoning...but the zones are huge. There is jumping, I've seen it in a couple game-play videos, I also recall an interview where they did say there was jumping, a while back.
As far as the player owned towns, and homes...How would you know they are all instanced? And if they were...why would it even matter?
You know what happens when you assume, right?
I've seen every video up to the date, and read every article and info about the game. There is no jumping!!!
It would matter if player towns are instanced because it isn't a playermade world then and if the battle keeps are instanced they don't have a location on the map. You can't make them your main enemy by building your keep closer to them, you can't camp their resources until they eventually go broke. etc etc.
So.....what other MMO is planning to play this winter, WoW?
pretty sure i watched a video where they jump maybe u should do some more research
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
now you're just making shit up and you don't know what you're talking about.
There *is* jumping. Trust me. lol, there are also alot of unofficial game-play videos out.
Where does it officialy say that they are instanced? (The towns and homes.)