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Everyone should know by now that an 'M' rating will only stop kids who have amazingly strict parents from getting this game.
Anyone who says otherwise is a fool, and should come to the realization that ratings mean jack-s***.
He said to me, "On your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that going for me, which is nice.
And that is a large ammount of people, so it is changing who will be playing the game but not what is in the game. The only way it would change things isif they wanted a "T" then they would ruin the game and take everything out.
Ratings mean parents cannot, no matter how much they complain and whine otherwise, abdicate personal responsibility in exposing their children to these games. If they think it's OK to buy an M-rated game for their kid, then it's really not my place or problem to tell them how to raise their offspring. However, it does keep me safe from them bitching about it later when they get in a hissy fit over what goes into the M games being produced.
In short, an M-rating is a CYA branding in an exceedingly litigation-happy US consumer market.
"Dad, can you buy me this game while you're out? It looks really cool."
"Sure, kiddo."
He said to me, "On your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that going for me, which is nice.
That's usually how it ends up. I'm not trying to offend but most people still think they're living in the early 90s where parent's actually DID care about the rating system and games like Night Trap or Doom were getting sued up the ass because of it. Nowadays I see kids who are in 5th or 4th grade talking non-stop about Halo or Grand Theft Auto. It just seems that most parent's don't care anymore.
Yeah kid's are going to get the game one way or another, but this is probably the first mmo that is actually rated M for a reason. Naked upper half ladies and if you saw that last E3 video of an ingame demo one of the monsters had his junk hanging out about the size of the players head. The junk in my opinion they could leave out haha.
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The easiest answer?
Because it will. It will indeed change things... but not on the scale ANYWHERE near what all of these folks are expecting. There will be a few less kids and adults alike who will now be steered clear of the game because of its "M" rating and intense blood and gore. However, the vast majority will still find ways to get into the game.
Everquest - 2000 - '02
Anarchy Online - '01-'02
Earth and Beyond - '02-'04
Star Wars Galaxies - '03-'06('07)
World of Warcraft - '04-'07
Age of Conan - '08 - shelved.
-Waiting on-
Star Trek Online
SW: The Old Republic
Even if the 'M' rating prevented every kid from ever playing, what is there to stop the adult kid from playing who can be equally if not more annoying than an immature kid?
Okie, I will never understand American system, either there law system or the ESRB. Co´mon. Most mmo´s get a Teen rarting which is around 13 and Mature about 17. Thats only four years. To be honest four year dont matter a lot to me. I they really want to make it more concerning they should have been going for the Adults only rating.
I say screw the whole requirement for an ID. If the game has an "M" label on it.. which if you didn't already know.. stands for "Mature" i think you should be required to show proof of maturity. See a local psychiatrist and undergo a short psycho-analysis and let the psychologist determine your maturity level. If its above the point where you can act civil in a virtual world where no one can see your face and physical punishment for misbehavior is out the door.. you can have the game. In addition, CSRs/Moderators should be more strict. Scream down to someone and spew obscenities.. Bannishment. Go scream at the wall kid.
but... thats just me.
Everquest - 2000 - '02
Anarchy Online - '01-'02
Earth and Beyond - '02-'04
Star Wars Galaxies - '03-'06('07)
World of Warcraft - '04-'07
Age of Conan - '08 - shelved.
-Waiting on-
Star Trek Online
SW: The Old Republic
If 12 year olds are getting and playing gears of war than yea i'm sure they will also get a game where you can strip naked and lose limbs.
Why are sex and violence always linked? I'm afraid they'll blur together in people's minds - sexandviolence
Hey people wanted realism and you got it :P.
yes if they got credit cards
Always do the right thing
I'm only 17 now, and I can remember when I was about 5 I played Doom. In all honesty I can see why parents and what not would be up-in-arms about that but dude... I'm prefectly fine. You don't see me running around killing people with the Doom Chainsaw or anything. But, when I become a father it wont be like this, your what 8 and want to play GTA? Hell no!
I do agree with the point of "M" wont change anything, becuase it wont. Yes I also will say it could hinder a fair number of under age players (not like 16-17, more in 14 and under).
I don't care what player base AoC will have because I wont be playing it.
Edit: to balle68 - I don't have a CC, or even a bank card for that matter and my parent's pay for my MMO's via their bank (my money is in there, I haven't set up an account yet lol).
M means boobs ..blood..gore ..virtual alcohol ...all those wonnahave kids goodies
i think "M" rating is smart marketing thing^^
To tell you the truth the M rating and the ppl playing the games saying how kool it is to cut off someone head's or arms will only make kids want to get it more.
FFxi Retired
Coh/Cov Retired
Guild Wars/Retired
VSOH/ retired
AOC/retired that was fast
Waiting 4 DCUO ,and FFXIV
As a father of two, I can say some of us still care. My 11 year old daughter only watches videos and games that I pick out, ( no broadcast tv at all, it's mostly trash save the educational and history stuff) no mtv none of that junk. I only play violent games after 8 when the kids are in bed. I'm looking forward to this game, but know that it's going on the "after 8" pile.
Srsly...what 15 year old boy, that ones a console, does not own at least one "M" Rated game?
AoC WILL NOT have a player base any more mature than any other game.
People keep forgetting that the game mechanics will make some younger players turn away also. Kids/teens who are used to wow, and then coe here and have to actually make combos, and time them, without an auto attack button, might just get frustrated and stop playing. Remember that this game isnt going to be a button mashing fest, and what you press matters heavily, so that should turn away a few people.
Any kid that grew up with a console system and few games will own other MMO players who have not had to do combos and such.
Here's what I do know, North American society seems to permit most children to witness/partake in violence in video games, they do not however let their children witness nudity so easily.
While eliminating pre-adults to play the game may help some in the maturity respect, I think I would be blind to say that it is only the young that can act like idiots. So it will only help so far, who knows, it might create more of a smugness which would be even more annoying than some kid spamming crap.
So, if Little Billy buys the game, somehow finds a way to switch the credit card account on WoW to AOC, at least I know that he'll be looking over his shoulder a few times when some game-sprite lays out what god gave her.
In the end, who knows what the rating will actually do, its just interesting at this point.
First off, I do understand that some adults are worse than the kids themselves, but in my and many others experience, the immaturity usually comes from the kids.
Now I have no idea if the M rating will change anything, but I am saddened by the pessimism shared by the OP and his supporters. While I have met the parents that would let their kids play a game like this, the majority of parents I meet wouldn't let their kids play it. So there would be a deflux of kids in AoC compared to WoW and with a mature community, the immature kids won't stay immature for long.
I will use DAoC pre-WoW as an example. The community was really mature and helpful and people loved grouping. People that tried to be immature or a asshat would quickly be shamed by the majority of the community in ear shot and the culprit would shut up. In WoW, it is the other way around. A mature person corrects someone and he is immediately shouted down for even bothering.
There will be less kids playing AoC because of the M rating than if it had only a T rating. But the overall feel of the communities maturity level will depend on the effort expended by the mature folks to keep the community a mature environment.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR
Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
Any kid that grew up with a console system and few games will own other MMO players who have not had to do combos and such.
Dont forget that to a lot of kids, wow was their first mmo, and migt have a shock form the change of combat. People WILL be turned away, heck some people already stopped following aoc cause of what they saw so far.
I don't worry much about the game being played by people below 18, I'm more worried that the M rating and dark nature of the game will make it seem ok for people to behave like assholes.