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Is there such thing? I want to play a mmorpg where I can go around and kill anyone I please and take all their loot.
I was thinking of going back to asherons call darktide but not sure.
Good luck.
Darktide is an option, but you would need to get into a good guild so they can power level your character up to max. Pretty much everyone's character is maxed out on DT so you'll have alot of work to do.
Either than that...uhh...Runescape? I mean, dont laugh (lol) but hey they do have full loot....
yeah everything has been screwed up by an expansion or something.
closest thing I found was Starport. cause you can rob someone blind its hella funny. there is no logging out. your avatar is 'always' online lol. there have been timnes ive taken a chance, logged out in my not so well defended planets, and have come back to find it all razed to the ground and my ship raped lol.
yeah I love it. no safe zones. you can park at a space station and maybe to have a safe log but the taxes are pretty hardcore.
its 2D though.
btw have you tried EVE? I'm enjoying that one right now. havent made it over to 0.0 yet but hope to get there sooon after i learn the mechanics. so far really think its top notch. shares a lot in common wth Starport plus you can own structures out in space.
not to mention the Titans that once get killed they always leave a gravesite. it has a lot of interesating features many dont know bout.
There used to be some looting in Lineage 2 like that but they changed it to you can only get loot from players that are red (murder status) and have more than 5 pks. You can still pk people anywhere but there are consequences.
Currently Playing:
As far as free PvP and full loot goes, EVE is the only game out there now that I know about. I'm playing again and having a great time, I just wish I would have kept up my skill training during my hiatus.
I support EVE in this case too,
it Really caters for the Piwate luvvah
Just speed down to 0.0 and start kicking hiney
Played so far: 9Dragons, AO, AC, AC2, CoX, DAoC, DF, DnL, DR, DDO, Ent, EvE, EQ, EQ2, FoMK, FFO, Fury, GW, HG:L, HZ, L1, L2, M59, MU, NC1, NC2, PS, PT, R:O, RF:O, RYL, Ryzom, SL, SB, SW:G, TR, TCoS, MX:O, UO, VG, WAR, WoW...
It all sucked.
If you prefer the sword over the spaceship, Roma Victor has FFA PvP on 99% of the map, but with consequences. However, the biggest dissapointment is it's not full loot, you can only get one item per kill. Secondly, they still need to improve combat lag. But, even so, it's the most life-like combat out there.
I am also looking for a FFA pvp full loot game and was also thinking about going back to AC lately
Shadowbane is lousy but free and 1000 times better then roma victor which is not even free for some weird reason.
Other than a child, what kind of person declares that something is "1000 times better?"
Answer that question and it should put hercules' posts in perspective.
If you really wanna roll the clock back OP, Meridian 59 is still alive.
I've heard that saying all my life from different people. So a lot other than a child.
EvE is by far the best game in this category at the moment. Although some people doesn't like the whole "i'm a starship" thing, there really are no any other games out there worth playing imho.
Incomplete answer.
Incomplete answer.
Leave it alone. It doesnt matter
I see a deleted post in this thread... did someone suggest the free hybrid UO shards? The ones that doesn't like us to talk about?
Use google my friend.
Well you also have shadowbane, last time I played it was FFA, and almost full loot. Only the equipped items couldn't get looted all else could be taken.
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
Honestly, shadowbane has crap graphics, still has a lot of lag issues..but for FFA its probably the coolest for the fantasy genre I'd say..especially since its F2P. The sieges are fun, you can PK almost anywhere with full inventory loot, can't loot equipped items.
They added mines for resources for the cities, so there are fights over those every day, all in all pretty fun, not much of a level grind cause its all about teh pvp.
"Looking for a good FFA PVP game with full looting. "
Ok.. That’s such an Oxymoron that it actually made me LOL.
And I want a Great Job that requires no actual work but pays me an Ungodly Wage.
As to the answer to your question, look up the word Oxymoron.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
"Looking for a good FFA PVP game with full looting. "
Ok.. That’s such an Oxymoron that it actually made me LOL.
And I want a Great Job that requires no actual work but pays me an Ungodly Wage.
As to the answer to your question, look up the word Oxymoron.
Actually, there is no oxymoron at all in that sentence. What PVPKing basically said is this:
"Looking for a good free-for-all player vs player game with full looting."
Now tell me Mr. English teacher, why is that a oxymoron at all?
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
Ultima Online in 1998 ftw
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
And Darkfall is looking better and better every day, isn't it? (if it's ever released)
- Phos
AAH! A troll fire! Quick, pour some Kool-Aid on it!!!
And Darkfall is looking better and better every day, isn't it? (if it's ever released)
- Phos
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde