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Just a suggestion, currently the game hyping system is easily abused so that people can make their game the number one. I propose the following be considered:
To hype a game you need 5/100 of them ranking point thingys
You can only hype 1-3 games, this stops people ranking games and giving that games competition a 1
Clear all of the user hype ratings, theirs a good possability that their results are all tainted to try and make one game better than the other and this is wrong.
I know for a fact that MMORPG/com are the best website for MMORPG news, screenshots and information. And its such a shame that the hype system is so easily abused to make one game better than another.
p.s. This might also require a change to the normal ranking system, I think its ok to leave it so you can rate as many games as you want with a limit of 2 a day but raise the requirement to do this to say 15/100 of them points as it will help stop people making multiple accounts just to boost ratings
p.p.s afterinputing a emoticon if you press the backspace key it takes you back a page and doesnt delete the emoticon, this is highly annoying as it results in having to re-type your post again (not sure if it happend to everyone but it does to me)
I,m very disapponted that uve decided to downgrade mir3 simply because of the large no of ppl voting for it. The abuse of the system of voting has been going on for a long time and to now just turn around and penalise mir3 for just a few ppl ( who probably havent got a clue of mir3 and just wana c other mmorpg stay at the top) is not right.
I,m not here to flame the website as ive been a regular viewer of the site but after the action u`ve taken i thk its been too one sided against mir3.I agree with the sugesstions of ppl hyping 1 game at a time and need a certain amound of points to do so but i would just like u to RESET THE RATING FOR ALL THE GAMES AND START A FRESH and not penalize anyone one game as ALLl the game reviews have been open to abuse.
I would like to ask a few questions re: MIR3's Hype-Ometer:
1 - on what criteria have you deleted ratings?
2 - are there other games that got this treatment? If so, what are they?
Out of curiousity, have you deleted his vote?
This is totally not the case. This action was *not* targeted at Mir3 or any game. If it was targeted at anything it was at a group of people which could be summed up as "passer-bys" - these would be people who visited the site only once and hyped a game with a 1 or 10. This would be all hypes - even ones as old as a year and for all games.
Again, the purge of roughly 13% of the hypes was in no way directed at any game in particular. I saw many games take a dive as a result of the purge...many worse than Mir3.
Also, we are not interested in "starting fresh" there is thousands of good comments on tons of games that would be lost. This content has taken over a year to accumulate and ripping it all out is just not an option.
Purging the hypes from this "passer-by" group no doubt deleted some good and valid hype scores and comments from honest people...and we urge and beg those honest people to come back and tell us how they feel about upcoming games (it's not like we banned anyone). We just don't have the time to hand-read thousands of comments and had to come up with a mathematical and quick solution to the problem.
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- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Looks like one of my posts gone missing.
It was suggest by some forum users that the LOM3 Hype-meter be reset and all the ratings removed.
The way it is now it is simply flawed, as proven by this comment that hasn't been deleted
On Jun 27, 2004 Xzaro wrote:
I voted a 1 just because some stupid people on LoM3 forums all got together and voted a 10 just to get it to the top hyped MMOG's.
BTW, you said you have removed 60 ratings out 160... it's a high percentage, isn't it?
Anyway, your site, your decision.
Edit: that post has now reappeared, my apologies.
I think I posted this in another was 60 out of 1250 - not 160.
I deleted the rating you is worthless and not what we are looking for. It did not get deleted in the purge because the purge was not done by manually reading 9000+ comments...that would take weeks!
We purged based on a math equation. Basically we told the database "please remove all hype ratings from users that have only logged into this site once AND who hyped a value of 10 or 1" and poof it wiped out 1250 hypes out of rougly 9200 total hypes.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Last time I checked, before the purge, MIR3 had about 160 votes, which means that you have deleted 37%/38% of all ratings for this game. No wonder it has sinked.
No one here is expecting that you read all posts and ratings , we're just pointing out the fact MIR3 deserves a fresh start.
Thank you for your replies so far.
I really think that a fresh start might harm Mir3 more than it will help it. I look over the comments and I see a lot of positive and informative comments that took many authors a lot of time...I would hate to see all of those lost.
I am just guessing - but based on the current ratings of other isometric games on our list - Mir3 would *probably* not fare well from a hype purge. A rating of 6.6 places it basically #1 in its class.
Because Mir3 only has about 100 votes right now...20-30 more positive votes would have a major impact on its rating. It is a very, very new entry on our list. In 2-3 months when it has 500+ hype votes the fact of whether we purge it or not will have little to no impact on the overall score. I just don't think it is fair to the people who have comments in there now to just remove these comments were placed by members who visit this site on a regular basis.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Maybe a good idea would be to search your database for all of the "1" hype ratings and quickly scan over the comments. youll find many of the 1 raters are repeat offenders and do it just to boost the rating of their game.
I dont think a fresh start would acctually help LoM3 now, its too late of the flaming people from here will have gone their and rated it 1 now and will do it again if the rating was reset.