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Hello everyone. Due to people creating duplicate accounts and abusing our "hype" system for games we have made a few changes to the system and purged out data to help normalize things a bit. Right away you will likely notice that most games lost a couple is what we did:
1) We deleted all hypes from users that only logged into MMORPG.COM 1 time and hyped a game for "1" or "10" - this resulted in ~1250 hypes getting the axe and leaving about 8000 still alive. Not too bad really...
2) Users must now have a 5/100 rank to hype a game. As anyone who has been here more than a few days knows - this rank is incredibly easy to get. If you just logged in a couple times or posted 1-2 posts you would get this rank. But note that ranks are only generated once per day - so a new user will always have to wait a day to rate or hype a game.
3) Users can only hype 2 games in a 24 hour period. This should drastically cut back on the "vote for my favorite game with a 10 and vote all others a 1" problem.
We believe this will help out a lot. As many of you know we implemented this exact same system on the ratings for released games and it helped out a LOT. What we basically require is a little bit of effort on the part of the user. Enough to not be too bothersome but also enough to discourage the abuser that wants to create 10 accounts to tamper with the ratings. With these new rules someone would have to have a LOT of patience to pull this off.
As always - I welcome your comments and feedback...good or bad
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- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
I made a thread here >>
Not realising that their was this thread, if needed merger my post into this one.
Anyway, I belive purging the ratings is a bad idea. Insted of changing the ratings why not delete all of the hype ratings? This would make sure that everyone whos ever voted has followed the rules youve set down, not only that but as I said in that other thread you should limit the number of hype ratings you can give as currently theirs still nothing stopping people voting 10 for their game and 1 for all of the others.
Look at the legend of mir 3 section, people have acctually voted saying just because people are voting 10 ill vote a 1, this is blatent abuse of your system and some strict measures need to be made to stop this from happening.
What you have actually done is punish a few passionate gamers who did nothing more than "hype" the game they have been looking forward to for a long time...
But worse than that, you've pretty much specifically punished the 100 Mir 3 fans who did nothing more than show a little passion, because your hype system was flawed!!!
I am seriously dissapointed in the apporach for this and think it has been dealt with completely unprofessionally.
check the link for my comment too
i agree with sacred, this action of semi purging is biased and still open to abuse.
i suggest:
1.ALL ratings be deleted and not just recent ones. BE FAIR TO ALL.
2.Have the idea of requiring an increasing amount of points to vote again eg 5 points to vote 1st time , 12points to vote a 2nd time etc
3. ppl only allowed to vote for one game in say a week and not 2 games in 24hrs.As ppl can still vote 10 for one game and 1 for higher ranking game in same period.
The idea of needing points each time u vote and even then not being able to vote on more than one game at same time will help alot.
Agreed, I dont see how a game with a hype of around 8 - 7.5 can suddenly go to 6.6, even with the odd few false votes. Personally i'm disgusted at the way this has been done and would prefer if all games were wiped and their hype to start again, theirs no down side to doing thie either as it still allows everyone the equal chance to vote again, the difference is this time they will have to follow strict rules as to how many times they can vote.
The way the current system is would suggest that if im 10/10 hyped about a game that I would then vote 1/1 for every other game as i'm not hyped about them? I would see this as highly unfair and would never consider doing it as I would see it as unethical.
Me and the rest of the Legend of Mir 3 community really feel let down by your desision to do this, as Det said were nothing more than a group of gamers who are highly in anticipation for this game. I dont belive Det's choice to post a thread informing people about this website has tainted the results in any way, for a fact their are well over 300 registered members who have registered for nothing more than LoM3 yet all 300 did not make accounts and come and vote.
If I were QGO I would seriously doubt the profesionality of the people running this site. I would feel let down, and even worse in a way your allowing the reputation of them and their game to be ruined. If I were incharge of QGO I would request my game to be removed rarther than tainted as this is unjust and not fair upon others, i'm damn sure every other game on that list has been subject to fixed ratings and not just the legend of mir 3.
I belive the best thing that can be done is a complete hype wipe, this will stop this happening with the new system. Not only taht but it will stop EQ2 and WoW fans from runing the reputations of them games when its simply not fair.
The only hypes that we purged were ones that met BOTH of these conditions:
a) The user had logged into our site less than 2 times
b) The user hyped a 10 or 1
Is this perfect, no - of course not. However - the nice part is that whoever got their hype deleted can come back and do it again. If the fans of Mir3, Guild Wars, EQII or whatever want to hype their games they still can. We will not purge the hypes again now that the new checks are in place.
Actually, out of all the votes - the most that got purged were from EQII - some 300+ hypes for EQII were deleted because they were a 10 vote from a passer-by user. So don't think this effort was concentrated on any game in particular - it was across the board.
We will not wipe all the hypes because we would lose all of the comments that are bound to them...and that is not fair to the thousands of dedicated members who have fairly commented on the games. Granted, I know that out of the 1200 deleted hypes there were likely a few hundred good and honest comments about various games - and I think it sucks that they had to go...but we don't have the time to hand review each one to see which were fair - we needed a simple formula to purge the majority of the hypes that were abused. As with anything there was obviously some collateral damage.
Quoting sacred here:
You are 100% correct...this problem has been going on for a long time - the incident with the recent discovery of people admitting to creating fake accounts and "ballot stuffing" on the Mir3 forum today was merely "the straw that broke the camel's back" so to speak. Again, out of 1200 hypes that were deleted - I think only 60 or so were for Mir3.
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- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
The fact this purge didn't work is proved by this comment:
His vote has *not* been removed. May I also point out that 60 out of 160 is a high percentage?
Anyway, your site, your decision.
60 out of 160? No, 60 out of 1250. We deleted 1250 hype votes - only 60 were for Mir3. That is under 5%.
I will openly admit that our purge did not get out all the bogus hype....just as it also deleted some very good hype.
We really don't have the time to sit down and read 9200 hypes...who would? We just ran a formula on the hypes that we felt would get rid of 90% of the bogus ones knowing it would have collateral damage as well as leave some bogus stuff still in the system.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
From reading this it wasn't so bad I guess and to be hoenst det had someone done something kidna simialr to tf you might have taken similar action yourself depending upon the circumatances and also having a required rating to vote or something isnt bad.
But just one question to the staff how does one recieve this rating ? is it post count based or from other posters rating your posts ?
More info on our ranking system here:
Just an FYI - you can earn a 5/100 rank with only logging in 3 days the past 30 days.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Seems a little harsh to have done it the way you did, you only penalised 1 game.
Oh well that will just prove to all that it is a really good game when the numbers go back up.
Really now... did you bother to read ANYTHING that was posted above? Or just come in and hit reply and throw up some nonsense?
Only penalized one game? Please, explain that to me...
Around 1250 hypes were deleted... Only 60 of which were from Mir3... Which is only 4.8% of the total hypes deleted for the record... And it didn't even get hit hardest of all the games, EQ2 got hit hardest with about 300 hypes deleted... Which for the record, if you can't figure it out, actually HELPED Mir3 in the long run... But please, maybe I'm not using the right logic here, please explain to me how only one game was penalized?
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
I Find the revamp fair enough, looking at the dates nonagree-ers/you mir people registered is proof enough for me.
If you like a game so much you'll play it no matter what its rated so stop tying your bra in a knot. Some games with poor rating I still find enjoyable enough. Thumbs up to, I'm crawling back in bed damn sun is still up.
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I just wanna commend admin on what seems to be a good rule.
Well done and dont get too worked up over the negative comments poested here.
Some people just come on and moan about anything without giving it any real thought at all, you did the best thing i can think of. so
Not an Elite Member? Hows that happened?
Finally some good news about the hype system. I hated to see the few times I would look under a game and see someone say:
LOL Man this game sucks. It is so terrible, it will never stand up to ______ because I said so! HAHAHA!
Seemed like you could find those every other rating. Good to see at least a little (maybe alot) less of that. Now we just need a way to read someone's mind before they post so we know if they are planning just to lower the games score to strengthen their own game.
Testing Currently:
Alpha: Guild Wars
Beta: Saga of Ryzom + Risk Your Life
Playing: City of Heroes
Interested: WOW & EQII (yeah, both... deal with it)
Playing: WOW & GW
Not sure I follow this. Why would we block an entire ISP's customer base? The thing is that we really don't know who is going to cheat, etc. - we would need one of those machines in "Minority Report" to tell us who was about to offend. We do what we do because most cheaters or "ballot stuffers" don't have the patience to create fake accounts AND get them to a rank of 5 AND only hype 2 games a day.
I think it is sad that we have to punish the good people out there who are new members and have valuable opinions to share - but hopefully these rules are set low enough to not be too obtrusive
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
I think it was good solution what admin choose for that "problem"
So dont bother with crapy no-point critics.I think it cant turn away ppl who dont only singin to vote for their games and than came back maybe after month or in same case never.
And this bring me to one idea but i think you dont agree it coz it lower your "popularity" in other words number of registered users/total members.What is,i know, important in your marketing to companies.More users >> more cash from advertisment and maybe more exclusive giweaways,but with this one i`m not sure coz i think its due to Admin`s great begging and groveling skills as i discovered earlier
Wu name dizirgee->Tough Destroyer
lordken->Friendly Mastermind
Wu name dizirgee->Tough Destroyer
I`m Lawful Good Human Fighter Paladin
and you?
OK so they did what they (admin) think is best for their site, I know that we all spend time here and might not like everything that goes on but remember when you live at your parents house you follow THEIR rules. I did not see this damaging the site or any of the games. I saw all the games across the board get a fair response from this as it was limited to ONLY 2 different sets of rules.
I think that they admin here are doing a great job as for one they are not flaming people who post really silly and idiotic posts about how they were personally affronted by a decision someone made that they dont even know.
If you want to do a hype meter in a different format or under a different set of rules then build your own web site and put the funding in it to get all vendors involved like they have and have fun.
Bildgerat LiL'Pirate
Bildgerat LiL'Pirate
People can argue the details but this was essentially a good move enacted for a good purpose: the legitimization of the Hype ratings.