hi just a returning player....
my questions
how necro works? u are a ghost and u move the "pet" around as your player? choose spells ? or u are the ghost and order pet to cast spells?
i want to have cool looking pets , reading patch notes there was a revamp in pet graphics right?
bonedancer looks cool but i dont like having 3 or 4 pets, i prefer a powerfull pet...
spiritmaster looks like a real summoner is it?
cabalits have crap looking pets all looks the same but different colors =/
enchanters are meh no good nukes imo =/
so in the end...wich 1 has the best looking pets , and wich 1 is the real pet class ?
thx 4 advice
My opinion on pet classes.
So, there you have my pet class opinion.
Edit: Someone will invariably come in and say Cabalists are best, but the reality is that Cabalists are situationally the best.
And just to answer you Necro questions better than anyone here can in less than 10 pages, read this:
VN Boards Necro FAQ
i would dissagree, necro is only a good spec to go if you have a cleric bot following you. otherwise deathsight is much much more efficient.
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I agree that Bonedancers are fun although I never played one very high. I was wondering though, I do play a spiritmaster and was wondering why you think they are the best overall?
"God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."
I don't disagree and didn't in my opinion above. Deathsight is an excellent pve "true solo" spec for necro and I feel it is still the best overall pet class for it's ability to level without breaks, farm, and has some ability to participate in RvR after the pet changes.
I agree that Bonedancers are fun although I never played one very high. I was wondering though, I do play a spiritmaster and was wondering why you think they are the best overall?
I called them best overall with baseline pet. That means they are essentially competing against Bonedancers, enchanters, necros and cabalists. I did not count Animists due to the nerfs and the limitations of their pets now days. The reason I rank them high is because they have such high utility. They can have excellent baseline pets (better than all but bonedancer IMO), charmed pets, pbaoe, nice debuffs, viable mez, demez, and lifetap. With all the tools they have, they can be extremely effective for whatever role you choose as a caster. Enchanters have debuff, baseline stun, and pbaoe and that is it. Bonedancers have excellent pets and some nice DoTs (especially after the next patch), but not much more with the nerf to their lifetap. Cabalists have nearsight, debuffs, disease, lifetaps, and aoe disease / dot, but the pets are not as good as SMs and they cannot charm. Overall, SMs and Cabalists can be considered fairly close, but IMO Cabbies shine better when duo with a Sorcerer.
So in the end, IMO, the SM outshines the others that get a baseline pet for overall utility in the end run, however, if you want pure best pet class to play to 50 and especially to solo pve, then necro. All the pet classes have their strengths though especially once you start figuring in buffbots. Light spec Mentalists can do things with pets that no other class in the game can do. Cabalists have some wicked RvR capabilities. Necros and BDs can "true solo" things that nobody else can, especially in instances or dungeons where Mentalists cannot charm a decent pet.