I've decided to give EQ another shot after not touching it for five years....but I'd like to come back twice as strong. Can anyone link me to a program that'll let me run two instances of the game on one PC? Thanks.
No additional programs are required. Once you've patched your first instance and clicked play, you can proceed with opening a second instance. You can even do three (but I wouldn't suggest it).
2 runs okey on my new computer, haven't tried 3 yet, but eq tends to crash after a lot of switching, might help that i run both sessions in window mode (1280*1024)
There is a program called wineq2 that will force the game to run in a modified wndow mode. I prefer it to alt tabbing in between programs as I have issues crashing when I do that. On my PC I can run 3 instance at the same time with no issues.
No additional programs are required. Once you've patched your first instance and clicked play, you can proceed with opening a second instance. You can even do three (but I wouldn't suggest it).
2 runs okey on my new computer, haven't tried 3 yet, but eq tends to crash after a lot of switching, might help that i run both sessions in window mode (1280*1024)
There is a program called wineq2 that will force the game to run in a modified wndow mode. I prefer it to alt tabbing in between programs as I have issues crashing when I do that. On my PC I can run 3 instance at the same time with no issues.
Tried wineq2 before, worked okey, i do experience a lot of crashes right now, well not as bad when i run both sessions in
windowed mode, fullscreen used to crash after one or 2 switches, new computer has 4gig ram and nice gfx card so there is plenty of power